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Guest Pheno

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Guest Johnny I

in afara de aspect si marcaj, nu mai stiu sa aiba vre-o intrebuintzare... am vazut o chitara fendre telecaster custom cu marcaje din rubine, safire etc... super tare... era in catalogul fender 2004

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Guest Johnny I

io unu' am avut o chitara reghin fara nici un fel de marcaj... si m-am obisnuit cu ea cam in 2 sapt dupa ce tot stateam sa numar tastele... ehe... prima mea chitara

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Parerea mea este ca punctele de marcaj au in primul rand un rol comercial. Haideti sa va explic si de ce. Dupa cum ati observat, majoritatea instrumentistilor "profani" din ziua de azi canta la chitara (clasica, electrica, bas). Din pacate, putini dintre ei stiu sa citeasca o partitura sau sa studieze teorie muzicala. Punctele de marcaj au facut ca multi chitaristi (si asta s-a intamplat si in cazul meu) sa cante pozitional si din reflex si chitara sa devina un instrument extrem de usor de abordat cel putin din punctul asta de vedere. Problema asta poate fi rezolvata foarte usor printr-un exercitiu foarte simplu, respectiv, incercati sa gasiti si sa cantati aceiasi nota pe corzi diferite, in pozitii diferite. De exemplu, foarte repede trebuie sa stiti un de este nota MI pe toate corzile, fara sa va ganditi prea mult. Cand veti ajunge la aceasta performanta, punctele de marcaj devin inutile. Sper ca m-am facut inteles.

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Nu sunt de acord cu Felix, punctele de marcaj (cel putin cele laterale) sunt foarte folostoare chiar si atunci cand cunosti toate notele e pe grif. Un argument in aceasta privinta este si faptul ca acest lucru mi l-a spus si profesorul cu care am facut o vree chitara clasica - si omul nu numai ca stia sa citeasca partituri.. :) In vorbele lui: 'Cand ai de executat o piesa grea si pur si simplu nu-ti vine in minte instantaneu pozitia urmatoare, sunt de un folos incredibil. Ca sa nu mai zic ce se intampla cand un capodastru intra in imagine'. El lipea bucatele de scotch de hartie pe laterala grifului.


Ar mai fi si Q&A-ul asta depe GuitarPrinciples.com:


Am I A Fret Marker Wimp? Join The Club!


Dear Jamie. 


I am having a classical guitar built for me and have a bit of a conflict about whether I should have fret markers put on it at the 7th  (and possibly the 5th) frets.  My previous guitars have had these but this builder seems a bit reluctant to put them on.  I wonder if he is trying to tell me something.  I can play a markerless guitar pretty well on pieces I know, but I find the markers are easier when learning new classical pieces, especially if they are complex and at high positions.  Are these just training wheels and should be gotten rid of as soon as possible, or do pros sometimes have them on their guitars?  Am I a fret marker wimp?  Would be interested in your opinion on this.







Yes, Michael you are a fret marker wimp. But then again, so am I!


I like to put a little white dot at the 7th fret so it doesn't look like such a wasteland when I look down (I use white out). Of course, I have no pride, I would put big numbers on every fret if it helped me play better! That being said, I have to admit that my little white out marker wore off a few weeks ago, and I have been too lazy and pre-occupied to put another back on (its not the first thing I feel like doing when I pick up my guitar!). So, I have been practicing and playing with no marker since then (which proves that laziness is more powerful than wimpiness). I don't seem to have a problem. But, I will still put one on when I get around to it, and if I had a concert to give I would definitely do it. Maybe I am a chicken, I don't know, but using a fret marker doesn't seem to have any bad effects.


I once saw a virtuoso player playing the famous "Leyenda", (used by the Doors in Spanish Caravan, for you rockers). As you may know, it is necessary to come out of some very quick right hand patterns and left hand strectches and land on the 7th fret B major chord. Well, I will never forget the mixed look of shock and embarrassment when that virtuoso  player landed on the 8th fret instead! Ouch!


I don't know if it scarred him for life (he probably does have big numbers on all his frets now!), but I guess it scarred me just watching him! Before a concert, I say, "where's the whiteout?".


And btw, one of my best teachers, and a great player, Jerry Williard, did the same thing, so, join the (wimp) club!

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sunt de acord si cu felix, si cu cearny, si cu toti ceilalti care au postat aici.

Cred ca in primul rand, s-au inventat pentru a te ajuta mai mult. Dar ei, dupa un timp s-au prins ca prin asta, pot face chitara sa arate un pic mai interesanta (vezi Les Paul, sau Jackson).

Si legat de ceea ce a zis Dementhor, nu sunt de acord cu el :X

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daca ai compresie buna si gain la maxim reusesti sa scoti armonice oriunde..ma rog..nu o sa aiba sustain extraordinar, doar ca eu am reusit sa scot armonice pe 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, cele 2 armonice de pe 3, cele 2 armonice de pe 2..folosind un rp100a

ma rog...tineau cel mult 50 ms alea greu de obtinut, dar le faceam..nu are legatura fret dots/inlays cu armonicele...de fapt..are...te ajuta sa gasesti mai usor tastele ca sa stii unde poti sa faci armonice..dar asta face in general..nu pt armonici numai

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Guest wintzy

Shi apropo de aspecte ciudate ale marcajelor, ia aruncatzi o privire pe griffu de la kitara a 3-a, aia arsa.


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Mai are oricum inlay-uri pe marginea grifului, vizibile de sus. Oricum, obositor rau modelul ala.


Cat despre inlayuri in general, am vazut ca mai toti muzicienii profesionisti nu tin neaparat la prezenta acestora. Ca amator si mie mi s-ar parea cam greu fara marcaje, cel putin pana sa intervina o posibila acomodare, insa pt John Myung si multi altii am obs ca nu e absolut nici o problema. A, plus ca mai exista fretless-bass, viori si alte instrumente netemperate, deci probabil ca e o chestie de cum te obisnuiesti cu instrumentul respectiv si cum iti formezi mana pe el, de pozitia sa in raport cu corpul, unghiurile si deschiderea mainii etc.

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