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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/18 in all areas

  1. Vand chitara electrica Fender American Special Stratocaster, made in USA, an 2013, sunburst, stare impecabila. Se poate vedea si incerca in Timisoara. Telefon: 0727 921 212.
    2 points
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertia Corzile mai groase au mai multă masă => vibrează mai mult când le amortizezi. PS: de ce ai folosi .42 pentru metal?!
    2 points
  3. 2009 Custom 22 10-top ( cel putin asa zic ei )
    2 points
  4. Salut! Ma intereseaza cateva efecte Ibanez mai vechi sau mai noi: Ibanez PC10 Prime Dual Chorus / Ibanez CCL Dual Chorus Ibanez PH10 Bi-Mode Phaser / Ibanez BPL Bi-Mode Phaser Ibanez PH99 Classic Phase Ibanez RC99 Rotating Chorus Ibanez PH5 Phaser Ibanez PM7 Phase Modulator Ibanez PH7 Phaser Ibanez TC7 Tri Mode Chorus Ibanez BN5 Black Noise Ibanez CD5 Cyberdrive Ibanez CR5 Crunchy Rhythm Ibanez FZ5 60's Fuzz Ibanez MF5 Modern Fusion Ibanez SP5 Slam Punk Ibanez BCL Bi-Mode Chorus Nu le vreau neaparat pe toate...cel mai mult ma intereseaza primele 6
    1 point
  5. Frumos, pare a fi un 10top
    1 point
  6. Am dat o fuga pana in shanghai. Astept sa ma intorc acasa sa inchid cutia de wenge. Inlayul slefuit. Cheap epoxy looks better than the other one... Lol. Am luat cartea lui somogyi. Tre sa lipesc niste benzi de furnir pe wenge ca cica se crapa cam usor ca brazillian rosewood. La fel si padauk.
    1 point
  7. Staircase to Hell There are moments in Life that left a terrible trace in the soul. Best regards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cy7bFIcVok One step, two steps, staircase that goes and comes to the same door, to the same wait, ladder that whenever I go up takes me down to Hell, to Hell. The white walls, the windows and their light, the tense calm, and you, and you, prisoner of life when it is over. And when I take your hand and you look at me without realizing that it is me, that it is me, I would like, I would like so much, so much, to put in your eyes all the memories you have lost, you have lost, to put in your eyes all the memories you have lost.
    1 point
  8. aceasta bestie e a mea de aproape un an deja nu-mi vine sa cred ca nu m-am laudat aici :):) Sandberg TM5 I, custom 35", productie decembrie 2016, printre ultimele modele cu forma veche,
    1 point
  9. S-a mai dus o voce........
    0 points
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