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About NiNjA

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  1. NiNjA

    Gaming Corner

    Pe cind un Dante's Inferno 2???
  2. Laurent Perrier Rose Mumm Krug Moet Sapporo Black Label etc
  3. NiNjA

    Gaming Corner

    Unappreciated and overworked...what can a Ninja do? S-au dat doua pass-uri, mai e unul.
  4. Citizen Promaster Eco-Drive Sky Folosit foarte putin. Are 3 zale scoase de la bratara. Un telescop(?) de la bratara s-a indoit cind l-am scos, se pot deci repune doar 2 zale inapoi. 300EUR. Disponibil in Decembrie. Detalii aici: http://sushi-kitchen.ocnk.net/product/625
  5. Casio G-SHOCK GW-9300GY-1JF [MUDMAN Men in Smoky Gray Solar power Radio controlled Atomic MULTIBAND 6 Watch] Folosit foarte putin. 200 EUR Disponibil in Decembrie. Detalii aici: http://www.tokyo-toyz.com/proddetail.php?prod=CasioG-SHOCKGW-9300GY-1JF
  6. iPhone 4 8GB Black iOS 5.1 carrier locked (Softbank Telecom) Activat prima data in August 2011. Conditie buna. 1300 RON? Disponibil in Decembrie (probabil va aparea si o versiune de jailbreak pina atunci)
  7. NiNjA

    Gaming Corner

    Am 3 Guest Pass-uri pt Diablo 3. PM me
  8. NiNjA

    Rgc.ro Kiva Team

    Team disbanded due to low participation.
  9. NiNjA

    Rgc.ro Kiva Team

    Kiva's mission is to connect people through lending for the sake of alleviating poverty. Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website, empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs in the developing world. How Kiva works: 1) Lenders like you browse profiles of entrepreneurs in need, and choose someone to lend to. When they lend, using PayPal or their credit cards, Kiva collects the funds and then passes them along to one of our microfinance partners worldwide. 2) Kiva's microfinance partners distribute the loan funds to the selected entrepreneur. Often, our partners also provide training and other assistance to maximize the entrepreneur's chances of success. 3) Over time, the entrepreneur repays their loan. Repayment and other updates are posted on Kiva and emailed to lenders who wish to receive them. 4) When lenders get their money back, they can re-lend to someone else in need, donate their funds to Kiva (to cover operational expenses), or withdraw their funds. Join the slaughter at RGC.ro Kiva team Personal o sa dublez fiecare donatie a membrilor echipei (deocamdata doar 3/luna, mai mult pe viitor). Charity rox!
  10. NiNjA

    Rgc Thing

    Eu ma simt la fel ca acum 4 ani cind ies la bere cu cearny, cosu & co...
  11. NiNjA

    Poze cu forumisti

    Cind avea pojar ma.
  12. NiNjA


    Nu ma, stai linistit. Depinde de brand.
  13. Trist
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