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A cui e chitara?

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daca distorsionam prea mult fatza,nu cred ca ghiceati cine e,nu de alta dar am vazut ca pe forum nu prea se asculta decat 2 genuri de chitaristi,speed,sau bluz.mai sunt ce e drept si cativa ale caror suflete au fost salvate.

anyways,asta e un chitarist extrem de smeker,si un muzician si mai si.post-115-1136917258_thumb.jpg


habar n-am cine e leo kottke...daca am cautat cu google se pune?


<Leo Kottke (born September 11, 1945) is a legendary acoustic guitar virtuoso who has developed a cult following of fellow guitarists and fans over the span of a 30-year career of recording and performing. Blending folk, jazz, and blues influences into a signature finger-picked style of syncopated, polyphonic music, Kottke's work pre-dated and predicted much of the New Age instrumental music movement while never being confined within a genre. Kottke has overcome a series of personal obstacles including partial deafness and a nearly career-ending bout with tendon damage to emerge as a widely-recognized master of his instrument.>




ok...acum am auzit de el


una simpla



da :)


dintre toti care canta pe strat sunburst...

Posted (edited)

Chuck Schuldiner....


P.S. Si pe viitor incerca sa schimbi si numele pozei, fiindca daca pozitionezi cursorul peste poza pusa de tine, poti sa vezi numele chitaristului :)

Edited by Steven

Nici pe departe... :)

Mai incercati...

Guest Johnny I

michel angelo batio


aaa... pardon! jeff beck!


Nu...nu e nici unul din cei amintiti mai sus...

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