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Edmond last won the day on June 21 2023

Edmond had the most liked content!


Profile Information

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Other Information

  • Band
    Dordeduh; Sunset in the 12'th house, Transceatla
  • Gear
    Guitars : ManneDesign Ventura Classic 7
    Guitar amps : Peavey 6505+, Fender Super Reverb - 4x10" - Silverface, Miles Platting, Sound City 200 Plus, Solton BV150, Dynacord Bassking
    Guitar cab: Peavey 5150, Marshall 1960A, Sound City 412
    Pedals: MXR MC 401, EHX Cathedral, EHX Memory Man with Hazarai, Digitech Whammy, Boss Tu-2, Lava Box
    Consonance Studio

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. Merci frumos. Din pacate nu au Ruby pe stock.
  2. Salutare tuturor Imi puteti recomanda niste site-uri unde as putea sa cumpar tuburi in Europa in afara de thomann, tube-town, tubeamptoctor, roto-tubes. Ce ma intereseaza in special sunt Ruby Tubes 6L6GC, sau Mesa STR sau eventual Grove Tubes, toate quarteturi. Merci frumos
  3. Vandut. Merci frumos RGC.
  4. Vandute. Se poate inchide. Merci frumos.
  5. Vand 2 difuzoare Celestion K 100 provenite dintr-un cabinet oversized 4x12 Marshall MF 350. Le vand pentru doresc sa-mi pun alte doua difuzore diferite in cab pentru a schimba tonalitatea. Difuzoarele sunt in stare perfecta, avand 100 de W bucata, nu au moarte. Trimit in tara prin curier pe cheltuiala cumparatorului. Pret: 300 de lei bucata, ne-negociabil Nu sunt interesat de schimburi.
  6. 800 de lei + transport. Ultimul pret.
  7. Ziua buna As dori sa va intreb daca stie cineva care este radius-ul chitarii Savoy, modelul neck through? As dori sa-i schimb bridge-ul si vreau sa stiu ce bridge sa-i cumpar. Merci frumos, numai bine.
  8. Se poate inchide. THX
  9. Se poate inchide. Thx
  10. Se poate inchide, s-au dat. Merci frumos!
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