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vintageblueman last won the day on June 14 2018

vintageblueman had the most liked content!

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    ce am prins si eu

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. 5900 schimburi doar cu o chitara cu 8 corzi
  2. tc electronic chorus/flanger - 500 leimarshall shred master - 400 leikeeley katana boost - 600 lei t-rex hobo - 500 lei mooer spark overdrive - 200 lei
  3. au mai ramas urmatoarele tc electronic chorus/flanger - 500 leimarshall shred master - 400 leikeeley katana boost - 600 lei j.rocket archer moddat de Sorin Dragoi - 600 lei t-rex hobo - 500 lei mooer spark overdrive - 200 lei
  4. a ramas doar singel coil-ul
  5. rms singel loop switch - 150 lei tc electronic chorus/flanger - 500 leipetty john - 600 leimarshall shred master - 400 leiboss super shifter - 250 lei keeley katana boost - 600 lei j.rocket archer moddat de Sorin Dragoi - 600 lei t-rex hobo - 500 lei love pedal amp 11 - 700 lei mooer spark overdrive - 200 lei toate functioneaza perfect
  6. Suhr ssv bridge negru-300 leiSuhr ml-cl singel coil-300 leiSuhr ssh+ bridge alb-300 lei
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