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HGE Contraptions (DIY hobby/NON-Business) -> Pedale Chitara Handmade / Modari Pedale / Wiring si Setup Chitare / Reparatii Ampuri

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Razvane, ai cea mai mare tarabă de pe forum :D




Apropo, am ajuns la 81 de proiecte, uite o lista!

Cele care se repeta sunt facute de atatea ori, din DEC 2012, pana azi:


1 Analogman Sunface BC183
2 Barber Direct Drive
3 Barber Small Fry
4 Black Arts Toneworks FNORD
5 Black Arts Toneworks LSTR
6 Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh
7 Boss DS-2 Footswitch
8 Boss OD-1
9 Boss SD-1 
10 Boss SD-1 (Modded)
11 BSIAB II (brown sound in a box)
12 BYOC Tremolo
13 Culture Jam Neptune Delay
14 Custom Split Box
15 Death by Audio Robot
16 DOD 250 Preamp/Overdrive(Grey version)
17 DOD 280 Compressor
18 DOD 280 Compressor
19 DOD 280 Compressor
20 DOD 280 Compressor
21 Dr. Boogie (Mesa preamp emulator)
22 Dub Siren
23 EarthQuaker Devices Bit Commander
24 EHX Big Muff 73 Ram's Head 
25 EHX Big Muff Pi Russian(discontinued)
26 EHX Big Muff Pi Russian(discontinued)
27 EHX LPB-1 (Modded)
28 Feedback Looper pedal
29 Fulltone 69 Fuzz
30 Fulltone OCD V2
31 Fulltone OCD V3
32 Fulltone OCD V3
33 Gold M8 (JCM800 first stage w/ FET)
34 Hermida Zendrive
35 Ibanez ST9 SuperTubescreamer
36 Ibanez TS808
37 Ibanez TS808 (with a clipping switch)
38 Ibanez TS808 (with a clipping switch)
39 Ibanez TS9
40 Ibanez TS9
41 Ibanez TS9
42 Ibanez TS9
43 Ibanez TS9 (with a clipping switch)
44 JHS Morning Glory
45 Keeley 4 Knob Compressor
46 KLON Centaur
47 Krank Distortus Maximus
48 Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay
49 Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay
50 Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay
51 Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay
52 Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay
53 Mad Professor Forest Green Compressor
54 Madbean Bacon Bits 
55 Maxon OD820
56 MXR CAE 401
57 MXR Phase 45
58 OKKO Diablo Boost+
59 OKKO Diablo Boost+
60 Purple Plexi 800
61 Rockett Pedals Blue Note
62 Rockett Pedals Blue Note
63 Sadowsky Preamp 
64 Schaller Tremolo (modified)
65 Simple Fuzz
66 Strymon Favorite Footswitch
67 Suhr Riot
68 Triode Triode 9-12V Tube Booster/Pre
69 Tufnel Distortion
70 Univox Superfuzz
71 Voltage Doubler
72 Wampler Triple Wreck
73 Xotic BB Preamp
74 Xotic BB Preamp
75 Xotic EP Booster
76 Xotic RC Booster
77 Z Vex Fuzz Factory
78 Z Vex Fuzz Factory
79 Z Vex Fuzz Factory
80 Z Vex Fuzz Factory
81 Z Vex Wooly Mammoth
  • Like 2

Nu uitati, sunt 850+ proiecte aici verified!





Acoustic (1) Amp (5) Amp Emulation (27)Autowah (9) Bass (32) Blend (7)Booster (120) Buffer (15) Charge pump (22) Chorus (11) Components (3)Compressor (23) Delay (17)Distortion (199) EQ (14)Filter (28) Fuzz (288) Gate (3)Guide (7) Looper (1) Misc (5) Mixer (7)Modification (1) Modulation (3) Noise (24)Notification (11) Octave (34) Other (4)Overdrive (300) Phaser (10)Pitch (3) Pre-amp (15) Reverb (10)Robot (1) Splitter (6) Swell (1) Tremolo (23)Utility (21) Vibe (5) Vibrato (3) Wah (14)

 Popular Brands:

Ampeg (1) Arion (2) Barber (7) BBE (6)BJF/MP (25) Black Arts (8)Blackout Effectors (3) Boss (14)Buzztone (2) BYOC (2) Carl Martin (2)Catalinbread (15) Colorsound(10) Cornish (3) DAM (20) Dan Armstrong (6) Danelectro (6) Death By Audio (10) Demeter (4) Devi Ever (12) DOD (15) Dunlop (4)Durham (1) EarthQuaker Devices(10) Electro Harmonix(33) Emma (2) Fender (1) Frantone (4)Fulltone (10) Fuzzhugger (3) Gretsch(2) Guild (1) Guyatone (1) HAO (4) HBE (1)Ibanez (32) Idiotbox (1) Jen (4)JHS (3) Keeley (8) Kent (1) Klon (7)Landgraff (5) Lovepedal (18)Madbean (23) Maestro (4)Marshall (5) Maxon (7) Menatone (5)MI Audio (6) Mid-Fi Electronics (4)Morley (2) Mosrite (1) Musitronics (3)MXR (21) Nobels (2) OKKO (2) Palmer(1) Peavey (1) PJP (6) ProCo (2) Red Witch(1) Rocktek (1) Roger Mayer (10)Rothwell (2) Runoffgroove(24) Schaller (2) Selmer (1) Skreddy(11) SubDecay (2) Tech21 (1) Univox (4)Voodoo Lab (2) Vox (5) Walco (1)Wampler (10) Way Huge (4) Xotic(5) Yerasov (3) ZVex (20)

