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Guest Alexandru Dude

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Guest Alexandru Dude

Eu sunt Alex (sau dude) si acuma (dupa 5 ani de vazut ce fel de oameni stau panada la noi in romania pa domeniul musical) ma-m hotarat sa fac o schimbare in musica romaneasca. Ma-m saturat sa vad ca studiourile pro .k.k. scot 10000 de albume si fac si ei 10000 de dollari si continua sa scoate aceleasi piese in continua.. A vazut pa baieti de la neo cum au stat aplecatii dupa bani pentru ori-cine care d bani.. Si am cunoscut destuli de multi "baitei" cu bani de la pariniti care "au studio professional" (dar, daca trebi sa organizeasa e o lansara, sau sa inregistreaza ceva original, nu pot, le trebi un exemplu, le trebi se te duca cu vorba.... nici nu stieu astia ce sa manaca daca nu face mama...)

Deci. Stieu multe despre musica la noi. Imi amintesc clar legile de la big mamu pentru jam session, si cat de bine era un jam session adevarat in hazard. (Dar acu avem MAREA IMPRIETENEALA MUZICALA)

Deci...inregistrez si ajut la compoziti (si stieu ce inseamna sa compui, si nu doar din cap, si din suflet), ajut la versuri (adica cum sa exprimi ce trebi sa spui si cum si etc.), (pentru ca nu merge un sunet de guitar generic cu o voce extra-ordinara, si nu merge o voce ordinara cu un sunet de formatia generic) sunetul dorit, message (daca esti contra manele, daca esti pro football, daca esti pentru vietor si vrei sa merg pa bicyclete, sau daca vrei un camero si mult whiskey), imagine (adica unde sa canti, cu cine, cum sa apari pa scene, daca te introduci tu, daca te introduce cineva,etc), si tot ce inseamna musica..


Am fost primul sa cant in spice club, si in control, am cantat in destule locuri si chair....nu sa schimbat nimic prin stranganit. toti ramana sa canta coveri la jam session, cand din colo habar nu au cum sa tsin o progressi de mi,re,do,si si sa si simpta musica...


Daca vrea cineva sa inregistreaza....sau sa lucreaza la ceva... Eu cer 50 de euro pe negative (nu pa ora) apoi cer inca 20 pentru a inregistra vocea (pentru ca trebi sa mergem intrun borcan, sau pentru ca trebi sa gasim microphonul care prinde vocea cum trebi..si etc) Apoi, pentru cesti mici, nu cer nimic.

Ma gasiti la telephon pa 0725093354, sau pa mess la winkerz5...

Imi pare rau de romana mea stricata, am stat in New York timp de 16 ani, si am invatat romana singur cat am stat in bucuresti.


Si app. Exista o piesa care sa da de cel putin 20 de ori pa orice radio din romania (cu New York, concrete jungle dreams made of..blah blah) Deci daca de acolo a ajuns sa canta lume din romania despre orasul ala...nu ari trebi sa avem si noi ceva cu ce sa ne mandrim ?

Daca incearca ori-ce romana sa canta o piesa de folk irish, nu o sa poate, nici balauru nici cristi gram, nici nimeni (ma rog sa o canta intro saptamana) eira folk la noi e re, la, si ? ?

Hai sa trecem la inca un nivele d musica si gand.

Si nu stieu ce sa mai zic..de cati va ani incerc sa fac ceva solid aici in romania si tot de dezamagiri dau in continua.

In New York am lucrat la studio in care a inregistrate metallica primul album...din intimplator...aici ce sa zici ? Am cunoscut pa oameni care au ajutat pa vama veche sa face albume cand avem 18 ani ?



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Guest Valy18


Dude, a specificat ca a invatat singur limba romana. 


Voi sunteti pandari... cum a gresit cineva un cuvant, hai sa ii dam cu lopata in cap.


Get a life.

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Guest Valy18

O varianta ar fi sa nu fi vazut niciodata cuvantul respectiv scris...

(asta e ultimul off-topic)


[Hai sa fim si noi macar o data oameni] 

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Deci sa reluam subiectul ca sa inteleg mai bine:

- ai 22 de ani si de 16 esti plecat (cu familia) in States

- nu prea stii romaneste dar te oferi sa faci texte

- ceri 50 euro (noi le spunem si iepuroi) pe negativ si 20 pe sesiunea de studio pentru voce.

