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Posted (edited)

- Nume echipament - Marlboro 220R, an 1982-1984, MF'D in New York, USA.


- Pret - ,,Price-less'' :lol:


- De la cine / De unde a fost cumparat - am dat la schimb pe el o pedala: http://forums.rgc.ro...b-combo-defect/


- Caracteristici - Pai, in primul rand ampul a fost defect, si a fost lasat sa stea asa cateva luni. I-am remediat problemele si acum functioneaza. Ampul este un combo cu un difuzor original Marlboro de 12 '' putin avariat din pacate, dar semi lipit in zona aceea (de unde stiu ca e original? am si un cabinet Marlboro cu dif de 15'' care are la fel magnetul si stilul de serie, dar am si cautat pe net).

Are intrare de Foot Switch (pentru reverb, care din pacate a fost scos de cineva afara, dar voi pune altul in timp), Level pentru reverb, Inputs flat si bright, Pre-Amp si Master; Lo, Mid, Hi, headphones out si switchu de on off. In spate are o iesire pt cabinet extern dar si preamp out.


- Cum suna / Cum se comporta - Suna destul de dragut, cu preampul dat la maxim da un crunch mai mild, destul de decent, dar nu extraordinar. Cleanul imi place mult, ampul suna destul de fat si sincer sa fiu o vreme am sa bag ampul meu tube la naftalina si am sa cant pe acesta solidstate :D, pentru ca isi face treaba impreuna cu pedalele.

Ca sa obtin clean trebuie sa pun preampul pe la 3-4 din 10. Ampul se aude destul de tare la cei 50w ai sai.


- Parti bune / Parti rele - Din pacate partile rele au fost multe si poate inca sunt unele, dar nu ma deranjeaza in mod special (imi place oricum firma si sunt mai rare,deci defectele palesc).

Finalii (marcati marlboro), nu stiu ce erau asa ca am ales sa bag ceva din vremea aceea, adica 2n3055 din 1988(le multumesc pe aceasta cale userilor Analog Sound si Overdrive,Fiveseven, pentru ajutor,e prima oara cand fac asta la un amplif :respect: ) .

Am schimbat deci finalii,diodele, condensatorii(am pus NSF si ELKO, nu China de 3 lei), niste rezistente, am pus socluri la toate tranzistoarele(am zis ca sa incerc si cu altele dar se pare ca aceste BC547 vechi suna cel mai ok, dar am incercat si BC108C, cu rezultate ok), am schimbat cele 2 trimpoturi de bias(erau fripte lol)am remediat cablul de la alimentare care era putin ciupit si rupt. Ii lipseste in spate o placa de lemn acoperita cu tolex, dar am sa ii fac una. Cineva a taiat stecherul, si a pus unul care NU avea impamantarea conectata, dar am pus altul.Trebuie sa sterg de asemenea acele 3 buline galbene ridicole facute cu vopsea.


Partea buna este ca merge :yay: si ca suna frumusel. (pe viitor mai mult ca sigur ma bate gandul sa integrez in el un boost, un compressor, si un dod 250)


- Impresie generala - nota 7,5 - 8 din cauza defectelor , dar care nu afecteaza FOARTE mult sunetul.


Se poate vedea din poze ce e before si ce e after(rezistentele puscate , condensatorii, finalii , etc)


















Marlboro 220R Fixed.JPG

marlboro 220R.JPG


Edited by Razvan S.
  • Like 3

- Nume echipament - Marlboro 220R, an 1982-1984, MF'D in New York, USA.


- Pret - ,,Price-less'' :lol:



Se poate vedea din poze ce e before si ce e after(rezistentele puscate , condensatorii, finalii , etc)


Fain , so auzim ..


Ma faci "gelos" hehe ,asta vara nu am cumparat un Marlboro combo de bas 100W cu dif de 15" ..era canicula ....cald ...l atalcioc ..trebuia sa ma targui sa incerc etc etc..

