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Guest Anorexorcist

Nu e chiar nou albumu, adica a iesit de vreo doua sau trei luni, dar n-a zis nimeni nimic despre el, asa ca zic io: Placebo - Meds.


Un album mai bun decat sleeping with ghosts care m-a dezamagit profund la vremea lui (desi are si ala cateva piese bune). As putea zice ca e, in loc de o schimbare de 180 de grade a stilului care i-a consacrat in perioada de pana la black market music, e o rafinare a aceluia, cu chestii mai lente, dar nu numai. Per total, nu-i un album rau.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Stiv

The Dresden Dolls - Yes, Virginia (18 aprilie) ... abia sunt la a 5-a melodie si it rulz :) energetic

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for all you gloomy users out there - danielson - ships [secretly Canadian Records, 9 mai 2006] - ultima productie daniel smith, sub umbrela danielson famile (indie-heads si cele mai bune intentii)

"Ships" includes efforts of no less than 20 musicians, including Sufjan Stevens, Josiah Wolf of WHY? and members of Deerhoof, in addition to the Danielson Famile's original members.

bonus: did i step on your trumpet?




un album dement

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Guest Stiv

The Pipettes - we are the pipettes ... nu stiu exact data , da acu recent oricum..

un fel de 60's rock and roll cu girl punk; foarte catchy, good fun.. girl bands rule ..ascultati si dresden dolls

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Guest Stiv

o fi fost old news , da nu pe threadu asta...


as zice de Snow Patrol - Eyes open , da deja a fost prevestit ..

acu am zis.. a aparut,trebuie si ascultat , ca merita


si Islands - Return to the sea ... indie pop curat , de pe alta planeta, una mai vesela

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update '06


magyar posse - random avenger /17 mai



the sound of animals fighting - lover, the lord has left us /30 mai (de 2 ori/zi, pe nemancate)



the bamboos - step it up /6 martie (funk like)



the paper chase - now you are one of us /6 iunie



piano magic - incurable ep /28 martie (cu praf pe el dar bun)


last but not least, chris corsano - the young cricketer (primul album solo al celui mai promitator [imho] baterist la ora actuala/superb.. cred ca nici n-am inceput macar sa-l apreciez)


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Guest Stiv

The Stills - Without Feathers (9 mai) ... daca vi se pare cam easy listening , probabil aveti dreptate intr-o oarecare masura .. primul lor album e mai memorabil. Still, good songs, just a different vibe.

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Guest Stiv

Niste vechi prieteni de-ai mei , si anume Grandaddy , au scos in mai ultimul lor album :) (adica cel din urma, final , nu va mai fi nici unu dupa asta), pe nume 'Just like the fambly cat' . RIP Grandaddy , they were something special

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atunci cand mike patton scoate un album, se stie ca e "de rau" . atunci cand pe acel album colaboreaza cu norah jones, massive attack, amon tobin sau dan "the automator" nakamura, e de-a dreptul "de groaznic" . http://www.metacritic.com/music/artists/pe...q=peeping%20tom (nu va luati dupa notele date de "critici" , ascultati-l intai :) )

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Guest miriapod

Kumm - Different Parties

nu stiu daca imi place, nu l-am inghitit inca...

cert e, si e de bine, albumul e mai subtil in influentele balcanico-orientale, destul de interesant.

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Guest RipperC

Imi face nespusa placere sa anunt viitorul album IRON MAIDEN:




1. Different Worlds (Smith/Harris) 4.17

2. These Colours Don't Run (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 6.52

3. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 8.44

4. The Pilgrim (Gers/Harris) 5.07

5. The Longest Day (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7.48

6. Out Of the Shadows (Dickinson/Harris) 5.36

7. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg (Murray/Harris) 7.21

8. For The Greater Good of God (Harris) 9.24

9. Lord Of Light (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) 7.23

10. The Legacy (Gers/Harris) 9.20


Apare in septembrie, mai multe detalii aici.

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