Maria Callas s-a infectat cu o tenie ca sa slabeasca..
Significantly, and too soon damagingly, she shed more than 60 pounds during that period by ingesting a gelatin capsule containing a tapeworm. It required surgery later on to remove the head from her intestine wall; by the time the "cure" was successful, her weight had dropped from more than 200 lbs. (the figures vary, but 214 is fairly constant) to 110-115. Cosmetic surgeries in subsequent years, both facially and bodily (not counting the abortion of Onassis' out-of-wedlock child, only recently verified), made Callas a glamorous creature.. and further blablas.
din alte surse, tenia a fost 'accidentala'..
Maria Callas, the opera diva, is said to have lost 65 pounds with the help of a tapeworm she contracted through her fondness for raw steak and raw liver.