- nu ne arati nimic din ce ai facut pana acum (in cei 22 de ani) dar noi te credem pe cuvant ca doar vii din America si chiar acolo toti muzicienii sunt ok


Pana aici este foarte clar. Ce nu inteleg este de ce postezi aici la inregistrari si nu la PUBLICITATE (Advertising). Sau chiar la cafenea....

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Guest Alexandru Dude
Deci sa reluam subiectul ca sa inteleg mai bine:

- ai 22 de ani si de 16 esti plecat (cu familia) in States

- nu prea stii romaneste dar te oferi sa faci texte

- ceri 50 euro (noi le spunem si iepuroi) pe negativ si 20 pe sesiunea de studio pentru voce.

- nu ne arati nimic din ce ai facut pana acum (in cei 22 de ani) dar noi te credem pe cuvant ca doar vii din America si chiar acolo toti muzicienii sunt ok


Pana aici este foarte clar. Ce nu inteleg este de ce postezi aici la inregistrari si nu la PUBLICITATE (Advertising). Sau chiar la cafenea....

That's kind of insulting, so if you insult me in your mothers tongue allow me to insult you in my countries language.

So you really didn't catch the important stuff...and your a negative nancy.

In the states I was forced to read standardized notation since I was 5,I had to play flute, trumbone, saxophone, sing in a few chorus(es)...and do alot of other musical "education" just to actually graduate.And I know alot of people in Romania don't even participating in anything musical, just because it doesn't really exist and it's not imposed as part of a school criteria....I'm assuming.

Second I was born here and I have visited all but the furthest of the west of this country (and I say I know more of this wonderful country that I was born in (Romania) then any one can expect, and don't mention Romanian history, that's bullocks. Anyone can pick up a text book and quote). And sorry I have to mention that I'm Romanian so many times.

I know people here in Romania, and not just in Bucharest that offer facilities and equipment for recording, and at 22 I have access to over 100,000 RON of gear. From Fender Jazz basses to 16 headphone splitters. But no-one will let you use anything for free, unless your me, but the people that want to record aren't me so they have to pay to cover the years I spent getting to know people and doing favors and drinking, and playing bass, drums, guitar, and holding rythms so people can find harmonies...yet more things I think you never will do..

what else kid...oo Yea I have gotten screwed over in music by rich little pricks more times then ...well alot of bloody times. I know that rich kids with money from mommy and daddy screw every one over in Romania :) I actually had a few girlfriends like that, again something you probably will never have. :*

Yea...I'm the only one in Romania that actually wants to see happy people making happy music. I think I'm the only one that knows Black dog is played in drop D, and that you a major "moby dick"

I offer 24 bit recordings at sample rates up to 192 khz. I can record everything from drums to ...Cellos...There's about :| 30 different microphones that I can use to get the sound my clients and I will be looking for and ...I don't know. Why do you post here, you flamed me you lamer. In most forums flaming isn't allowed.

Yea...I did not write to much because I'm not writing a biography of my life, and I'm not really sure this will work, I mean nothing worked until now, and I'm still investing money to play music, I've been taken advantage of (I actually herd a piece of guitar I recorded on profm, cute but, where's my money?)--(it was a simple arpeggio progression recorded, then played backwards and layered with the forward recording (sample) to create false progressions)--yet again something I am willing to bet my liver on that you have no clue about.

To any Terrorist/ Patriotic person/admin on the forums that feels like this should be moved to the english forum...My bad...

Some of my work is on soundclick.com (but you have to click on my name to see where) something you didn't do...- nu ne arati nimic din ce ai facut pana acum...Ba da doar ca trebi sa intrebi si sa vorbesti.. imi pare rau daca mcdonalds si kfc te a invatat ca totul e la commanda imi pare rau ca wikipedia te a invatat ca toate informatile sunt la un click departe de tine. Dar oameni au cap, si vor sa vorbeasca, communistule mic :).


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@dude: too much words!!!! :) ...si putine fapte!!!! In loc de 1000 de cuvinte, putei sa bagi ceva lucrat de tine si problema era resolvata, daca lucrare place atunci o sa ai clienti, daca lucrare este mediocra atunci o sa lucrezi mai 'putin'. faza cu vandut 'AER' avem destule.

