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Chitare japoneze


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Chitare Seymour Duncan ? ESP Navigator mai scump decat Gibson Custom Shop ? Tokai ?

Cititi despre toate si multe alte chestii interesante aici : http://www.guitarsjapan.com/about.html


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Navigator Models

Navigator guitars are the highest-end of all ESP guitars. The Navigator series Fender and Gibson replicas are

made at costs that exceed those even of Fender and Gibson’s own Custom Shops! They range in price from

$3,000 - $8,000 and are the pride of ESP. Sounds like a crazy idea destined for failure, but what many people

want nowadays is a quality guitar, made with the utmost attention to detail and don’t really care what the

headstock says. Navigator guitars have the exact dimensions of Fender and G



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Chitare Seymour Duncan ? ESP Navigator mai scump decat Gibson Custom Shop ? Tokai ?

Cititi despre toate si multe alte chestii interesante aici : http://www.guitarsjapan.com/about.html


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No way......cine ar vrea sa dea mai multi bani pe o copie decat pe produsul original? But then again, is oameni si oameni... :)

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Si totusi..sunetul specific fender..sau gibson..e specific acelor chitari, care "cica" nu suna asa bune ca alea, dar daca alea suna mai bine..nu mai e sunetu ala..e altceva..asa ca daca vrei acel sunet, totusi optezi pt originalul mai "ruff" sa zicem, chitarile alea facut as cum is facut(fender gibson) au un sunet specific ca is facute cum is facute si daca faci copiile mai bune, nu mai au sunetu ala asa ca degeaba ai facut forma aia..:)).in fine..i hope you got my point :)

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No I don't.


E fapt cunoscut ca in anii '80 reissue-urile de la Fender Japan erau aproape identice cu originalele din '60, pe cand modelele facute in SUA avea diferente flagrante.


De ce credeti ca majoritatea modelelor Fender Japan nu se vand pe piata americana? Pentru ca ar face de rusine Fender USA.

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eu am fender japan,si nici macar nu e reissue,acolo a fost scos modelul prima oara,si chitara este extrem de misto.de la finisaj pana la feel si sunet.nu confundati japonia cu china,stiu tot mici,si cu okii ciudati :) ,dar din ce am vazut la instrumentele japoneze,sunt adevarate works of art.don kno,i likem a lot.dar de gustibus not disputandum.ciau.

Edited by jacksonman
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No I don't.


E fapt cunoscut ca in anii '80 reissue-urile de la Fender Japan erau aproape identice cu originalele din '60, pe cand modelele facute in SUA avea diferente flagrante.


De ce credeti ca majoritatea modelelor Fender Japan nu se vand pe piata americana? Pentru ca ar face de rusine Fender USA.


fender japan se vinde la greu in usa, intra oleaca pe ebay.com :)

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Lasa Ebay-ul. E vorba de retaileri.


Apoi clar ca aia n-o sa vanda :) n-ar mai avea nici un sens, ca doar ii si oleaca de marketing la mijloc. Ideea era ca americanii sigur au auzit foarte bine si de Fender Japan si ma indoiesc ca au de ce sa le fie rusine.

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No I don't.


E fapt cunoscut ca in anii '80 reissue-urile de la Fender Japan erau aproape identice cu originalele din '60, pe cand modelele facute in SUA avea diferente flagrante.


Fenderele japoneze din anii '80 erau mai bune decat Fenderele americane din ACEEASI perioada. Cu reissue-urile e alta poveste: seria American Vintage a aparut la sfarsitul anilor '80 si la asta se refera practic termenul de "reissue". Exista de ceva vreme si reissue-uri japoneze, dar nu sunt impresionante.

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prin '84 parca , Strat se fabrica numai in japonia ( rtewstul nu stiu dar Strat precis)


Atunci au editat "reissue" '60 , hot rod contemporary , tot felu de variante .


Sunt cele mai cautate la ora actuala , dupa cele originale din ani '60 .


Si nu e de mirare , dupa ce toti s-au dat pe brazda si au vandut drepturi de a fabrica si vinde copii nu mai poti avea incredere in nimeni .Chestia cu fabrica din California cam "pute". Asta arata ca si tzuica originala din prune , de unde atatea prune ca tzuica parca e mai multa ..hehe .Asa e si cu chitarele , nu mai stii unde sunt facute si din ce.


Japonia si-a mentinut prestigiul in ce priveste calitatea si " sinceritatea".China si-a croit si ea o piata dar calitatea inca nu este garantata.Cred ca nici nu si-au propus , mult si mediocru , asa arata China.


Probabil japonia va prelua conducerea in cea ce priveste calitatea produselor , asa castigand piata mondiala.


Apoi la Japonezi chiar la ei acasa salariile nu sunt prea mari , mecanizarea si automatizarea este dezvoltata , ordine , disciplina ..toate astea vor contribui la faurirea increderi in produsele lor.


Deci INCREDERE despre asta este vorba .

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Insa totusi cred cum s-a mai zis, ca sound-ul specific de fender este cel al fenderurilor orginiale, fie chiar si mai prost executate cum sunt ele.

