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    O chitara electrica
    Un bass
    Digitech gsp1101
    Digitech Metal-Master
    Line6 Toneport UX2

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catalinsapasu's Feedback

  1. Mihnea M. left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Procesor Chitara
    De treaba si foarte serios, recomand!

    catalinsapasu was Trading

  2. chitara_calda left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss Gp-10 + Roland Gk3 Cadou

    catalinsapasu was The Seller

  3. chitara_calda left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Line6 Pod Hd500X
    Multumesc pentru schimb. Succes

    catalinsapasu was The Seller

  4. Adinel Berehorschi left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Behringer Fcb1010
    om promt si de incredere. Recomand!

    catalinsapasu was The Buyer

  5. bentatiberiu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Schimb Boss Js-8 E-Band
    Om serios, tranzactie reusita, multumesc RGC.

    catalinsapasu was The Seller

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