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Fenrir last won the day on March 27

Fenrir had the most liked content!

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Other Information

  • Band
    Kistvaen, Depths, Litera 1
  • Gear
    Jackson RX10D Rhoads
    Jackson Phil Demmel Signature King V™
    Jackson Christian Olde Wolbers Signature Dinky 7-string
    Jackson SLAT3-7 Soloist Archtop 7-string
    Jackson David Ellefson CB-XV 5 String Bass

    Peavey 6505 Guitar Head
    Peavey 6505 Slant Cabinet
    Peavey Rage 158 Transtube Series

    Boss FV-50L Volume Pedal
    Boss RC-2 Loop Station
    Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb
    Boss DD-6 Digital Delay
    Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble
    Boss BF-3 Flanger
    Boss PS-5 Super Shifter
    Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
    Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal
    Boss IR-2 Amp & Cabinet
    Boss SD-1 Overdrive
    Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
    Boss TU-80 Chromatic Tuner and Metronome

    Boss BCB-60 Pedalboard
    Boss BCB-90X Pedalboard
    Aclam Smart Track XS2 Pedalboard
    Roland EV-5 Expression Pedal
    Digitech FreqOut
    Seymour Duncan Power Stage 170
    Zoom 505 - II
    EBow Plus

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Collaborator (7/14)

  • Dedicated Rare
  • Reacting Well Rare
  • Very Popular Rare
  • First Post
  • Collaborator Rare

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  4. Alte ape clabuceau prin 2008. Fiareee vechi luoaam, fiare luoaaam.
  5. Daca tot l-ai resuscitat si facem trafic, pune si poza cu chitara ta Grosmann. 😝
  6. 📌 Dezgropat pentru atentie.
  7. Vazand ultimul post al userului cri din 2006, si pe urma postul "tanarului" de acum 15 ore, dupa exprimare si dupa cum arata textul (lipsa majuscule, virgule posedate, greseli de clasa a 2a, etc) pare ca e scris de una si aceeasi persoana.
  8. Baga si tu "o" Gojira sa mai variezi dincolo de valul asta de piese extra comercial and cheesy.
  9. Hai si cu una de la Bostanosfera.. You name it!
  10. @Cosu do tell, man!
  11. Salut! Un topic deschis de mine, il mai pot inchide eu? Nu mai vad butonul ala sus acolo.
  12. Iti multumim! Acum merge!
  13. In thread-ul " ganduri razlete " nu se poate posta. Nici de pe PC, nici de pe mobile. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Salut! Caut un coleg chitarist pentru o trupa de metal extrem, obligatoriu posesor de chitara 7 string. Detalii, vorbim pe privat, sau la adresa de email f_e_n_r_i_r at yahoo dot com Referinte:
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