Buna ziua! As fi interesat de un unichorus de la EBS  si EHS Doctor Q pt bass

Vb pe PM





In weekend, inca un Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Fuzz, un fuzz destul de versatil cu cateva voicinguri diferite!

Up pt pedale :)


Puteti alege de aici pedale, aveti categoriile de mai jos


Vorbim pe PM pt detalii ;)




Acoustic (1) Amp (5) Amp Emulation (27)Autowah (9) Bass (34) Blend (7)Booster (120) Buffer (15) Charge pump (22) Chorus (11) Components (3)Compressor (23) Delay (17)Distortion (199) EQ (14)Filter (29) Fuzz (289) Gate (3)Guide (7) Looper (1) Misc (5) Mixer (7)Modification (1) Modulation (3) Noise (24)Notification (11) Octave (34) Other (4)Overdrive (300) Phaser (10)Pitch (3) Pre-amp (15) Reverb (10)Robot (1) Splitter (6) Swell (1) Tremolo (23)Utility (21) Vibe (6) Vibrato (3) Wah (14)



Popular Brands

Ampeg (1) Arion (2) Barber (7) BBE (6)BJF/MP (25) Black Arts (8)Blackout Effectors (3) Boss (14)Buzztone (2) BYOC (2) Carl Martin (2)Catalinbread (15) Colorsound(10) Cornish (3) DAM (20) Dan Armstrong (6) Danelectro (6) Death By Audio (10) Demeter (4) Devi Ever (12) DOD (15) Dunlop (4)Durham (1) EarthQuaker Devices(10) Electro Harmonix(33) Emma (2) Fender (1) Frantone (4)Fulltone (10) Fuzzhugger (3) Gretsch(2) Guild (1) Guyatone (1) HAO (4) HBE (1)Ibanez (32) Idiotbox (1) Jen (4)JHS (3) Keeley (8) Kent (1) Klon (7)Landgraff (5) Lovepedal (18)Madbean (24) Maestro (4)Marshall (5) Maxon (7) Menatone (5)MI Audio (6) Mid-Fi Electronics (4)Morley (2) Mosrite (1) Musitronics (3)MXR (21) Nobels (2) OKKO (2) Palmer(1) Peavey (1) PJP (6) ProCo (2) Red Witch(1) Rocktek (1) Roger Mayer (10)Rothwell (2) Runoffgroove(24) Schaller (2) Selmer (1) Skreddy(11) SubDecay (2) Tech21 (1) Univox (4)Voodoo Lab (2) Vox (5) Walco (1)Wampler (10) Way Huge (4) Xotic(5) Yerasov (3) ZVex (20)

A doua clona de Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Fuzz




Voi reveni cu samples la pedala aceasta :)


Intre timp, alta pedala ce o pot face new :D (nou aparuta clona)

Cine doreste,sa ma contacteze pe PM si discutam



JHS-AT Andy Timmons!!




Pentru BASISTI! Pot face urmatoarele 2 pedale (noi aparute clonate)



A doua clona de Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Fuzz


(Total pedal count: 82)




Samples! cu blestemu' faraonului :lol:

De la smooth la stoner,de la doom la downright noise generator almost :)





  • 2 weeks later...

Busy busy,am terminat 3 pedale weekendul acesta  :D


Al treilea OKKO Diablo Gain+ (celelalte 2 le facusem in varianta Boost+):



Un Acoustic Piezo Preamp (cutia am primit-o de la om asa gravata):



Un Feedback Looper:



Urmeaza un Zvex Wooly Mammoth, omul a confirmat :respect:



Samples rapide! 


OKKO Diablo Gain+ clone (de la smooth bluesy tones si clean boost superb, la SRV raunchy goodness spre aproape hendrixy fuzz daca e forjat cu boosterul :D):

HGE Contraptions OKKO DIablo Gain+ clone Clean Boost single coils.mp3

HGE Contraptions OKKO DIablo Gain+ clone OD+Gain single coils.mp3


Feedback Looper in care am bagat un preamp pt piezo la acustica/merge si cu electrica foarte bine ,diverse teste:

HGE Contraptions Feedback Looper+ PiezoPreamp in the loop (transparency test, unity volume).mp3

HGE Contraptions Feedback looper+piezo or electric preamp 12 o clock - 3 o clock.mp3

HGE Contraptions feedback looper Send-Return booster into feedback.mp3


My second Suhr Riot clone ready :)

Mean 80s overdrive/distortion.



