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  • Band
    The Undercurrents, SoundMaze
  • Gear
    Vintage V100 Arctic White - Iron Cross customized
    Squier Stratocaster Classic Vibe 50s
    Peavey Raptor EXP
    Ibanez AEG8E
    Hora western

    Bass Jolana Galaxis

    Line 6 POD X3 Live
    Line 6 PocketPOD

    Line 6 Relay G10
    Xvive U2

    Focusrite Solo 3rd Generation
    Behringer FCB1010

    Amp Fender Frontman 212R

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  1. Suntem o trupa de surf rock compusa momentan din doua chitare (ritm + lead). Deoarece se pare ca e dificil de gasit tobosar, colegul de la chitara ritm poate trece la tobe. Cautam chitarist ritm. Momentan suntem la faza de cover-uri, dar vrem sa tranzitionam spre compozitii proprii cat mai curand. Influentele noastre principale sunt: The Madeira The Space Cossacks The Torquays The Surf Coasters Los Twang! Marvels Cateva filmulete cu noi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFu85BQzLkE&t=10s&ab_channel=TheUndercurrents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv2ET3d-Gsg&t=48s&ab_channel=SoundMaze https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7ed5hxR7sg&ab_channel=TheUndercurrents Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theundercurrentsband Daca sunteti interesati, asteptam mesaj in privat, sau ne puteti contacta la telefon/whatsapp 0726152897 sau 0729391838.
  2. Hai cu tobosarul pentru o trupa cu mare potential! Mult succes, Bogdan!
  3. Sambata, 14 ianuarie, Geobar https://www.facebook.com/events/199056430563625/ Joi, 19 ianuarie, Hybrid https://www.facebook.com/events/231982487251610/
  4. UP! Mai am una, cadoul perfect
  5. Weekend-ul viitor avem doua concerte pentru voi!
  6. Va invitam maine seara in Club Surubelnita la o noua aventura in labirintul nostru muzical.
  7. Trupa SoundMaze a trecut de preselectia pentru participarea la festivalul Spellground. In aceasta etapa avem nevoie de like-uri la videoclipul cu care ne-am inscris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfmZwLLI8mA&feature=youtu.be Pentru a oferi ajutor unei trupe cu mare vointa, accesati link-ul si dati "Thumbs up". Multumim!
  8. O seara insurubata bine In continuare cautam trupe/interpreti cu care sa colaboram. Poftiti pe la noi pe Facebook
  9. Va invitam joi, 5 mai, in Club Surubelnita!
  10. Salut! Sylenth Absynth
  11. https://www.facebook.com/SoundMazeBand/videos/475903292612435/
  12. 8 martie - Cherish femininity @ Pura Vida Hub Bucuresti Mai multe detalii pe www.facebook.com/soundmazeband
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