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    Tokai ALC 50 BB
    Sterling by MusicMan S.U.B. Silo 3

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  1. Vand 2 bilete concert Judas Priest, 18 iulie, Arenele Romane, teren, in picioare, in fata scenei. 200 RON bucata. Pret actual 274: https://m.iabilet.ro/bilete-judas-priest-50-heavy-metal-years-48953/ Motivul vanzarii: COVID, because why the fuck not. Contact PM.
  2. Vand Marshall AVT20X. Stare foarte buna, tolexul nu este lovit/julit, electronica in foarte buna stare. Vine cu 3 lampi suplimentare: 12AT7, 12AU7, ECC83. Motivul vanzarii: sta nefolosit, prefer procesorul. Pret negociabil, costul transportului cade in sarcina cumparatorului. OVERVIEW A little monster you have to hear to believe! The Marshall AVT20 20W 1x10 2-channel combo amp with reverb is amazingly loud for its small size. Ideal for for use in the home studio and dressing room, for backstage warmups and low-level rehearsals. The tube-based quality of its clean and overdrive modes will redefine your expectations of a low-powered, compact combo. It also features a CD input, speaker-emulated DI output, and a headphone jack that mutes the speaker. Like all the AVTs, its preamp section is based on a 12AX7 and delivers great tone. FEATURES An amazing amount of sound output for such a small 20W amp Totally tube behavior and sound from a hybrid amp Headphone jack allows for silent practice CD input lets you jam along with your buds like Mick and Eric Accutronics spring reverb gives you that good ol' sound 8 ohm impedance SPECIFICATIONS AVT20X 20W 1x10" Combo Amplifier 19"W x 18-1/2"H x 10-3/4"D (480 x 465 x 270mm) 31.3 lbs. (14.2kg)
  3. Vandut. Multumesc RGC.
  4. Pocket POD - 130 lei Behringer EQ 700 - 40 lei
  5. Pret: 100 RON Localitate: Brasov Contact: PM Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand interfata USB M-Audio JamLab, in stare foarte buna de functionare. Pret 100 lei.
  6. Pret: 0 RON Localitate: Brasov Contact: PM Stare: Uzura normala Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi Vand urmatoarele: 1. Line6 Pocket Pod (adaptor+cablu USB), uzura normala, functional fara probleme. Pret 150 lei. 2. Behringer EQ700, ca nou, plus adaptor. Pret 50 lei. 3. Vox Amplug Classic Rock, ca nou. Pret 50 de lei. Contact: PM.
  7. Eu mai folosesc ebookee, bookfi, mobilism. Dar in general google numele cartii urmat de formatul dorit (ex: poul andersen avatar epub). Goodreads are si o sectiune "readers also enjoyed..." Daca gasesti ceva ce crezi ca ti-ar place, folosesti site-urile de mai sus. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1234701.The_Avatar?from_search=true&search_version=service
  8. Nevermind, s-a rezolvat. Am gasit fisierul la sectiunea de download pe site-ul Line6.
  9. Salut. Solicit ajutorul celor care detin Line 6 POD X3 (varianta bean). Incerc sa fac update de firmware. Problema este ca prin Monkey nu reusesc, procesorul apare ca "unauthorized device" sau asa ceva, si asta pentru ca ESN-ul e 0000000. Probabil cip defect, imi este peste mana sa il repar. Vad ca as putea face update daca am fisierul "tngbean.x3f" download-at, care tot prin Monkey trebuie descarcat. Si cum soft-ul considera procesorul "unauthorized", nu descarca fisierul. Fuuuuuuuu.... Exista un user care are acest tip de procesor si care mi-ar poate trimite acel fisier? Raman vesnic indatorat.
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