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ca o ultima adaugire, l-am facut oarecum, closed back la repezeala cu o placa de pal si musama :D




Diferente sonice(imi place mai mult closed, si ca sa o citez pe prietena mea :lol:

,,la cu spate se aude mai compactat sunetul, mai gros, mai cald, la celalalt e putin aerisit, mai subtire parca'' :rulez:):


CU spate.ogg

fara spate.ogg

Edited by Razvan S.
Posted (edited)

Ăla nu e closed back, tinere :)


,,l-am facut oarecum, closed back'' :D nu stiu cum se spune cand mai ramane 1/5 liber :lol: , am zis sa nu inchid complet(inclusiv sa separ ,,head-ul'' din combo cu alta placa) pt ca difuzorul acela nu stiu cum se comporta in fully closed.

As putea sa spun atunci ca am pus o placa de lemn in spate sa imi redea ampul mai bassy sunetul :P


Asa era in original, din ce am gasit pe net



Edited by Razvan S.
  • 8 years later...

Hello, writing from Spain.

A couple days ago I found in an online second hand shop an amplifier exactly like the one in this thread, a Marlboro 220R. It was only 29 euro, so of course even knowing nothing about it I jumped at the opportunity. Should reach my home today. At the very least, I thought, I can use the cabinet to make a tube amp, I've done that in the past.
So of course I started googleing and I found this thread. I may have some questions for you in the future, if that's okay. For now, what intrigues me are those two transformers on the pcb (or they could be chokes). It's very unusual in a solid state amp, at least for me, and I've seen (and made) a few. Can you tell me anything about them?

Many thanks and best wishes.

Alfredo Odriozola.

22 hours ago, lentzell said:

Hello, writing from Spain.

A couple days ago I found in an online second hand shop an amplifier exactly like the one in this thread, a Marlboro 220R. It was only 29 euro, so of course even knowing nothing about it I jumped at the opportunity. Should reach my home today. At the very least, I thought, I can use the cabinet to make a tube amp, I've done that in the past.
So of course I started googleing and I found this thread. I may have some questions for you in the future, if that's okay. For now, what intrigues me are those two transformers on the pcb (or they could be chokes). It's very unusual in a solid state amp, at least for me, and I've seen (and made) a few. Can you tell me anything about them?

Many thanks and best wishes.

Alfredo Odriozola.

Hello, I never had a schematic, and didn't look into it that much , as I only had the interest in repairing the faults at the time.

I assume that the big xformer is indeed a choke (perhaps they used a choke to regulate the output voltage stability better, as an input choke power supply/or a resonant choke power supply of sorts, although I'm not sure), but the little red one I think is a xformer driving the reverb (this model, in some variants, had a reverb tank attached to it below).

Sorry I can't help more. I really liked this amp....put a DOD250 grey clone in front of it and it screams :D Best of luck


13 hours ago, Razvan S. said:

Hello, I never had a schematic, and didn't look into it that much , as I only had the interest in repairing the faults at the time.

I assume that the big xformer is indeed a choke (perhaps they used a choke to regulate the output voltage stability better, as an input choke power supply/or a resonant choke power supply of sorts, although I'm not sure), but the little red one I think is a xformer driving the reverb (this model, in some variants, had a reverb tank attached to it below).

Sorry I can't help more. I really liked this amp....put a DOD250 grey clone in front of it and it screams :D Best of luck


So yesterday I got the amp. Good cosmetic condition, specially considering the thing is almost forty years old. Everything worked except the reverb, but I think I found the problem, there's a broken lead that I'll fix when I get a tiny faston connector. That should be it.

I've taken photos of the interior (how do you attach photos to a message here?) and it's practically the same as the photos of your amp. Your big PS capacitors (that you replaced anyway) were not original but you sure noticed that. Pots are quiet, no scratching, which is remarkable.

There's one funny thing, some previous owner removed the fuse socket. I guess it kept blowing fuses and instead of trying to find the right value he (or she) disposed of the thing completely. And here's my question: if you still have the amp, can you tell me the fuse value inside the socket? That would save me some trial and error. Again, many thanks! 

Best, Alfredo.



  • Razvan S. locked and unlocked this topic

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