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Cafeaua In Muzica


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Ma uitam ca suntem la cafenea si nu nimic despre cafea.

Sa punem aici melodiile preferate despre/cu/inchinate zeitei Cafea. Versuri, works of art... pareri personale... whatever.




For those about to Coffee - I salute you!


Scuze, nu stiu cum au aparut doua topicuri... adica stiu, am dat de doua ori ca nu se incarca... :) stergeti pe primul, por favor.

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Interviewer: Is it possible to say where you get your musical influences from?

Frank Zappa: Sometimes you get it from chicken. Sometimes from coffee.


Q: Do you have a drug problem?

A: Yes, with coffee.

Q: With coffee???

A: I'm an absolutely sober person. I don't consume alcohol. I don't smoke weed. But I drink gallons of coffee.



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Intrã un tip într-o cafenea:

- O ceșcã de zaț, vã rog.

Mirat, chelnerul aduce o ceașcã de zaț. Tipul o consumã, dupã care mai cere una. Continuã sã cearã cești de zaț, pânã când chelnerul îl anunțã cã din pãcate nu mai au zaț. Dezamãgit, tipul zice:

- Of, ok, atunci aș dori o cafea...


O sã pun „One More Cup of Coffee” în varianta White Stripes. Îmi place mai mult :)



ºi Ella Fitzgerald


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Davidoff d.p.m.d.v e chiar buna. Incearc-o pe cea rosie :lol:


am mai luat espresso... aveau acum Kenya limited edition... care mi-a sunat asa ca un... custom limited edition, vintage coffee beans & co :) dar m-am zgarcit ca era vreo 23 lei :lol:


mi-am luat julius meinl jubilaum :lol: e top of the line de la ei :)... gold hardware. :) - are o culoare perfecta si, daca nimeresti doza corecta de zahar, nu are nevoie de lapte.

I like my coffee the way I like my blues - BLACK!

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Guest Coffee

Aia neagra cu maro e espresso, cu negru si rosu e "rich aroma" <img src="/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />


P.s Imi place s-o fierb in ibric :)

Edited by Coffee
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Guest equinoxe
Davidoff d.p.m.d.v e chiar buna. Incearc-o pe cea rosie :)davidoff_002.gif



Kumm - Red Coffee

Urma - Lonely pub mai are chestii despre cafea


Cat despre Davidoff :)

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Am duncan hills coffe jingle ca ringtone.


In my honest oppinion is inebunit dupa cafeaua fara zahar, dar merge with milk and sugar cand ai chef de energie si ceva dulce. Pacat ca-i strica gustul.


Let's make coffee metal ! \m/


la atatea subgenuri absurde... ce mai conteaza unul...


ba cred ca ai avea mai mult succes cu asta :)

vor aparea si subgenuri de coffee metal, carora "black coffee metal" fans li se vor opune vehement, mai ales impotriva xtrasugar&cream coffee metal... cu influente aroma coffee



mi-am amintit una buna:

What do a cup of coffee and Eric Clapton have in common?

They both suck without Cream.

Edited by CiocanelBloodyCIocanel
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