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Everything posted by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel

  1. My best french polish so far Tropical Emperor no.2 Padauk back and sides. Wr cedar top x braced (euro spruce) 46cm wide lower bout 45mm tusq nut Roasted maple 3 ply neck Macassar ebony fretboard 650mm scale 2.2 frets Asian ebony headstock, tailpiece and pickguard Benedetto S6 pickup Schaller da vinci tuners Opal side dots
  2. Padauk Carpathian is pretty awesome Padauk back and sides Carpathian 2A top Roasted maple 3 ply neck Granadillo fretboard 650 mm scale Padauk bridge tusq nut and saddle
  3. De vânzare tot. S-ar putea sa ma intorc la vara. No visa for now.
  4. High fashion I plundered thru my girlfriend's (fake?) Gucci and prada boxes and got 'inspired' to make this high fashion tailpiece. Also thinkin this could have an all fashion brand sticker on that Tiffany's colored case. Goes well with the pattern on the bearclaw spruce New wood of the month: green ebony - nice to work with. This is scraped. It's very smooth and shiny. It has a coat of blonde shellac. Brown ebony back and sides Sitka top Granadillo fretboard 650 mm scale Padauk binding and headstock Green ebony bridge w tusq nut n saddle Solid maple linings
  5. Of of of, of of of, ca de ma doftoricesc
  6. Exotic Emperor with Benedetto S6 in white. Suck it, inferior insects...
  7. 18.5 in emperor cedar padauk archtop
  8. Om Padauk Cedar. Data deja intr-o colectie in Shanghai unde mai sunt vreo 4 ciudățenii ciocanelesciene. Brown ebony bearclaw spruce are binding. Reserve it now and i can make it normal specs
  9. Plm, ori suntem lutieri, ori nu mai suntem
  10. Arches reference for the little jazz archtop Brown ebony top plate Back carving for the emperor Padauk family
  11. Meanwhile, i got more black n white ebony and a cool bubinga top.
  12. aaaa boxwood nu box elder.
  13. Found some box elder. Nice for a parlor
  14. Cedar emperor 18 in archtop braces done Pics before glue up Mojo pickups Charclie Christian Jetson humbucker sized Eric EY parts tele CC
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