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Cultura Muzicala - Chitara


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Salut. sper sa nu fiu redundant, insa nu am mai gasit un topic pe acest forum care sa refere la acest subiect, asa ca o sa continui.


Multa lume, ca si mine, a descoperit chitara ceva mai tarziu, si a sarit niste pasi in formarea a ceea s-ar putea numi o "cultura muzicala" in domeniu. Chitara si stilurile ei sunt nenumarate, eu insa am studiat ceva chitara clasica, asa ca pentru inceput v-as ruga sa ma indrumati catre niste artisti, melodii, tehnici consacrate pentru acest stil. As dori sa-mi recomandati niste nume mari (cum ar fi Andres Segovia, nu stiu daca e cel mai reusit exemplu, dar ilustreaza oarecum ceea la ce ma refer) in acest domeniu care nu trebuie ocolite sub nicio forma, pentru cineva care pretinde ca ar avea legatura cu chitara clasica.


Multumesc anticipat. Sper ca incet incet sa pot acoperi niste lacune rusinoase.

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5 Veteran Classical Guitarists Every Guitarist Must Know







List of classical guitarists

(o lista de pe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_classical_guitarists mai gasesti cate vrei )


Baroque (17th & 18th century) [edit]

  • Antoine Carré
  • Francesco Corbetta (ca 1615–1681)
  • Giovanni Battista Granata
  • Francisco Guerau
  • Girolamo Montesardo
  • Alonso Mudarra (1510–1580)
  • Santiago de Murcia (Around 1682 or 1685–1732) (Spain)
  • Gaspar Sanz (1640–1710) (Spain)
  • Robert de Visée (ca 1658–1725) (France)

19th century [edit]

  • Dionisio Aguado (1784–1849) (Spain)
  • Matteo Carcassi (1792–1853) (Italy)
  • Ferdinando Carulli (1770–1841) (Italy)
  • Napoléon Coste (1806–1883) (France)
  • Adam Darr (1811–1866) (Germany)
  • Antoine de Lhoyer 1768–1852 (France)
  • José Ferrer (1835–1916)
  • François de Fossa (1775–1849) (Spain-France)
  • Mauro Giuliani (1781–1829) (Italy)
  • Johann Kaspar Mertz (1806–1856) (Austrian-based, born in Slovakia.)
  • Francesco Molino (1775–1847)
  • Niccolò Paganini (1782–1840) (Italian)
  • Giulio Regondi (Italian)
  • Luis T. Romero(1854–1893)(American)
  • Fernando Sor (1778–1839) (Spanish)
  • Andrei Osipovich Sychra (1773 or 1776 – 1850) (Russia)
  • Francisco Tárrega (1852—1909) (Spanish)

20th century [edit]

This article is a list of notable classical guitarists. For a complete list see the Category classical guitarists.

  • Laurindo Almeida (1917–1995)(Brasil)
  • María Luisa Anido (1907–1996) (Argentina, Spain)
  • Agustín Pío Barrios (1885–1944) (Paraguay)
  • Abel Carlevaro (1916–2001) (Uruguay)
  • Leif Christensen 1950–1988
  • Alirio Díaz (b. 1923) (Venezuela)
  • Sila Godoy (b. 1919)
  • Alexandre Lagoya (1929–1999) (France)
  • Antonio Lauro (1917–1986) (Venezuela)
  • Miguel Llobet (1878–1938)
  • Sergei Orekhov (1935–1998)
  • Emilio Pujol (1886–1980) (Spain)
  • Ida Presti (1924–1967)
  • Celedonio Romero (1913–1996) (Spain)
  • Regino Sainz de la Maza (1896–1981) (Spain)
  • Andrés Segovia (1893–1987) (Spain)
  • José Tomás (1934–2001) (Spain)
  • Narciso Yepes (1927–1997) (Spain)
  • Frantz Casseus (1915-1993) (Haiti)

Modern [edit]

