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Everything posted by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel

  1. The top on the OM is by far the thinnest i've gone. Although it is thick at the upper bout. Also braces are thinner than the usual.
  2. Nanmu tele (phoebe wood) Spalted beech from Maderas Barber. Box built between 40-55 Same as the archtop. De săptămâna asta incepe sa se încălzească si sa crească umiditatea afara... De obicei vara cu ac si dezumidicator o tin la 50-55.
  3. Emperor style archtop body finished after more than 2 months. Tele vandut Pisco sour production is good
  4. Acu de anu nou tai din nanmu pt un tele si vad tai pe jumate niste okoume ca sa fie nanmu asa ca lemn tradițional de anu nou, sarbatoare, alea alea, pac pac Dar e pe planu... 5 electrica. Si electricele in general. Pe astea de le am nu le finisez decat daca e cineva interesat sa le cumpere. A venit unu care avea un prs SE de xaxa si i-am schimbat ceva la saddle ca muta coarda... Cica vrea si el o chitara noua. A incercat din ale mele.. tot prs se si-a luat. Suna ca o... chitara. Ma intreba daca sa isi ia epi ES. Plm. Intre timp mi-am luat un bass acustic fretless. Always wanted one. Just for the sound. It's nice. And huge.
  5. Spot the crack. A side cracked when handling the mold. I was gluing the linings (wide to make them stronger ha!!!) And a clamp got stuck andcrrr. You can't see the crack anymore basically and it's stronger than before... i glued the side offcuts to cover the crack under and will fill that spot with more reinforcements.
  6. Little OM Hand split braces for the archtop New flame maple sides for the archtop. The lamination on the other ones has a suspicious gap right in the neck joint area. Not gonna risk it. Plus the carve is so nice that it deserves a full flame body
  7. The maderas barber spalted beech was the hardest wood to bend i've ever tried... And i can bend snakewood and padauk and granadillo... I started at 2.7 cause the wood seemed too flabby already and beach should work at this thickness. Nope! Snap! A little thinner? Snap. Hotter? Snap. Wetter? SsssSnap. Dry? Snap snap. No warning. 1.7 and hot and wet. I didn't measure right on the second side and it started to brake. It was at 2 mm. I immediately started to bend it back straight, made it 1.7 and continued... Already weak so it continued to want to break in that spot. Too difficult to change the shoulder bend position at this point so i thinned it down to something ridiculous like 1 mm and bent behind the wannabe crack. Crisis averted. The sides were gonna get laminated/doubled anyway so it's all ok. The mahogany i will use for lamination is 1.2-1.4 mm. With wide solid linings and more reinforcing they will never break. Heart attack avoided The archtop is a lot of work but it's the most awesome thing ever. Nothing cooler than carving and tap tuning and bracing...
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