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Posted (edited)

nu stiu daca aceasta piesa se incadreaza macar in jazz, dar in orice caz e remarcabil



iar daca vine vorba despre jazzul mai traditional, intotdeauna asociez cu muzicienii de strada din Praga, si atomsfera de acolo :lol:



btw, e impresionant pustiul cu chitara, dar sincer, urasc videourile de gen "18 months old drummer genius" sau "6 year old guitar hero prodigy" :)

ce relevanta are daca are 9 sau 99 de ani? :lol:

Edited by sakavaka
Guest Gratisyahu
Posted (edited)

JBBG. Au niste piese foarte faine. 18 oameni in trupa.




Django Reinhardt. Spre exemplu Belleville. Cei care au jucat mafia stiu despre ce e vorba.



Duke Ellington



Dave Brubeck



Ella fitzgerald, cautati, printre multe altele piesa Russian Lullaby.


smooth jazz: Chuck Loeb






Ar mai fi ceva, dar nu stiu cat de mult intra asta in categoria jazz:


Jeff Wayne - The war of the worlds:


Edited by Gratisyahu
Posted (edited)


Ceva dragut

Edited by Tzoaie
Guest dachsund
Posted (edited)


Edited by dachsund
Posted (edited)
  Tzoaie said:
Ceva dragut


Aaah! de parca ar lua 1000 de specii de animale si le-ar jupui pe toate odata. Ce se vrea a fi aceasta? e vreun subgen?


Acum vad ca e free jazz, daaar dupa mine oricat de avangardist vrei sa fii, daca efectiv ragi fara vreun inteles (in cazul percutionistului din clip) atunci nu mai e muzica. Si ce sentiment mai transmite?

Edited by Quetzalcoatl
Guest Tomy Fingers

Uitati inca ceva interesant....gypsy jazz! :)




Din seria Petruccci, dar pah jazz


Dacã vã place jazz-ul atunci vã recomand site-ul: http://www.cadavreesquis.whi-music.co.uk/ :)


Cadavre Esquis is an online collaboration of musicians from the freejazz.org community. Here are the rules of the game:


A track is seeded by a musician providing a starting track. Someone else will then download that track, add a further layer and then post the result. Overlayers are not confined to the most recent track, and can reach back into the history of the track to fork it. Results are then posted here for your listening pleasure. All tracks are what they are; there is no 'finished track', although a compilation is planned for whi music later in the process.

Guest Tomy Fingers
Posted (edited)
  eM. said:
Tot ãștia au fãcut și muzica din jocul Mafia? :)


Artistul al carui muzica este prezent in jocul Mafia se numeste Django Reinhardt (1910-1953). El fost un tigan(no offense pentru tigani, dar nu am gasit alt mod de exprimare pe moment, si in plus si eu cant gypsy jazz :lol: , deci respect) din franta. Artistii pe care i-ai vazut in acel video sunt Birelli Lagrene, Stochelo Rosenberg, Dorado Schmitt, Tchavolo Schmitt si Angelo Debarre, marii chitaristi de gypsy jazz al vremurilor noastre. Iar melodia pe care o canta se numeste Les Yeux Noir, compusa de Django Reinhardt. Django are o biografie interesanta, cauta pe wikipedia.

Edited by Tomy Fingers
Guest puf puf
Posted (edited)

cam prea multi barbati :)


o zeitate feminina

si 2 chestii descoperite de curand

Edited by puf puf
Guest flautufermecat

"That guitar player sucks, hasn't he ever heard of a power chord" :)



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