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Cand Ai Nevoie Sa-ti Creasca Repede Mazarea

Guest AlinMetallica

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Guest AlinMetallica

De dimineata ma uitam pe le televizor si am dat peste myth busters...

M-am oprit sa vad daca este ceva mai amuzant sau mai ciudat macar...

Si uitandu-ma au inceput sa-mi curga lacrimile vazand rezultatele




Priviti si voi (e un pic mai lung dar merita vazut)...

Pentru cei care nu prea inteleg... E vorba de mitul cu vorbitul plantelor sau cu ce muzica li se pune ... si au pus sere cu mazare la fiecare sera s-a pus asa:


-o sera cu liniste

-o sera unde mazarii i se vorbeste frumos

-o sera unde sunt injurate

-o sera cu muzica clasica

-si una cu death metal


si rezultatele au dovedit ca death metalul le-a facut sa creasca cel mai bine...

Edited by AlinMetallica
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Guest szekely

E vechi episodu ... l-am vazut cand meream in clasa a 4a ... nu prea or mai facut nimic nou din cate stiu ...


Oricum Adam and Jamie rullz

Edited by szekely
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Guest AlinMetallica
E vechi episodu ... l-am vazut cand meream in clasa a 4a ... nu prea or mai facut nimic nou din cate stiu ...


Oricum Adam and Jamie rullz


acu a cata treci?


eu a 7-a

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Guest szekely

nu e... nici o seminta nu e la fel ca alta ... da oricum mia placut ... faza e ca au epidoade asa de tari ... stiti cumva de unde puteti sa le vedeti online ??

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De dimineata ma uitam pe le televizor si am dat peste myth busters...

M-am oprit sa vad daca este ceva mai amuzant sau mai ciudat macar...

Si uitandu-ma au inceput sa-mi curga lacrimile vazand rezultatele




Priviti si voi (e un pic mai lung dar merita vazut)...

Pentru cei care nu prea inteleg... E vorba de mitul cu vorbitul plantelor sau cu ce muzica li se pune ... si au pus sere cu mazare la fiecare sera s-a pus asa:


-o sera cu liniste

-o sera unde mazarii i se vorbeste frumos

-o sera unde sunt injurate

-o sera cu muzica clasica

-si una cu death metal


si rezultatele au dovedit ca death metalul le-a facut sa creasca cel mai bine...



Da l-am vazut si eu de...multe ori episodul :)


Pentru cei care vor sa stie ce formatie a cantat in sera de rock, e Chimaira :)

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Eu unu' nu cred ca metalu' poate influenta cresterea unei plante. De exemplu, la mine'n camera au mierlit'o mai toate plantele mai putin cactusii...sau o fi din cauza ca ascult/cant blackeraie? :) Death prea putin ascult...dar oricum nu cred ca ar avea vreun efect asupra unei plante :)

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sau...SAU sar putea ca plantele tale sa sesizeze diferenta dintre black si death metal :)


Probabil :) La asta nu m'am gandit... o sa'mi aduc flori in camera si daca trag sa moara, le tin numa'n deatheraie ca sa'si revina :D) Un lucru e clar...metalu' nu poa'sa faca rau decat celor care poarta tricouri mulate, pantaloni "de firma" si lanturi aurite la fel de groase ca cele de la ancorele titanicului...aia cu siguranta sunt mai afectati de aceasta muzica "a ghiavolilor" :)

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Si explicatia:


The effects of sound on living organisms. Applications in agriculture.


By: Yannick Van Doorne, ecosonic


This presentation deals with the role played by sounds and music in living organisms and more precisely in agriculture. We begin with a brief explanation of physical aspects of sounds. After that we discuss more deeply the nature of music as a tool to access greater knowledge. This lecture presents knowledge to open a new consciousness of the interrelationships between subjects and objects and resonant mechanisms in everything. The role of music as form of communication between people but also with other living organisms, specifically with plants, will be approached. Ancestral traditions and their knowledge frequently mention the role of sounds for the health of men, plants and animals.


After this introduction, a brief overview will be given of some discoveries and theories that explain the influence of music on plants. Some of them involve possible activation of certain genes, cavitation processes, and influence on the permeability of membranes with some sound frequencies or sequences.


There are also resonant mechanisms that can be very interesting for applications in agriculture and human health care.

Special attention will be given to a deeper explanation of the discoveries and implications of scale resonance and scale waves. The theory of scale resonance is a recent discovery by the independent researcher Joel Sternheimer, a former student of the famous physicist Louis De Broglie. Sternheimer extended De Broglie's theories and after long research in quantum physics and interest in music he discovered what is often called "the music of elementary particles ". This is a theory that means a great breakthrough in the understanding of physics, molecular biology, as well as the whole science.


