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'mnezău last won the day on May 18 2018

'mnezău had the most liked content!

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'mnezău's Feedback

  1. leo1984 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] SX SST57 - 450 lei
    comunicare buna, tranzaxtie reusita, recomand!

    'mnezău was The Seller

  2. szeki left Neutral feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Cort Action V
    Nu am refuzat ridicarea coletului trimis, nefiind in tara nu am avut cum sa-l ridic. Vina mea consta in faptul ca i-am zis sa-mi trimita pana miercuri 16 august ca vineri 19 august o sa-l ridic, dar din cauza unor circumstante neprevazute nu am mai ajuns acasa. Fancurierul nu tine colete mai mult de o saptamana, cu toate ca le-am cerut acest lucru, coletul fiind returnat ieri. Inainte sa discute cu mine da feedback negativ si ma ameninta cu proces pentru recuperare prejudiciu de 60 ron.

    'mnezău was Trading

  3. prospect left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Schimb Psp Cu Amplificator De Chitara Sau Bass
    foarte serios

    'mnezău was The Seller

  4. maur left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Korg Pandora Mini
    Doar doua cuvinte: Cumparatorul ideal.

    'mnezău was The Buyer

  5. mariuspop78 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Zoom G3 + Pedalã De Expresie
    foarte serios. tranzactie reusita. obiectul cumparat a fost intocmai descrierii.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  6. joseph_guitar left Positive feedback   

    Foarte serios.Recomand cu incredere.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  7. akebono left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Roland Micro Cube
    Foarte serios si prompt.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  8. winci left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vand Pedalboard Compet
    Serios, promt, recomand!

    'mnezău was The Seller

  9. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Roland Micro Cube
    Serios, ca intotdeauna. Iti multumesc!

    'mnezău was The Seller

  10. the_resident left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Cumpar O Doza Humbucker Alba Si Ieftina
    Baiat de nota 10, recomand!

    'mnezău was The Seller

  11. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vox Tonelab Desktop
    Coleg de incredere si serios!

    'mnezău was The Seller

  12. Claudiu Ibanez left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Locking Nut
    Foarte ok !! Recomand ! :)

    'mnezău was The Seller

  13. Angel12 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mp3 Player Philips Sounddot
    Tranzactie reusita.Totul a decurs ca la carte.Recomand.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  14. Angel12 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mp3 Player Philips Sounddot
    Tranzactie reusita.Totul a decurs ca la carte.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  15. felix left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Kit Ddr3 Corsair Value Select
    Cumparator de nota 10! Recomand!

    'mnezău was The Buyer

  16. mangroove left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vand Vass Cort Action V ( 5 Corzi )
    Foarte serios omul, corect si cinstit!

    'mnezău was The Buyer

  17. boondak left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Doza Carvin C22N Pozitia Neck, Splitabila
    cumparator serios, hotarat si promt. recomand

    'mnezău was The Buyer

  18. autumnal hysteria left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Om de incredere, vanzator serios.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  19. StevieKing left Positive feedback for a topic   

    1 Humbucker,1 Doza Neck
    om serios,civilizat.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  20. the outsider left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Sd Hot Rails Shr-1 Si Sd Ssl-4
    Om serios,apelati cu incredere.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  21. igorr left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Sd Hot Rails Shr-1 Si Sd Ssl-4
    Trader de nota 10. Prompt.

    'mnezău was Trading

  22. Neuro left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Foarte serios. Promt. De incredere. Recomand!

    'mnezău was The Buyer

  23. silvester left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Seymour Duncan Ssl-1
    Vanzator de incredere. Recomand.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  24. andrei_bass left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Line 6 Uber Metal
    O placere sa faci afaceri cu astfel de oameni! Recomand cu mare incredere.

    'mnezău was The Seller

  25. sorin65 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    totul a decurs perfect! il recomand, de incredere!

    'mnezău was The Seller

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