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Everything posted by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel

  1. 2 finished Cedar padauk slimline with flat back 5 cm depth. Dovetail. Xbraced. Wide nut. Most amazing sound and feel on a slim body. I want one for myself now. Going to Curtis Jones too. Ovangkol tibetan spruce Another fingerstyle special. For sale on reverb. Wide nut, double x. Extra deep OM body. OM archtop top braced. I like having the roasted spruce for stability but i hate the smell. Opposite of cedar. Got another set of kingwood/camarillo if anyone wants a guitar it's more expensive but stunning.
  2. Does anyone want Brazilian?
  3. Seymour Duncan Custom Shop Dynobucker Padauk carved top Padauk neck and fretboard 24.75 scale
  4. 大叶紫檀 Daye zitan (Bois de rose) bridge pe ovangkol tibetan Am cumpărat și niște zitan indian, dar parca tot mai bine suna acest Bois de Rose. Next am sa incerc și niște D. Cochinchinensis că bridge care iarăși suna bine.
  5. https://fb.watch/g-RwvC0S74/
  6. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rugs-guitars-and-fiddling-chris-goertzen/1141390398?ean=9781496843746#
  7. A apărut cartea lui Chris Goertzen care a cumpărat no. 19 in 2020... Pe langa altele prezintă 8 lutieri care nu construiesc pentru elita financiara, ci d-astia... Normali. Îmi place categoria asta de... Folk arts. Tezaur folcloric.
  8. Kingwood acoustic guitar set
  9. Seymour Duncan custom shop Katalox cutaway order not happening. All cedar in finish Van Gogh opal
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