De altfel abordare ta mi se pare cam agresiva de gen 'AMERICA': 'aici sunteti varza, nu prea stiti nimic si doamne ajuta ca am venit eu salvatoru din america!!'

Conclusionez sa te desvalui ceva de care cred ca nu ai tinut in considerare, America nu are nimic mai mult decat europa decat procent de somaj si crima, asa ca aide sa nul mai lungim atat cu america aceasta si postaza ceva concret daca vrei sa fi luat in serios.

In rest te aurez success in afaceri si numai bine!!

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Ti-ai ales gresit tara in care sa oferi serviciul asta. Dar ar trebui sa pui si ceva sample-uri. Eu nu cred ca vorbesti mai bine engleza decat romana, deci nu stiu daca esti mai mult american sau mai mult roman sau ce esti, dar aici e vorba de muzica. Arata-ne niste exemple, fa-ti un site, ofera carti de vizita si o sa fie mult mai usor de gasit clienti decat sa vii sa te certi pe forumuri.

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That's kind of insulting, so if you insult me in your mothers tongue allow me to insult you in my countries language.

So you really didn't catch the important stuff...and your a negative nancy.

In the states I was forced to read standardized notation since I was 5,I had to play flute, trumbone, saxophone, sing in a few chorus(es)...and do alot of other musical "education" just to actually graduate.And I know alot of people in Romania don't even participating in anything musical, just because it doesn't really exist and it's not imposed as part of a school criteria....I'm assuming.

Second I was born here and I have visited all but the furthest of the west of this country (and I say I know more of this wonderful country that I was born in (Romania) then any one can expect, and don't mention Romanian history, that's bullocks. Anyone can pick up a text book and quote). And sorry I have to mention that I'm Romanian so many times.

I know people here in Romania, and not just in Bucharest that offer facilities and equipment for recording, and at 22 I have access to over 100,000 RON of gear. From Fender Jazz basses to 16 headphone splitters. But no-one will let you use anything for free, unless your me, but the people that want to record aren't me so they have to pay to cover the years I spent getting to know people and doing favors and drinking, and playing bass, drums, guitar, and holding rythms so people can find harmonies...yet more things I think you never will do..

what else kid...oo Yea I have gotten screwed over in music by rich little pricks more times then ...well alot of bloody times. I know that rich kids with money from mommy and daddy screw every one over in Romania :) I actually had a few girlfriends like that, again something you probably will never have. :*

Yea...I'm the only one in Romania that actually wants to see happy people making happy music. I think I'm the only one that knows Black dog is played in drop D, and that you a major "moby dick"

I offer 24 bit recordings at sample rates up to 192 khz. I can record everything from drums to ...Cellos...There's about :| 30 different microphones that I can use to get the sound my clients and I will be looking for and ...I don't know. Why do you post here, you flamed me you lamer. In most forums flaming isn't allowed.

Yea...I did not write to much because I'm not writing a biography of my life, and I'm not really sure this will work, I mean nothing worked until now, and I'm still investing money to play music, I've been taken advantage of (I actually herd a piece of guitar I recorded on profm, cute but, where's my money?)--(it was a simple arpeggio progression recorded, then played backwards and layered with the forward recording (sample) to create false progressions)--yet again something I am willing to bet my liver on that you have no clue about.

To any Terrorist/ Patriotic person/admin on the forums that feels like this should be moved to the english forum...My bad...

Some of my work is on soundclick.com (but you have to click on my name to see where) something you didn't do...- nu ne arati nimic din ce ai facut pana acum...Ba da doar ca trebi sa intrebi si sa vorbesti.. imi pare rau daca mcdonalds si kfc te a invatat ca totul e la commanda imi pare rau ca wikipedia te a invatat ca toate informatile sunt la un click departe de tine. Dar oameni au cap, si vor sa vorbeasca, communistule mic :).



Dude, you write in English same bad as in Romanian, so I can't imagine how you can write a poetry text to be used for rock music. Probably you are the same in music and music production.


