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KeopsAxx last won the day on June 24 2023

KeopsAxx had the most liked content!

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KeopsAxx's Feedback

  1. Christian Cort left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Fender American Standard Stratocaster 1995
    Tranzactie fara probleme, coleg serios, comunicare foarte buna! Recomand cumparatorul!

    KeopsAxx was The Buyer

  2. cereal left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] G&L Tribute Asat Classic Bluesboy LPB
    Om serios, comunicare f buna, bun simt

    KeopsAxx was Trading

  3. Frîncu Bogdan left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Prs Se Custom 24
    Un om de nota 10 si de incredere maxima!

    KeopsAxx was The Seller

  4. guitarhead left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Yamaha Np-V80 Piaggero
    Good deal, om serios, recomand! :)

    KeopsAxx was The Seller

  5. vanzar left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Tu-2
    Cumparator serios. Recomand!

    KeopsAxx was The Buyer

  6. AddRien left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Compressor/sustainer - 120 Lei
    Un băiat deosebit!

    KeopsAxx was The Buyer

  7. avatar2100 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedala Digitech Bad Monkey Tube Overdrive In Cutie
    Persoana civilizata, cumparator parolist. Recomand

    KeopsAxx was The Buyer

  8. CATY left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Line6 Pod Hd300 Cu Lin6 Pod X3 Live
    Baiat de incredere, foarte serios!

    KeopsAxx was Trading

  9. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    3 Stative Chitarã
    Serios si parolist! Recomand cu incredere!

    KeopsAxx was The Seller

  10. ramurel left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Line 6 Pod Hd 300
    Serios şi de cuvânt ! Recomand !

    KeopsAxx was The Buyer

  11. loris left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Gt 3
    Om de incredere! Recomand cu caldura!!

    KeopsAxx was Trading

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