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iulian last won the day on March 20 2020

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    Ibanez grg270b
    Jackson slattxmg3-7
    Fender Mustang III

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  1. My new song
  2. Vocal cover: Dream Theater - The answer lies within https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ao7URqmQJqoOlGEi3Oa6I724cGBM
  3. misto... ma duce cu gandul la steven wilson
  4. Saptamana si piesa: https://youtu.be/sCT5t5izVI0
  5. Prima mea piesa completa: Adica cu inceput si sfarsit
  6. stii faza aia cu timpul?
  7. Am gasit buba. primul tub din preamp(v1) e busit si face si microfonie. am facut swap cu tubul din pozitia v4 si a disparut zgomotul. Am sunat la thoman si au zis ca imi trimit replacement tube http://support.evhgear.com/schematics/EVH_5150_III_15W_Head_Tube_Functions.pdf
  8. oare https://www.emag.ro/prelungitor-cu-protectie-la-supratensiune-si-filtre-bachmann-connectus-6-prize-schuko-intrerupator-cordon-2m-330-105/pd/EJ8Q2BBBM/?cmpid=86968&gclid=Cj0KCQiAkePyBRCEARIsAMy5Scsv-7hICxC0drgYZPKrlxTJyCVSX6BuOHyN-067u_l6kP-yRPuk1voaAll-EALw_wcB ajuta?
  9. @Puiu noroc ca e in garantie
  10. Salut, Mi-a venit ieri EVH-ul si observ ca are un hum puternic in 50 /100 /200 hz. zgomotul e prezent cand ampul e pornit si nu e in standby Atasez o captura din eq si un sample audio. hum.mp3|Credeti ca ar trebui sa il returnez? sau e ceva normal? LE:am uitat sa precizez ca si cu vol la 0 si gain la 0 zgomutul e prezent.
  11. stiu ce e heic. ziceam ca nu se randeaza pe forum
  12. cine stie ce e asta? IMG_3926.HEICIMG_3925.HEICIMG_3924.HEICIMG_3923.HEICIMG_3922.HEIC https://photos.app.goo.gl/LEGBwccg5KgXfnS19 am pus lijk de google photos ca vad ca nu deschide HEIC
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