Dude! cred ca intelegi destul de bine si romaneste dar avand in vedere ca esti de aceeasi varsta cu fiul meu cel mic (care are cam acelasi background cu care te lauzi dar pe bune de asta data) te sfatuiesc sa te documentezi (nici pe Google nici pe Wiki ci macar pe forumul de fata) inainte de a face niste afirmatii destul de belicoase (vezi dictionarul) despre mine si competentele mele. Nu am pretentia de a fi autoritatea suprema in domeniu dar am o experienta (nu muzicala ci de viata) suficienta ca sa detectez imediat tupeul si fanfaronada (vezi iarasi dictionarul).

Putem conversa civilizat (si cu o ortografie corecta) in orice limba doresti engleza sau romana, dar nu cred ca avem subiect comun de discutie.


Nu am decat sa multumesc colegilor pe care nu-i cunosc dar ii respect ca mi-au luat-o inainte cu observatiile de mai sus.


And, dude!... click on the links below or search the net with your favourite search engine for "dgeekoo" and, to quote a forum colleague (if you can take a little joke, american style):


Have a nice day!









Nu cred ca te-am jignit cu nimic daca am facut niste constatari pertinente

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Guest Alexandru Dude


Am cantat si cant la:

Saxophone, Flute, Trombone, Tobe, Bass (si contra bass de aia nu e bass guitara), Guitara, un pic de clape (ca toate lumea stie ce note are un do re mi ca accord), djembe, si multe altele...

Stieu sa lucrez cu:

Cubase, Sonar, Acid, Audition, Si Ableton.

Pot sa programes midi, si stieu sa lucrez cu Virtual Instruments (sampled and oscilated) si doar Vsturi.

Pot sa scot din partiduri midi, sau din midi partiduri pentru a fi inregistrat la ...Stiti voi unde :)

Si pot sa fac multe multe altele...


Cunosc toate sali de repetite, si stieu care sunt cele mai bune (si nu doar in bucuresti)

Am mai zis ca pot sa merge la studio unde a inregistrat metallica kill em all ? Ca am lucrat acolo ??

Nu..imi pare rau...am uitat.

Vam zis ca am dat lectie la Mit? ce e mit ?? musician institute ?? nu ?? bine...

Vam zis ca I helped write the thesis statements for students at the berklee university of music??

Noo...sorry...am uitat sa zic...

Da hai sa zic si de cantar


Am fost primul sa cant in.

Spice Club.

Control Club.

Base Skate shop.

La noi (noi find the epsilon rising) in studio (adica, am invitat the amsterdams, cica au venit,cica a venit djul lu tom boxer,etc cica a venit vro 100-200 de oameni, cica a fost la noi in studio...)

(mai erau cate-va dar sa mor eu daca mai imi pasa..)

Am cantat in

Utopia, Basement, Fire, Tansa,

The Gang (fostul Downstairs), Hazard, Prin Vama (tourul de jazz cu bere la rece, uni stieu alti nu stieu),

Locuri care nu sa pun daca ai cantat in...

Big Mamu, Iron City,

Pai..daca mai stie cineva de un loc unde am cantat sa imi spuna :lol:

Scribe (red) please correct my errors again :lol: I had a long day at the office, a fun day at football practice, and a longer day with my girlfriend (lets not get into details about who has a girlfriend and who is married and who is whatever.....:lol:

Red... Moby dick is a song by led zepplin, how can you say the words rock if you dont know the led Zep .

Dgeekgo you sound like my girlfriend..no offense,maybe we can work together and actually do something useful, I'm pretty sure your son didn't go to Mit to lecture, or tell the guys from pennywise to do what that picture you liked says to do ;)....

I don't know what else to say, if anyone has doubts just post up whatever you think is sooo unbelievable :|



P.s. If anyone works this much with keeping people happy and not insulting people (P.R.) Just imagine what that person can do for bands or artists image, and sound.


Sper sa nu fiu offtopic, dar tu esti acel dude a carui prietena i-a aruncat chitara pe geam?


Revenind ontopic, ce pot sa zic... Bafta in gasirea unor clienti. Eu sincer cred ca fara un nume nu prea o sa faci mare chestie, dar tine-te de treaba :D


Does everyone have to remind me about that :)


Si nu conteaza unde stam (los angelos, berlin, tokio, alaska,luna), ca tot oameni cu cap, suflet, si inspirati si toate astea suntem, ori-unde suntem.