  • Lily Afshar (b. 19--) (Iran / U.S.)
  • Cesar Amaro (b. 1948) (Uruguay)
  • Magnus Andersson (b. 1955) (Sweden)
  • Rafael Andia (b. 1942) (France)
  • Sergio Assad (b. 1952) (Brazil)
  • Evangelos Assimakopoulos (b.1940) (Greece)
  • Denis Azabagic (b. 1972) (Bosnia)
  • Alan Banks (Australia)
  • Manuel Barrueco (b. 1952) (Cuba)
  • Johanna Beisteiner (b. 1976) (Austria)
  • Gilbert Biberian (b. 1944)
  • Vladislav Blaha (b. 19--) (Czech Republic)
  • Dušan Bogdanović (b. 1955) (Yugoslavia
  • Liona Boyd (b. 1949)
  • Julian Bream (b. 1933) (United Kingdom)
  • Leo Brouwer (b. 1939) (Cuba)
  • Charo (b. 1941) (Spain)
  • John Couch (b. 1976) (New Zealand/Australia)
  • Gerard Cousins (Wales)
  • Aniello Desiderio (b. 1971) (Italy)
  • Máximo Diego Pujol
  • Carlo Domeniconi (b. 1947) (Italy)
  • Juanjo Domínguez (b. 1951) (Argentina)
  • Zoran Dukic (b. 1969) (Croatia)
  • Roland Dyens (b. 1955) (France)
  • Marcin Dylla (b.1976) (Poland)
  • Frank Bungarten (b.1958) (Germany)
  • Hucky Eichelmann (b. 1956) (Germany/Thailand)
  • Gabriel Estarellas (Spain)
  • Roberto Fabbri (b.1964) (Italy)
  • Oliver Fartach-Naini (b. 1964) (Germany)
  • Jim Ferguson (b. 1948) (U.S.)
  • Dang Ngoc Long (b. 1957) (Germany/Vietnam)
  • Eliot Fisk (b. 1958) (U.S. / Austria)
  • Yorgos Foudoulis (Greece)
  • José González (Sweden)
  • Duo46 Matt Gould (U.S.)
  • Tony Harmon (b. 1958) (U.S.)
  • Nicola Hall (b. 1969) (United Kingdom)
  • Robin Hill (b. 1953) (United Kingdom)
  • Adam Holzman (b. 1960)
  • Tilman Hoppstock (b. 1961) (Germany)
  • Simone Iannarelli (b. 1970) (Italy)
  • Sharon Isbin (b. 1956) (U.S.)
  • Ólavur Jakobsen (b. 1964) Faroe Islands
  • Mattias Jacobsson (b. 1984) (Sweden)
  • Ekachai Jearakul (b. 1987) (Thailand)[1]
  • Maria Kämmerling (b. 1946)
  • William Kanengiser (U.S.)
  • Hubert Käppel (Germany)
  • Milos Karadaglic (Montenegro)
  • Peter and Zoltán Katona (b. 1968) (Hungary)
  • Patrick Kearney (b. 1970) (Canada)
  • Nikita Koshkin (b. 1956) (Russia)
  • Leon Koudelak (b. 1961) (Czech Republic / Switzerland / Thailand)
  • Goran Krivokapić (b. 1979) (Serbia)
  • Irina Kulikova
  • Humberto Bruni Lamanna (b. 1957) (Venezuela)
  • David Leisner (b. 1953) (U.S.
  • Michael Lucarelli (b.1959) (U.S.)
  • Stephen Marchionda 1967 (U.S. / Spain)
  • Carlo Marchione (b. 1964) (Italy)
  • Pablo Márquez (b. 1967) (Argentina)
  • Martha Masters (b. 1972) (U.S.)
  • Luke Aaron Mayer (b. 1979) (Austria)
  • Anders Miolin (b. 1961) (Sweden / Switzerland)
  • Jaime Mirtenbaum Zenamon
  • Erling Møldrup (b. 1943)
  • Gentil Montaña (b. 1942) (Colombia)
  • Jorge Morel (b. 1931)
  • Thomas Müller-Pering (b. 1958) (Germany)
  • Michael Nicolella (b. 1963) (U.S.)
  • Gordon O'Brien (b. 1966)
  • Erkan Ogur (b. 1954) (Turkey)
  • Elie Ossipovitch (France)
  • Christopher Parkening (b. 1947)
  • Marco Pereira
  • Robert Phillips (b. 1953) (U.S.)
  • Álvaro Pierri (Uruguay)
  • Alberto Ponce (b. 1935), (Spain / France)
  • Stanko Prek
  • Štěpán Rak (b. 1945) (Czech Republic)
  • Charles Ramirez (b. 1953) (United Kingdom)
  • Marc Regnier (U.S.)
  • Angel Romero (b. 1946) (Spain)
  • Pepe Romero (b. 1944) (Spain)
  • David Russell (b. 1953) (United Kingdom (Scotland))
  • Flavio Sala (b. 1983) (Italy)
  • Karin Schaupp (Germany/Australia)
  • Stephan Schmidt (Germany / Switzerland based)
  • John Schneider
  • María Isabel Siewers
  • Göran Söllscher
  • David Starobin (b. 1951) (U.S.)
  • Pavel Steidl (b. 1961), (Czechoslovakia (now in the Czech Republic)/Netherlands)
  • David Tanenbaum (b. 1956) (U.S.)
  • Scott Tennant (b. 1962) (U.S.)
  • Michael Tröster (b. 1956) (Germany)
  • Galina Vale (Ukraine / United Kingdom)
  • Ana Vidović (b. 1980) (Croatia)
  • Jason Vieaux (b. 1973) (U.S.)
  • John Williams (b. 1941) (Australia)
  • Kazuhito Yamashita (b. 1961) (Japan)
  • Yang Xuefei (b. 1977) (People's Republic of China)
  • Andrew York (U.S.)
  • Laura Young (Canada)
  • Liza Zoe (b.1940) (Greece)


Edited by karpi
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