Zvex Wooly Mammoth clone done (second one so far)

Really meaty hard fuzz with some 8 bit tones and awesome gating!



Samples rapide


Suhr Riot clone:

HGE Contraptions - Suhr Riot sample single coil .mp3

HGE Contraptions - Suhr Riot sample humbucker .mp3

HGE Contraptions - Suhr Riot sample humbucker (2).mp3


Zvex Wooly Mammoth clone:

HGE Contraptions - Zvex Wooly Mammoth clone humbucker.mp3

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

De 2 saptamani nu ma satur de pedala asta! 

Nici cand mi-am cumparat head-ul n-am fost asa fericit. Toata ziua o invart. 

Singura "problema" e ca nu pot salva preset-uri. Mi-ar trebui pe putin 5. Razvane, invata sa faci cu MIDI!!!

Ma rog, excelenta treaba. Nu credeam in clone, dupa ce am avut doua nereusite (facute de altcineva). Am ramas al naibii de socat. 

Apelati la Razvan! (va recomanda un client care a cumparat o pedala de la el, si-a repatat amp la el, a mers la rewiring si setup la chitari). 

Luati si-o poza :D 


  • Like 1

De 2 saptamani nu ma satur de pedala asta! 

Nici cand mi-am cumparat head-ul n-am fost asa fericit. Toata ziua o invart. 

Singura "problema" e ca nu pot salva preset-uri. Mi-ar trebui pe putin 5. Razvane, invata sa faci cu MIDI!!!

Ma rog, excelenta treaba. Nu credeam in clone, dupa ce am avut doua nereusite (facute de altcineva). Am ramas al naibii de socat. 

Apelati la Razvan! (va recomanda un client care a cumparat o pedala de la el, si-a repatat amp la el, a mers la rewiring si setup la chitari). 

Luati si-o poza :D



Mersi Adin!





Am un Marshall DSL401 in verificari, totul merge perfect, dar are low volume overall, will check.

Am observat oricum mai multe lipituri FOARTE reci, si am decis, cel putin la socluri, sa le refac complet ;) (va ajuta in the long run! stiind ce stiu despre ampurile astea , fiind cam problematice)

Urmeaza sa mai diagnostichez problema in continuare, posibil sa fie Bridge Rectifierul, etc.



Am schimbat un difuzor intr-un Wharfedale EVP-X12PRO, era distrus total:



Am schimbat doza intr-un Danelectro DC-59:



Swapped the electronics between 2 strats (a physical swap only, as requested; I didn't do any soldering except removed the input jack wires and the tremolo claw ground wire,and kept the pickguards the way they were):




Fixed some issues in a handmade "Tone" amplifier:




Fixed a Warwick Pro Fet 5.1 Bass Amp
Some IC-s at the input were shot, and also a few solder joints were cold.
The gain stage clipping was always on, produced a nasty hiss/crackle and the compressor didn't work.
Works well now!
Ca info, se poate face si aceasta pedala acum, un overdrive chiar transparent si low gain util!

Cred că ai folosit aceeași schemă :D



:lol: m-ar fi omorat omul!





Finished a JHS Andy Timmons pedal (madbean pedals modded) . THE best od-distortion pedal so far,in such a small format if u ask me

A little more natural than the Suhr Riot and a wider range of sounds.

Sample(se scot cam toate tipurile de tonuri de marshall forjat, cu inalte, fara, mai boomy, mai loose, mai tight), am tras rapid, poate cam shrill si nepozitionat bine microfonul, dar se aude clar paleta de sunete :D


HGE Contraptions - JHS Andy Timmons (madbeanmod) clone -single and humbucker.mp3




  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Inca un TS8 clone gata :)

(aceiasi persoana ce a dorit si JHS AT madbean mod clone de mai sus)


Poze si sample rapid(din pacate n-am apucat sa pozitionez si sa ascult cum am preluat asa ca :D )







Urmeaza weekendul acesta sa finalizez si sa testez al doilea Keeley 4 Knob Comp (vreau sa ma joc putin cu tranzistoarele, tin minte ca ultima clona mi s-a parut cam unity si la 3/4)



  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

HGE Contraptions Keeley 4 Knob Compressor clone + bonus build stages pics

AWESOME compressor! Will post samples soon






Atasez si sample


un compressor din categoria ''must have''




HGE Contraptions Keeley 4 Knob Compressor clone - clean single coil + humbucker lead.mp3

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
Fixed some connections in a Godin XTSA:




Fixed stuff in an amp that I repaired before, but this was an entirely different problem:




Did a setup on a Warwick bass(action, intonation, etc) + fret treatment + an extensive fretwire cleaning

It will come back for a pot problem in the near future.

Before and after pics of the neck!





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