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you write in English same bad as in Romanian

Îmi vine în minte o expresie cu cioburi ºi oale, or pots and kettles if one is unfamiliar with Romanian idioms.


Moby dick is a song by led zepplin

Superb. ªi The Man Who Sold the World e de la Nirvana, nu?


Da, e foarte hazliu thread-ul ãsta dar ce cautã încã la Înregistrãri? :)

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Guest Alexandru Dude

.....Off doamne...

http://www.mi.edu/ (its an inside joke why everyone calls it Musicians InsTitute..just talk to the professors)

Da a fost un roman scris de unul, si a fost si filmu, dar aici e vorba de musica :) .

Mersi ca imi pui linkuri cu materiale vechi de la youtube aici, dar unde e andri popa, si tarantula ? ? :)


Aici poti sa vezi o cesti de cum fac musica :lol:


(Am facut un master pentru...asa draft)


Astept sa aud ca piesa e naspa, proasta si etc...ca nu e masterizat cum trebia ca cum sa fac inregistrari daca suna chair in halu ala de naspa :) )....Dar sincer, nu trece de 0.0 db, totul e foarte bine gandit si lucrat :lol: si apoi tobele....vai tobel :lol:

Imi pare rau ca am pus ceva fara voce aici pa forum, dar caut vocal.



(soundclick.com/rmn-dude) <- Dar mai bine intrebi :|....


No the man who sold the world isn't by nirvana...and neither was my girl (or so I have herd) but moby dick is an original zeppi song kiddos. And I swear if somebody says zeppi sucks...I'm movin to Irock.

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Guest Alexandru Dude

Dear Broken strings.

To your questions, and suggestions:


QUOTE (Alexandru Dude @ Apr 14 2010, 10:06 PM) post_snapback.gifAm fost primul sa cant in.

Spice Club.

Control Club.

Base Skate shop.


Nu ai vreo inregistrare cu tine cintind? Nu de alta, dar in caz contrar voi deduce ca ai cintat in gind."


In control there is a 6 band cross-over with an incorporated eq. per channel. That means. Left and Right = Independent Bass, Middle-tones, and High tone 'amplifiers'. Of which + connect to a big huncky beautiful mixer, which in term exits through a baby of a power amp. Pushing all that hard hard sound force to create great sound. (au sunetul mistoj, stieu ca la-m probat cand iara fresh :lol:)

Base skate-shop. Avea statie de chitari mici in care baga angajati de la base melodi prin mp3. Si eu am prins pa un tip din constanta care stie nickleback. We had fun sing "remember the old arcade, spent every cent I made" "No, we're never gonna quit

Ain't nothing wrong with it

Just acting like we're animals". (Now base is also a club).

Spice club. Walk in and ask about the Epsilon rising. Or say: (Wall + Microphone + First night.) + In one sentence.

"Material solid".... :) ?? Ce a fost nu are lagatura cu ce vreau sa fac

Daca e dai search pa youtube la dudermn....sau nu stieu, vino la un concert, sau o repetitia. Sau poate vin eu la tine in camin si bem o bere in hall la un acoustic adevarat .:).

A mai fost ocazie la baluri, nunti, si etc :)...But not the kind you'd expect :lol:.


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Guest Alexandru Dude

QUOTE (FiveseveN @ Apr 15 2010, 04:14 PM) *

Nu doar cã sunt supraapreciați dar sunt ºi plagiatori neruºinați laugh.gif







Bine, atunci si pheonix si iris, si cargo la fel.

Va pup dulce copi... :)

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Guest Alexandru Dude
Pentru chitari de dimensiune normala ce foloseau?


Totusi, te a laut ceva sa te gandesti :).

Cred ca tot statiele mici....


Si chair nu e nimieni care vrea sa inregistreazA ?

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Dear Broken strings.

Sau poate vin eu la tine in camin si bem o bere in hall la un acoustic adevarat . :) .

A mai fost ocazie la baluri, nunti, si etc :) ...But not the kind you'd expect :lol: .



mwhahahahaha... dudule.. te-a citit.

fr ala vine de la ferentari.. unde-s caminele de la ingineria solului. G-engineering, cum se zice la Music InsTitute




LE.. si daca esti cuminte, dupa aia.. poate te invita la el in cellar, unde este un mic recording studio facut intro floating room, pentru ca downtown e volume regulation. gata.

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