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HGE Contraptions (DIY hobby/NON-Business) -> Pedale Chitara Handmade / Modari Pedale / Wiring si Setup Chitare / Reparatii Ampuri

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* HGE Contraptions Boss CE-2 Analog Chorus Clone (2nd version)

Built this for bass, but it's just slightly different from the guitar one. The owner didn't want the original blend, so I built it in the regular version.

I used shielded wires this time for all the INs and OUTs.

125th pedal built


Video sample and pictures:


  • 2 weeks later...

* Did some work on a Squier Classic Vibe 50's Strat:

-guitar is a leftie but the owner is right handed, and he wanted to use it right handed, so I swapped the nut for a right handed one, and adjusted everything accordingly;

-the usual setup with the trem made floating;

-gave the fretwire some shine;

-electronics were good stock;

IMG_20190301_123854.jpgIMG_20190301_123900.jpgIMG_20190301_123808.jpg IMG_20190301_123911.jpgIMG_20190301_123800.jpgIMG_20190301_123804.jpgIMG_20190301_124142.jpgIMG_20190301_121731.jpgIMG_20190301_102240.jpgIMG_20190301_102255.jpgIMG_20190301_102308.jpgIMG_20190222_202933.jpgIMG_20190222_190441.jpg


* Some work on a beat up 70's Musicmaster Bass (I think the body was replaced long ago with something else)

-had the neck refretted/cleaned/lacquered at a local luthier in my country, because it had extended fretwire damage (thank you very much Mr. @EugenRo2001 );

-did a full setup/derusted/replaced all screws/cleaned everything (this was a very very messy and unplayable instrument prior to everything);

-had to buy a tuner key to match the other ones (very hard to find, but I had some luck in the US)

-the wiring was a mess, so I redid it with appropriate pots and also redid the aluminum foil on the pickguard back, and also repalced the pickup wires with cloth ones;

Sounds great now and plays very good for such an old forgotten bass. I quite enjoyed it :)

Some after and before pics, and also a video of me testing it:








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  • 2 weeks later...
* Repaired a Ferrite EQ

* A Carl Martin Octaswitch came in with some issues on the DC Jack.

I replaced it with a new one, and also tightened all the switches/jacks + electro cleaned.

The buffer part is not working when it is on (no sound), but the owner needs it and it will come back at a later point to investigate. This would also take up a lot of time for finding the fault as the PCB is quite big



* Fixed a Bugera V22 Infinium

A tube failed (I measured it with my Sencore TC136 Tube Tester and it had 2 shorts, and everything was out of spec), and had completely desoldered one of the screen grid resistors right off the PCB, leaving it rattling around in the amp!

I replaced both, and to be easier for future service if it is needed, I mounted them on the other side, so that these are easily desoldered  (not needing to take out the whole PCB)


* Squier Strat - fixed the solder joints on the input jack and also tightened it heavily

* Setup on an Ibanez S520EX + fretwire made shiny and slippery again, tarnished screws were cleaned and some were repainted



* Squier Stratocaster Pro Tone Series setup



* One coil from the bridge humbucker on this Epiphone LP Standard Pro was faulty. I tried to repair it but the coil was broken in two places(because it had a manufacturing error with some slack on the winding,it got caught in the upper rim in the wax, and when someone removed the cover, the coil broke).

So happens that I had an Ibanez premium humbucker with just one coil working also, and I used this good coil with the other LP coil and made one humbucker!It sounds great and it's even better now,because this new coil has much more output than the old one, and gives a nice bite to the guitar now. Very cool!Glad I could fix it in such a short time without ordering another humbucker which would of meant additional cost









  • 2 weeks later...

* HGE Contraptions Wampler Triple Wreck Clone without the Cream part (I never cared for it). The enclosure was done like that by the owner. 3rd Triple Wreck built, and the 128th pedal built.
This and the BE-OD are my fav Od/Distortion in a box pedals. I'll try and make a video later this week.  @octakhan



* Fixed an Apex 430 Microphone.
It had intermittence issues, and I found numerous cracked solder joints and redid them.

Did not get to test this, so it will probably come back if there are additional issues.



* Started a more ambitious pedal project for someone who already has 4 of my pedals ( @Mr Vintage )

HGE Contraptions Custom 6in1 Pedal:
Cornish Buffer -> Keeley 4 Knob Comp -> Maxon OD820 -> Mxr Phase 90 -> Madbean Leviathan Delay -> Cornish Buffer





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