Clar...sa iei ochii la fraieri cu faze de genul " se aude mai bine", etc. Tine si la japonezi, pe care eu ii apreciez ca avind destul discernamint. Ca lectura: http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/features/new...0fe012000c.html


Deci si ei sint niste pui de snobi, ba chiar mai mari decit romanii, basta ca e plin de obosite cu tenisi in picioare dar cu genti Prada/Louis Vuitton/etc pe mina :)


Apoi la Japonezi chiar la ei acasa salariile nu sunt prea mari

Asta e perla zilei :)

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Strat MIJ


The Fender Stratocaster is arguably the most popular electric guitar design ever. Almost certainly it is the most copied. The copies had always been considerably cheaper than the 'real thing', but by the early 1980's they were also often of a high standard. Bad news for Fender who, under CBS ownership, had let standards slip. Fender's reputation and market share were waning.


In 1981, a new management team largely recruited from Yamaha's American operation, decided on a two pronged attack. They would address quality control via a programme of reinvestment and staff training in the US, and at the same time hit the copyists in their home market by producing Fender guitars in Japan.


Following negotiations with two Japanese distribution companies, Kanda Shokai and Yamano Music, Fender Japan was established in March 1982. Fender held 38 percent of the stock, occupied three of the six board seats and, of course, owned the all important product licenses. Fuji Gen-Gakki, best known for building Ibanez brand guitars, were chosen to build Fender Japan instruments.


Back in the USA, in an effort to rediscover what had made Fender's reputation, the company went to vintage dealers and took measurements from pre-CBS production instruments. They even spent $5600 on buying a '57 Precision bass, '60 Jazz bass and a '61 Strat. Both the US factory at Fullerton and Fender Japan set about producing vintage reissues- in fact the Japanese were the first to succeed and the superb quality of their instruments resulted in the famous quote by Dan Smith, Director of Marketing, Electric Guitars at the time :"Everybody came up to inspect them and the guys almost cried, because the Japanese product was so good - it was what we had been having a hell of a time trying to do."



Originally the idea had been for Fender Japan to produce guitars for their home market. However, when Fender's European distributors called for budget Fenders to compete with the flood of oriental imports effecting their sales, a range of lower price guitars was launched under the Squier brand. Squier guitars are outside the scope of this site- suffice it to say that they are a good buy for the price, with early Japanese made instruments being of particularly good quality.


In 1984 CBS decided to get out of the musical instrument business and sold Fender to an investment group led by Bill Schultz, the incumbent President of Fender Musical Instruments. The Fullerton factory was not part of the deal and US production ceased in February 1985. Towards the end of that year a new factory was established at nearby Corona, but for a while the 'new' Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (FMIC) pretty much relied upon Japanese production. In fact it has been estimated that as many as 80% of the guitars sold in the US between late 1984 and mid-86 were sourced from Fender Japan.


Although Fender Japan still exists, their guitars (aside from a very few special models which do not conflict with the existing US/Mexican range) are no longer officially exported to the US or Europe Those markets are catered for by FMIC's US and Mexican factories. However, because of their justly deserved reputation for quality, the many Japanese instruments floating around on the secondhand market, particularly the Stratocasters, are becoming sought after. The point of this site (if it could be said to have one) is simply to look at the range of different Stratocasters produced in Japan for export and, perhaps, answer some of the questions that may arise when confronted by a Strat bearing a 'Made in Japan' or 'Crafted in Japan' label.'



alte date mai amanuntite ,preturi , nr serie /an fabricatie...etc




Chitarele MIJ Europa si America se pot cumpara pe piata neagra , din pacate .. dar cred ca vor prelua piata cand se vor trezi cumparatori ca dau bani aiurea pe facaturi de calitate proasta , doar finisate fantastic.


"..... Since 1954 the (... american... ) Stratocaster has evolved, changed direction a few times, maybe taken a few wrong turns occasionally . But has remained true in spirit. Unlike the corporate manufacturing world which has changed immeasurably. ...."


Acesta este articol despre Strat MIJ , dar fabrica japonezi de toate.

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@dmc-o mica rectificare: seria vintage reissue a aparut in 1981! :)


@malex-sa fiu sincer nici eu n-as da 3000 de coco pe un stratocaster, asa ca n-am de ce sa te injur. se poate cumpara un stratocaster foarte bun sub aceasta suma. oricum, daca as avea acesti bani i-as da pe un anumit model de gibson, prs sau yamaha. aici este doar o chestie de gust iar esp-ul face niste chitare remarcabile, fara nici un fel de dubiu. :)


in privinta strat-urilor japoneze, au fost foarte bune, mai ales in perioada anilor 80 si nu numai fender ci si tokai. lasati-ma insa, sa raman la parerea mea: desigur, nu exista padure fara uscaturi, dar exista fenderuri stratocastere americane de serie vintage reissue si nu numai (incluzand aici si seriile obisnuite din anii 82, 83) fabricate in anii 80, pe care nu le atinge ca nivel de calitate si performante nici un fender strat japonez si credeti-ma, am probat si cantat pe multe dintre ele si stiu ce spun. au existat insa, asa numitele "copii de luxe", fabricate in acei ani de firme precum esp, care au fost deosebit de apreciate. din pacate, fenderul, spre deosebire de gibson, a fost, mai mereu, un fel de loterie. :)

Edited by StratMan
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