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tudoranu last won the day on November 4 2020

tudoranu had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Band
    Chasing I, Melanj, the Cabarets
  • Gear
    1989 Gibson Les Paul Studio (aka Bezna)
    Ibanez AW electroacustica (aka Sticky)
    Carvin Vintage16, Fender Blues Jr & pedale OCD,EHX,TREX,TC Electronic,Alairex,VisualSound, Strymon.
    George'L cables

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  1. D'angelico Premier Doublecut https://www.thomann.de/gb/dangelico_premier_dc_champagne.htm Upgrades: doze GFS Retrotron (70's Rickenbacker feel) si capacele de la potentiometre transparente . Set-up facut de Augustin (intonatie, fret dressing & leveling, nut tusq) Exceptand stiluri foarte agresive chitara se preteaza cam la orice fiind foarte versatila, mint condition, din primele serii care aveau QC-ul in US. Vine cu husa D'angelico foarte strasnica si dozele originale
  2. Pereche doze scoase de pe un Epiphone Sheraton II korean (90's) in urma unui upgrade.
  3. Boutique fuzz : Skreddy Lunar Module Mini Deluxe Pedala foarte versatila (de la Jack White la Gilmore) si nu se calca pe bataturi cu restul pedalelor de drive/od de pe pedalier. Multumesc
  4. Salut, De vanzare un remote control pentru Pigtronix Echolution 2 & Echolution 2 Deluxe. Nou nout luat doar pentru a intregi o comanda de thomann, deschis , testat, bagat la loc. Cine are Echolution-ul stie ce face :). 320 de lei pe thomann pretul meu fiind 250.
  5. Pret: 375 Localitate: Bucuresti Contact: PM Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Nu accept schimburi EHX 360 Nano Looper: -mint contition (scos, testat, bagat la loc) -6 minute de loop -overdub-uri infinite -11 pozitii de store -vine cu alimentator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqfgYPNmaXM
  6. EHX 360 Nano Looper: -mint contition (scos, testat, bagat la loc) -6 minute de loop -overdub-uri infinite -11 pozitii de store -vine cu alimentator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqfgYPNmaXM pret: 375lei Multumesc
  7. Electro Harmonix - 360 Nano Looper 350lei Mad Professor - Stone Grey Distorsion reservat
  8. Synthwah-ul s-a dat. Au ramas : Electro Harmonix - 360 Nano Looper 375lei Mad Professor - Stone Grey Distorsion 400lei
  9. din pacate nu.. l-am dat. se poate inchide.
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