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hades last won the day on January 16 2022

hades had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Location
    Ghencea City

Other Information

  • Band
    Bluzor Solo
  • Gear
    Fender Strat + 12AX7 + EL34 + 2x12 Celestion = LOVE

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hades's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)

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hades's Feedback

  1. Crypto left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Cutii și șasiu Head Lãmpi
    persoanã serioasã

    hades was The Buyer

  2. SolDiez left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Kit Diy Bb Preamp
    Comunicare buna, om serios si prompt. Cumparati cu incredere!

    hades was The Seller

  3. simple_man left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Hi Octane - Home Made
    Persoana serioasa, de incredere. Tranzactie fara probleme. Comunicare excelenta.

    hades was The Seller

  4. florinmarinoiu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Statie De Lipit
    Om de incredere.

    hades was The Buyer

  5. florinmarinoiu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Obiectiv Canon
    Obiectivul ca in descriere.User serios.Recomand.

    hades was The Seller

  6. levi.h left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Chitara Veche Cu Un Tuner (Pedala)
    Tranzactie ok,om de incredere!

    hades was Trading

  7. teckus left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Sd1
    No coment :D

    hades was The Seller

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