3294 -
Days Won
Everything posted by Razvan S.
The Wampler Faux Analog Echo delay clone for the German dude (pedal build no. 104!) A Mesa Boogie .50 Cal came in for a tube swap and also a chassis correction of a screw that was rusted and stuck (I actually drilled in the broken screw to take it out, and managed to keep the original hole intact ) An Epiphone LP came in for some tweaks/setup/neck clean/etc and an output jack swap (a lot of stuff were loose, the stud inserts even came out by hand easily...scary) A strat copy rework -rust removal -rewiring+ changed the output jack -fretwire clean -fretboard and neck clean -nut clean and adjustments -setup as best as possible (not the best guitar to work on...) Some before and after pics Before: After: A Legend strat (MIJ) setup, neck/fretboard clean, fretwire clean; changed almost all screws and also the knobs + changed the output jack (also tinkered internally with the switch, that had some mechanical problems; didn't have one on hand, but will maybe come in at some point to put in a new one) A Warwick Corvette SS came in for a setup, fretwire + fretboard clean, some wiring issues were solved, and also installed a new tuning key because the old one broke off. Also had to take off the brass nut which was loose and re-file the base of the neck and reglue the nut back. Had to do some rust removal on some screws (besides taking aparat the whole bridge and cleaning stuff) Installed a new Graph Tech nut on a Morris Acoustic. There was some work because the base had to be slanted(like the original nut), so I filed it down accordingly Also, had to adjust the height on E , B and G separately. On the old nut, the Low E and the High E(especially), were too low.
El spune ca are DSL40, deci 2 x EL34. DSL401 are 4 x EL84
N-am mai apucat sa fac updates Terminate 4 pedale pt un singur om! Wampler Faux Analog Echo Delay Clone - Pharaoh Fuzz Clone - Suhr Riot Clone - Keeley 4 Knob Comp Clone Putin de OCD de estetica chiar si la lucrurile ce nu le vedeti Urmeaza in curand inca un Delay ca cel de mai sus (pentru prima data vandut in afara , un neamt a auzit cum suna si a vrut si el unul ) Urmeaza si o varianta interesanta mai custom de EP booster cu 3 knobs, si 1 sau 2 switchuri externe + internal bias adjustment + 18V internal doubler pt un user de pe forum. Delay-ul aici: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biQj3IxhWhQ&spfreload=10
vând Fender Hot Rod Deluxe Iii
Razvan S. replied to Aleeex's topic in Pedale, efecte și preamplificatoare
Nu, exact ce ai spus stii ce inseamna? Ca unul dintre arcurile fizice din tankul de reverb chiar sare din locas (asta se poate intampla daca e o problema cu el, de la socuri). Pentru cineva care stie ce e in acel tank, asta intelege. Reverbul nu "sare" ca functionalitate, eventual poti spune ca se intrerupe. Bafta la vanzare -
Vand Pedale (Nova Delay, Boss Cs-3, Ocd V3)
Razvan S. replied to Alexandy's topic in Pedale, efecte și preamplificatoare
Hehe! Ce ieftin Luati cat e cald, ca facuta handmade iar costa mult mai mult. O pedala pe care am facut-o mai demult , se poate vedea aici, este din martie 2013, acum 4 ani! Ia-o ca de up! -
Marshall Jcm 2000 - Dsl 401(Issue)
Razvan S. replied to Razvan Tudosa's topic in Discutii despre echipament
L-am rezolvat eu , si pe langa asta am si refacut toate lipiturile la socluri....fiind foarte reci majoritatea (adica, indepartand cositorul vechi, si punand nou..nu touchup cretin pe lipiturile existente) Problema a fost bridge rectifierul uzat + o rezistenta ce era complet moarta si nu avea semne vizibile deloc pe ea. Reparatiile astea implica multa multa cautare si multe poze cu pozitia firelor (nu le postez pe toate haha) -
Eu cand am facut Phase 90, am luat direct set matched (2n5952) , 4 bucati, chiar pentru Phase 90 Ca sa fiu sincer, nu mi-am batut niciodata capul cu asta, desi pentru unele fuzzuri sa zicem, ar conta iar...dar meh. Daca nu e ceva super sensibil sau mega boutique sau old school ce necesita asta sa obtii "ingredientul special" in sound... mneaaaaah.
