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1 Follower

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  • Location
    Berceni de București

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  • Band
  • Gear
    Aria MAC-55
    Aria MA-29 (Pro II)
    Reghin clasica
    Reghin Hora ukulele tenor
    Reghin bass 4 corzi

    Ibanez PDS-1
    FBT Wah
    combo 30W SS (cu TDA1514) hand-made
    Pocket POD
    Tech 21 Sansamp GT-2 hand-made
    -Boss GE-7 hand-made- >>> EQ 7 benzi Q constant hand-made
    cabsim Condor (runoffgroove.com)
    EH Nano Clone
    Behringer V-Amp 2
    Distoarse brutale pe JFETuri

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ggedamed's Feedback

  1. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Cutie Goala De Eq Parametric
    Un feedback pentru o tranzactie veche,ma bucur ca i-a gasit folosul!!

    ggedamed was The Buyer

  2. 'mnezău left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [Sau Schimb] Pedala Distors Line 6 Uber Metal
    Vanzator serios, recomand.

    ggedamed was The Seller

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