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pulbur last won the day on June 25

pulbur had the most liked content!

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  • Band
    Regimentul 3
  • Gear
    6 string & no string

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pulbur's Achievements


Rookie (2/14)

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pulbur's Feedback

  1. gigimarga left Positive feedback for a topic   

    O grămadă de efecte DIY
    Un tip de mare incredere si rabdator. Recomand maxim!!!

    pulbur was The Buyer

  2. Ibanozzi left Positive feedback for a topic   

    String Rollers
    Promp, coleg serios, recomand!

    pulbur was The Seller

  3. arbitr_stefi left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vind Chitare De Colectie 100 Ron/buc
    om de incredere, recomand tuturor!

    pulbur was The Seller

  4. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Straplock Curea
    totul a mers perfect. Straplockurile au fost primite în perfectã stare!

    pulbur was The Seller

  5. Radu Lazarovici left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Straplock Curea
    Recomand,totul Ok !

    pulbur was The Seller

  6. Chilly Pepeerz left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Proiect Strat Chitara Electrica (Dezasamblat Cu Toate Piesele)
    Daca treci prin Valcea ai o bere din partea mea.Stima.

    pulbur was The Seller

  7. stratosaurus left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Capace Potentiometre Crem Tip Strat
    coleg serios

    pulbur was The Seller

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