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Everything posted by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel

  1. Photo dump. PE teacher Jovan doing all drawings nows 3 archtops La sirena lam top Padauk roasted spruce Padauk flat back cedar arched top
  2. Școala noua. Mi-a dat școala atelierul. Trăiască partidul!
  3. Argentine lignum vitae back and sides 17 in hongsong pine arcthop flat back
  4. Argentine Lignum vitae flatback archtop guitar box ✅ Padauk roasted spruce classical ✅ but somehow I already have a little crack that I'm gonna fix but maybe I went too light for the roasted, or because it is roasted
  5. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02vQWPSDNfBkSHvY9jLYeeYphyMzZ6YVpAJmqmes8KU6eaGZURBkBUb8GH5nHsSQm3l&id=1331064803&mibextid=Nif5oz
  6. Minwax poly for guitar? Mnah, 2 out 5. Would not recommend, maybe for a table...
  7. Place your orders for autumn. Got the most exquisite sets of Bois de rose and Camatillo kingwood back and sides
  8. Ziricote 18in archtop with Dearmond Rhythm 1000 sounds
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