De Ce Toata Lumea Vinde Acum Amplificatoare Laney
Razvan S. replied to Blackthorn's topic in Discutii despre echipament
Dunno, dar am JCM80...*cough cough* ...GH100L! , si n-are treaba cu IRT-urile. -
Maxon OD820, Maxon OD808 Maxon AD999 Pro Analog Delay Univox Superfuzz
Updates * Fixed an Xotic RC Booster pedal which had been previously tinkered with * Checked the electronics and also cleaned the pots in an ESP LTD EC-500 * Another Wampler Triple Wreck Clone (my second one) * A Mesa Boogie DC-3 combo came in for some repairs -> the investigation is pending (what I did also was to redo the soldering on the power tube sockets, someone reheated the solder and added too much along with a ton of flux...UGLY! ) A Mesa is hard to work on anyway...and my tomcat Blacky isn't helping haha! * A Roland Jazz Chorus 55 came in for some checkups and repairs. I changed one severely damaged pot, cleaned the rest, and also redid some solder points. The plug didn't have the grounding wire attached so I changed the plug. Unfortunately, the speakers have to be changed. The customer will later come back with some Jensen C8R-s A really really nice sounding amp!! * A Fender MIM 5 string bass came in for some cleaning, rewiring and a setup. I also changed the nut to a Graph Tech one
Ca un reminder, sa fie CLAR, pot clona orice de pe tagboardeffects(proiectele marcate verified) Sunt 943!! de proiecte verified pe acest blog Aveti de unde alege: Type Acoustic (1) Amp (6) Amp Emulation (30) Autowah (9) Bass (41) Blend (7) Booster (126) Buffer (15) Charge pump (22) Chorus (11) Components (3) Compressor (27) Delay (21) Distortion (214) EQ (14) Filter (34) Fuzz (303) Gate (4) Guide (7) Looper (1) Misc (5) Mixer (7) Modification (1) Modulation (7) Noise (25) Notification (11) Octave (37) Other (4) Overdrive (323) Phaser (16) Pitch (3) Pre-amp (18) Reverb (11) Robot (1) Splitter (6) Swell (2) Tremolo (24) Utility (23) Vibe (8) Vibrato (6) Wah (15) Popular BrandsAmpeg (1) Arion (2) Barber (7) BBE (6) BJF/MP (26) Black Arts (8) Blackout Effectors (3) Boss (14) Buzztone (2) BYOC (4) Carl Martin (4) Catalinbread (16) Colorsound (10) Cornish (3) DAM (20) Dan Armstrong (6) Danelectro (6) Death By Audio (10) Demeter (4) Devi Ever (12) DOD (17) Dunlop (4) Durham (1) EarthQuaker Devices (14) Electro Harmonix (37) Emma (2) Fender (1) Frantone (4) Fulltone (10) Fuzzhugger (4) Gretsch (2) Guild (1) Guyatone (1) HAO (5) HBE (1) Ibanez (32) Idiotbox (1) Jen (4) JHS (4) Keeley (8) Kent (1) Klon (8) Landgraff (5) Lovepedal (18) Madbean (31) Maestro (6) Marshall (7) Maxon (8) Menatone (7) MI Audio (6) Mid-Fi Electronics (4) Morley (2) Mosrite (1) Musitronics (3) MXR (21) Nobels (2) OKKO (2) Palmer (1) Peavey (1) PJP (6) ProCo (2) Red Witch (1) Rocktek (1) Roger Mayer (10) Rothwell (2) Runoffgroove (25) Schaller (2) Selmer (1) Skreddy (11) SubDecay (2) Tech21 (1) Univox (4) Voodoo Lab (3) Vox (5) Walco (1) Wampler (11) Way Huge (5) Xotic (5) Yerasov (3) ZVex (20)
Ca un reminder, sa fie CLAR, pot clona orice de pe tagboardeffects(proiectele marcate verified) Sunt 943!! de proiecte verified pe acest blog Aveti de unde alege: Type Acoustic (1) Amp (6) Amp Emulation (30) Autowah (9) Bass (41) Blend (7) Booster (126) Buffer (15) Charge pump (22) Chorus (11) Components (3) Compressor (27) Delay (21) Distortion (214) EQ (14) Filter (34) Fuzz (303) Gate (4) Guide (7) Looper (1) Misc (5) Mixer (7) Modification (1) Modulation (7) Noise (25) Notification (11) Octave (37) Other (4) Overdrive (323) Phaser (16) Pitch (3) Pre-amp (18) Reverb (11) Robot (1) Splitter (6) Swell (2) Tremolo (24) Utility (23) Vibe (8) Vibrato (6) Wah (15) Popular BrandsAmpeg (1) Arion (2) Barber (7) BBE (6) BJF/MP (26) Black Arts (8) Blackout Effectors (3) Boss (14) Buzztone (2) BYOC (4) Carl Martin (4) Catalinbread (16) Colorsound (10) Cornish (3) DAM (20) Dan Armstrong (6) Danelectro (6) Death By Audio (10) Demeter (4) Devi Ever (12) DOD (17) Dunlop (4) Durham (1) EarthQuaker Devices (14) Electro Harmonix (37) Emma (2) Fender (1) Frantone (4) Fulltone (10) Fuzzhugger (4) Gretsch (2) Guild (1) Guyatone (1) HAO (5) HBE (1) Ibanez (32) Idiotbox (1) Jen (4) JHS (4) Keeley (8) Kent (1) Klon (8) Landgraff (5) Lovepedal (18) Madbean (31) Maestro (6) Marshall (7) Maxon (8) Menatone (7) MI Audio (6) Mid-Fi Electronics (4) Morley (2) Mosrite (1) Musitronics (3) MXR (21) Nobels (2) OKKO (2) Palmer (1) Peavey (1) PJP (6) ProCo (2) Red Witch (1) Rocktek (1) Roger Mayer (10) Rothwell (2) Runoffgroove (25) Schaller (2) Selmer (1) Skreddy (11) SubDecay (2) Tech21 (1) Univox (4) Voodoo Lab (3) Vox (5) Walco (1) Wampler (11) Way Huge (5) Xotic (5) Yerasov (3) ZVex (20) Proiecte aparute acest an noi! ▼ 2016 (128) ▼ December (5) Tube-Town Effects Fuzz Central Liquid Drive BYOC Confidence Booster Carl Martin Crush Zone Hudson Electronics Broadcast ▼ November (9) Earthquaker Devices Tentacle Charge Pump Extravaganza Earthquaker Devices The Depths Wattson Classic Electrons EFY-6 Schumann Lion Smallsound/Bigsound Team Awesome Fuzz Machine Fuzzhugger Doom Bloom Frostwave Funk-a-Duck Bogner La Grange ▼ October (7) Hughes & Kettner Red Box Classic DI Paia 5730 Gator Earthquaker Devices Tone Reaper Menatone None More Black Feisty Little One Thermal Detonator Madbean Stank Handmades Hell's Gain / HG-1 ▼ September (13) Electro Harmonix Octave Multiplexer Electro Harmonix Black Finger Compressor/Sustainer... Electro Harmonix Full Double Tracking Paul Trombetta Designs Bone Machine Visual Sound Jekyll & Hyde Madbean Tapanator Projects Madbean Cave Dweller (2015) Voodoo Lab Superfuzz King Dubby Delay Earthquaker Devices Grey Channel Orange AD200b MkIII (On Hold) Orange AD200b MkI (On Hold) Sunn Model T (1st Gen) Preamp ▼ August (14) VFE Pedals Triumvirate VFE Pedals Fuzz Duo HAO Sole Pressure Lovetone DoppelGanger (Gigahearts FX Doubel Ganger... VFE Pedals Merman Tone Factor Cream Pie Top Gear Fuzz Sustain Carlsbro Fuzzbox VFE Pedals Dark Horse VFE Pedals Blues King VFE Pedals Alpha Dog VFE Pedals Pale Horse Roland AG-5 Funny Cat Moosapotamus Dirty Bird ▼ July (9) Wampler Sovereign Rockett Flex Drive Crowther Audio Prunes & Custard Runoffgroove Condor Cab Sim BYOC 27V Boost FYA Garagemaster Mesa/Boogie Throttle Box Mesa/Boogie Flux-Drive Smallsound/Bigsound Mini Overdrive ▼ June (5) Mad Professor Amber Overdrive Catalinbread SFT II 4ms Noise Swash 4ms Phaseur Fleur Valve Wizard U-Boat ▼ May (13) Korg CMP-1 / Yamaha CO-01 Compressor Way Huge Green Rhino MK II Triton Delay Madbean Sharkfin Filter (Maestro FSH-1 without Sam... CmatMods Butah Hjärt Müller Bass Drive LM13700 Janglebox Parasit Studio - The Xor'cist Electro Harmonix Small Stone Maxon OD-F1 Fire Blade Overdrive Effector DOD FX22 Vibro Thang Ross Phaser Crazy Tube Circuits Ziggy ▼ April (7) Brunetti Mercuri Box Madbean Sharkfin (Maestro FSH-1 Filter, Sample & H... THAT Jam Compressor Menatone Pig John Hollis - Easy Vibe (with mods) Gem Toaster amp Madbean Ping (Reverb) ▼ March (12) Madbean Turnabout (JHS Andy Timmons) Madbean Wigl (Vibe) Chunk Systems - Brown Dog Chunk Systems - Agent 00Funk Madbean Glam (Chorus) Madbean Fencepost (Noise Gate / Expander) Parasit Studio - Arcadiator 2.0 Fuchs Audio Plush Cream Hofner Buzztone FYA Scream Queen Overdrive Sunn Beta Preamp Electro Harmonix '75 Unknown Muff ▼ February (18) Pro Analog MKIII Fuzz Madbean Holy Roller / Baja Optical Limiter Seppuku Space Fuzz Seppuku Fuzz Overloader Jersey Girl Fulltender FYA Jazz Driver Apocalypse Audio 4 Horsemen Apocalypse Audio Thunder Tone Apocalypse Audio Dirty Boots Version 5 Apocalypse Audio Dirty Boots Version 6 Fuzzhugger Algal Bloom Wyllie Moonrock Montarbo Sinfhoton Highly Modified ZVEX Fuzzolo