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Solid-State Rectifier Vs. Tube Rectifier

Guest radubv

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Guest Andrei_T

Lampa are o rezistenta interna serie care poate fi simulata la redresarea cu diode adaugand niste rezistente serie pe anozi. Nu mai ai acelasi atac in cazul asta si puterea scade putin. Cu o lampa ca redresor nu mai e nevoie de switchul de standby pt ca tensiunea anodica se formeaza odata cu incalzirea filamentului lampii de redresare.

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tensiunea anodica se formeaza odata cu incalzirea filamentului lampii de redresare

Apropos de asta, citeam azi în Valve and Transistor Amplifiers de John Linsley Hood (sublinierea îmi aparține):




It has been suggested that the cathodes of valves can be damaged by reverse direction

ionic bombardment if the HT voltage is applied before the cathode has had a chance

to warm up and form a space charge, and that the valve heaters should be left on to

avoid this problem. In practice, this problem does not arise because gaseous ions are

only formed by collisions between residual gas molecules and the electrons in the

anode current stream. If the cathode has not reached operating temperature there will

be little or no anode current, and, consequently, no gaseous ions produced as a result

of it. Brimar specifically warn against leaving the cathode heated, in the absence of

anode current, in that this may lead to cathode poisoning, because of chemical

reactions occurring between the exposed reactive metal of the cathode surface and any

gaseous contaminants present within the envelope. Unfortunately, the loss of electron

emissivity as the cathode temperature is reduced occurs more rapidly than the

reduction in the chemical reactivity of the cathode metals.


Indirectly heated HT rectifier valves have been used, in spite of their lower operating

efficiency, to ensure that the full HT voltage was not applied to the equipment before

the other valves had warmed up, but this was done to avoid the HT rail over-voltage

surge which would otherwise occur, and allow the safe use of lower working voltage,

and less expensive, components such as HT reservoir, smoothing, or inter-valve

coupling capacitors.




Se explicã deci alte beneficii ale redresoarelor termionice dar e printre puținele ocazii pe care le-am întâlnit când se oferã argumente împotriva eternului "standby switch". Deși trebuie sã recunosc cã nu am fost neapãrat interesat de aceste aspecte. Mai e o discuție despre asta aici: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/tubes-valves/79405-doubts-cathode-stripping-tubes.html

A studiat cineva problema? Ce pãreri aveți despre povestea asta poisoning vs. stripping/bombardment vs. paranoia? :)

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Lampa are o rezistenta interna serie care poate fi simulata la redresarea cu diode adaugand niste rezistente serie pe anozi. Nu mai ai acelasi atac in cazul asta si puterea scade putin. Cu o lampa ca redresor nu mai e nevoie de switchul de standby pt ca tensiunea anodica se formeaza odata cu incalzirea filamentului lampii de redresare.



In cazul redresarii cu diode semiconductoare la pornire se lasa statia in "standby" 30s-1min sa se incalzeasca filamentul ca sa ai emisie de electroni in acest fel tubul are viata mai lunga .Tubul "rece" daca primeste tensiune anodica se degradeaza mai repede .

In serie cu diodele semiconductoare se poate pune "bec incandescent" a carui rezistenta se schimba(creste de aprox 10 ori )odata cu consumul etajului final astfel creaza o compresie de putere prin reducerea tensiunii anodice .Trebuie ales bec cu V/A ( rezistenta ) care are efectul cel mai OK .Ptr a mari doar efectul compresie se poate pune in serie cu difuzorul un bec cu incandescenta (12V /2---50W ales experimental ) .


In cazul redresarii cu tuburi tnsiunea redresata apare cu intarzierea data de timpul de incalzire al filamentului tubului redresor in acest fel au timp si filamentele celorlalte tuburi sa-si incalzeasca Katod-ul .

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