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Copii Sg Acceptabile

Guest WolfRain

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Guest WolfRain

`mna ziua :)


ca tot romanu, nu imi permit sa`mi iau un Gibson SG, asa ca vreau sa cer sfaturi despre copii SG mai ieftine dar care sa aiba ceva sunet de capu` lor


totodata ziceti`mi si cateva firme care au copii SG si cateva pareri pro/contra acestor firme, linkuri, recenzii, preturi



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Guest Aron Virginas
Vintage, sunt foarte ok si nici nu costa o avere, Epiphone G400, cam aceeasi treaba.


De obicei Epiphone sunt considerati Gibson-ul omului sarac  :) G400 pare o alternativa acceptabila pentru SG  :)

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Guest WolfRain

de Epiphone stiam,insa vreau sa stiu si alte firme,mai stiu de Vintage, Samick, si ceva no-name Soundsation [am la magazinu din oras un SG la 600 RON, nu stiu cum suna insa]


pret, intre 400 si 1000 RON

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Nu as lua doar brand-ul ca argument. Eu, de exemplu m-am apropiat mai tare de un Gibson SG "adevarat" cu un Tokai si nu cu Gibson Standard.


Epiphone dupa cum stii e o marca Gibson deci nu cred ca te apropi mai tare de un Gibson SG intrun buget rezonabil ca si cu un Epiphone


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Eu pot sa iti argumentez, daca vrei, de ce am luat Tokai si nu Gibson (pretul a fost cam acelasi), dar nu stiu daca te ajuta pe tine in decizia ta, la bugetul tau.


Personal, am pus mana pe un Epiphone G400 la Guitarshop, dar foarte putin si fara sa fiu foarte atent la detalii. Nu mi s-a parut o chitara proasta, era comoda, iar la capitolul design/constructie imi place chiar mai mult decat gibson-ul standard (mai putin headstock-ul ala absolut odios) - are caracteristicile unui reissue '61: pickguard mic si gat-ul este atasat la corp in dreptul tastei 22 (desi asta face chitara mai firava, teoretic). Corpul si gatul sunt din mahon, arata prezentabil. Am cantat doar cu ea unplugged.


Vintage SG nu am avut, dar am avut in trecut o copie de ES335 care mi s-a parut ok. SG-ul de la Epiphone mi-a placut mai mult, dar aici deja comparam mere cu pere.


Am cantat pe un Epiphone Gothic SG acum cativa ani si era absolut ODIOS. Foarte proasta constructia/calitatea/sunetul... TOT.

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Vintage . 100 %. Uite si proba. Foarte versatile. O am de un an. Canta orice , cu orice procesor, iar dozele Wilkinson pe care le folosesc... De nota 10. Eram in dubiu si am incercat-o. Din prima. Si am renuntat complet la Gibson. ( Desigur, cand voi castiga la o loterie, imi iau unul, ca sa ma laud...


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Guest spirache necsulescu
Vintage . 100 %. Uite si proba. Foarte versatile. O am de un an. Canta orice , cu orice procesor, iar dozele Wilkinson pe care le folosesc... De nota 10. Eram in dubiu si am incercat-o. Din prima. Si am renuntat complet la Gibson. ( Desigur, cand voi castiga la o loterie, imi iau unul, ca sa ma laud...


Vrei sa zici ca ai renuntat la ideea de a stringe bani pentru un Gibson, nu ca ai avut Gibson si ai reununtat complet la el dupa ce ti-ai luat Vintage.

Vintage aia o fi ea foarte versatila si cinta orice, da' sa vezi cum e cu Gibson, aia cinta singura (orice) si bate si la tobe. :)


Nu mai comparati chitarele de 300 de euro cu alea de 1000. Oricit de overpriced ar fi gibsonurile, sint mult mai bune decit Epiphone/Vintage.

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Vrei sa zici ca ai renuntat la ideea de a stringe bani pentru un Gibson, nu ca ai avut Gibson si ai reununtat complet la el dupa ce ti-ai luat Vintage.

Vintage aia o fi ea foarte versatila si cinta orice, da' sa vezi cum e cu Gibson, aia cinta singura (orice) si bate si la tobe. :)


Nu mai comparati chitarele de 300 de euro cu alea de 1000. Oricit de overpriced ar fi gibsonurile, sint mult mai bune decit Epiphone/Vintage.

"Mult mai bune" e cam exagerat. Si io' dac-as face azi o chitara, la care ar cintaBonk Bonk Bonk de la celebra trupa Bink Bink Bink, MTV prime-timeri, de miine ii dublez pretzul... Angus si Les Paul i-a ridicat f. mult. Tehnologia a evoluat fff mult. Repet , ca un membru activ al societatii de consum in care ne aflam, la primul supra-castig, un Gibson SG Angus Signature imi iau...

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SG Soundtest - Vintage vs Epiphone vs Gibson:


Best through headphones.


As requested by Wanna31 and Toris. Thanks chaps.


Thought it was a really good idea and includes a similar banjo to Waynes.

Track List, based on "Vintage" Demo (1st One)


1: For Those About to Rock (AC/DC)

2: Hells Bells (AC/DC)

3: Back in Black (AC/DC) Start of Solo. BAD:(

4: Random Nonsense - me

5: You Shook Me.. (AC/DC) Start of solo


Using my normal AC/DC patch on GT8, (Marshall 1959 amp sim),

but with a wee bit more drive this time, as suggested by Solodallas (amp drive, not a pedal)




Guitar 1:


1st series Vintage

Wilkinson pickups (I installed these)


The new version of Vintage SG come with them fitted and wilkinson tuners aswell. The best quality body of all the copy guitars I have bought.

AMAZING! Far better than the Epi I have. The Wilkinson Pickups are VERY, VERY GOOD to me and also have a nice in built "dirt" to them.

They distort nicely when driven. SUPERB VALUE pickups, even if you bought new. (about £45 for new set)


I built this for my Nephew Ryan... :) (Check the postman Riley..:)


2nd Guitar


1992 Epi, fitted with Gibson HB-L/R pickups


3rd Guitar


Gibson 1962 reissue, custom shop (VOS)




Any questions please just ask.


All guitars have the same strings. (slinky 9's) Beg your pardon, Vintage has Hybrid slinkys. (Good choice to enhance the bass)


They were also set at the same volume/tone level before I started.


Gibson is a bit bright, as strings were fresh following setup today. But hopefully you get the picture?


This point is quite important for me. This hopefully shows ANYONE that just cause it sounds better, doesn't mean it is played better.

But at the same time shows that different brands DO have different tones and offer different possibilities.


All sound really cool I think, but the Gibson just kinda feels more "alive".


Hard to explain..


This was done as a lover of all guitars and a simple bedroom rockers genuine experience.


Is hopefully useful to all budding rockers like me. :)



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