Montarbo Sinfhoton Madbean Leviathan (Wampler Faux Analog Echo Delay)... Madbean Gravity Wave (Earthquaker Devices Sea Mach... Death By Audio - Echo Dream 2 ▼ January (16) Ace Tone FM-3 Fuzz Master sans boost Ace Tone FM-3 Fuzz Master Sekova Big Muff Model 2015 Electra 600D 5-knob Compressor Bipolar Bear - Dual Overdrive MultiCab Simulator Elka Dizzy Tone Madbean Shortstack Overdrive Faustone Fuzz Unit Prescription Electronics Experience Zinky True Grit Black Arts Toneworks Black Sheep Switchable Onboard Power +9/+18V Colorsound Supa ToneBender EarthQuaker Devices The Warden - ON HOLD -
Doar fiindca este chitara mai ieftina...nu inseamna ca reparatia costa mai putin. Se aplica aceleasi metode calitative, cand se repara asa ceva. Pe scurt...nu merita. Dar,e bolt on...mai degraba faci rost de alt neck.
Some updates * MXR Phase 90 clone (with added depth pot and a script/block version switch) * Setup and some fretboard cleaning on an Ibanez RG * Setup and some fretboard cleaning on an Epiphone LP (I also had to hammer in a lot of frets, because they were sticking out...pff) * Setup on a VGS Eruption Guitar * Setup and some wiring touchup on a Squier Bass
Exista topic dedicat pentru asa ceva! Nu o lasa de privat, toata lumea trebuie sa stie de nemultumiri justificate. https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/32181-feedback-despre-cumparatorivanzatori/?p=973379
Pentru ca eu prefer sa mananc fruncte de mare si curry....nu ca toti mamaliga si sarmale
Eh, se mai reduc unele. Eu am prins anu trecut niste monitoare reduse chiar ok...si sigur erau mai mult ca tot asa, le urmarisem de mult. Dar altele...mega vrajeala ________________________________________________________________________________________________ On Topic: Deschizi in goagle fiecare magazin de muzica existent in Ro si sa cauti; sunt sigur ca au afisat .
Seamana putin cu Yehudi Menuhin cand era mai tanar...dar nu cred ca e el. Hmmm, ceva extra info?E "de-al nostru"? Ce scrie pe poza? _______________________________________________________ Iarta-ma daca iti spamez topicul dar simt ca doresc si eu sa impartasesc ceva, daca tot vorbim de poze cu violonisti Imi trezeste o oarece nostalgie acea poza,de aceea intreb, deoarece cumva ma simt si eu legat de un anume violonist ce a murit acum multa vreme, si e ingropat intr-un cimitir din orasul meu (cimitirul din Buziasului, in Timisoara), si are o poza pe piatra funerara ,mormant uitat de lume si timp, si i-am cautat numele pe net, si am gasit niste lucruri CEL PUTIN surprinzatoare! -asa de info, Jean Prostean/Jean Prosteanu il chema pe "al meu", si am gasit asta, impressive! E din New York Times , 1911 Nov Am gasit chiar si un post card, e mai tanar in poza aceasta(in poza de pe mormant e mai in varsta) http://images.delcampe.com/img_large/auction/000/263/361/456_001.jpg Mai rar cand ajung acolo si vad mormantul, imi da fiori stiind pe unde a umblat si ce a cantat omul acesta in 1911. Imi plac mult descoperirile astea, de asta sunt si eu curios de poza ta.
Fixed an old Tesla record player (will probably come back for some other checkups) Repaired an EHX Small Clone pedal (changed the Footswitch) A Marshall Mode Four in repairs An Ibanez S came in for some general tweaks (setup, some rust removal, fixed a loose insert ,etc) Now it plays great and the intonation is good Changed all the capacitors in an old Solton GV60 amp from the 70s, and also measured all the resistors and changed the ones that were off/dead.Needs just a little more tube tweaking , but it's "there"
Reconditionare Chitara Electrica - Timisoara
Razvan S. replied to hourglass's topic in DIY & Minitehnicus
Sau ma ocup eu si am si rezolvat problema. Chitara e ok acum,se intoneaza super ok,so closed A se vedea feedbackul de la om -
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