A few experiments in agriculture will be presented that explain with great significance the good sense of the discovery. Treating plant organisms with specific sound sequences permits the verification of the theory by stimulating or inhibiting certain specific protein syntheses by scale resonance. This application verifies the specificity of the predicted action of a protein by research on specific protein sound sequences. Following this discovery a technique is already patented internationally as "Method for epigenetic regulation of protein biosynthesis by scale resonance". Applications in agriculture have shown it's great accuracy.


With a few examples I will demonstrate the great importance of this discovery for science and also for explanations of some important problems in today's world. This approach would give us new knowledge that could maybe enhance our creativity to flourish. A new tool for a whole new way to perceive the world we live in.

YANNICK VAN DOORNE is the author of the first thesis on Genodics, following the discoveries of Joël Sternheimer, entitled "the influence of variable sound frequencies on the development and growth of plants". It was presented with success in June 2000 at the Technical University of Gent, Belgium. Since then he is engineer in agriculture and biotechnology and independent consultant under the business name ECOSONIC. He works on development projects of applications following his research in agriculture and food-industry.


Sounds can manifest themselves in many forms and shapes. So even the possibilities how certain sounds influence the growth and the development of plant have many forms and shapes. In 2000 I graduated with a thesis called : "The influence of variable sound frequencies on the growth and development of plants". To graduate as engineer choosing such a subject was not so simple because of the originality and the unconventionality of the subject. At the beginning the some professors were even very opponent to the subject and one called it ridiculous to authorise such a research in a school that respects himself. The same professor that told this say at the final presentation of the thesis that he stayed with his viewpoint that such a subject was better in a frame of a doctorate-thesis than for a end year thesis. It is strange how the same professor changed his point of view during the research.


Certain sounds and even some kinds of music can influence plant growth in different ways. A lot of ancestral stories testify the role of music on plants and even much recent research.One way is that certain sound frequencies could possibly activate certain genes in cells and so influence the growth and expression of the cells.A second way is that sound frequencies resonate with objects. With every object a resonant sound frequency can be found and calculate so that when playing that sound the object would resonate. Resonant mechanisms can have profound impacts like glasses that break, even on plants we can found resonant mechanisms.


So the stomata can vibrate and stimulate there opening and the air exchange, stimulate the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen with there environment. It is even through resonance with the stomata cavities that foliar nutrient and water uptake can be enhanced very effectively. This technique is famous as the Sonic Bloom applications of Dan Carlson. It helps plants growing in a very effective and musical way. The sound frequencies of nature sounds like songbirds in every day ion the early morning in springtime is probably significant for stimulating plants growth and seed germination. Scientific research of for example Weinberger et al. (1972) suggests and prove that in many ways.


Resonant mechanisms appears also with cell organelles. The resonance of cell organelles can influence their functions and the immediate neighbourhood. It is observed that around resonating objects the fluid moves more rapidly and is more intensely stirred. Some specific sound frequencies and oscillating sound frequencies enhance the cytoplasm movements within the cells. Those different scientific observations proves us the impacts that sounds can have on living organisms.


A third way sounds acts is with the cavitation phenomenon. Cavitation is a phenomenon caused by sounds in a liquid. Certain sound frequencies can causes the creation of microbubles that resonate with the sound. Those bubbles show very rapid resonance and they can also collapse causing important pressures that can causes damage to their neighbourhood like the cellwall or the cell contents. The oscillation of the micro-bubbles can causes microcurrents that could help the stirring or the translocation of cell cytoplasm, molecules and proteins.


A fourth way sounds interacts is the property of sound itself that exists as a wave propagating pressure variations. Those pressure variations can stimulate effects like movements of molecules like diffusion processes or stirring of liquids or air.

Another possibility how sounds interacts is by the phenomenon that is called "scale resonance". The explanation of the process of scale resonance is discovered by the independent quantum physicist Joel Sternheimer. Issue from research in quantum physics comparing with vibration patterns of music he observed that the elementary particles behave in many ways in certain patterns respecting patterns of harmony and vibratory organisation that we could find back in music. This made him developing a method to influence the protein biosynthesis by scale resonance using some specific decoded sound sequences stimulating or inhibiting the specific protein corresponding with. To explain how it is possible I would recall how it is commonly know how proteins are synthesised.


Proteins are composed of amino-acids. Those amino-acids we obtain through the decomposition of our food, the plants build their amino-acids themselves with the absorption of plant nutrients and the help of the energy of light during photosynthesis. The genetic program in each cell which is contained in the DNA is used to build the specific proteins necesarry with the amino-acids. From the DNA a messenger RNA, mRNA, is build as a copy containing the information to build a protein. The mRNA moves to a ribosome in the cell where the protein would be build with the information containing in the mRNA. A ribosome is a very stable place, a kind of bench on which protein biosynthesis would be performed. On the other hand in the cell there are many transfer RNA, tRNA that carry amino-acids and bring them to the ribosome. The mRNA moves over the ribosome and inform each time which amino-acid have to bound to each other for obtaining a chain of amino-acids that become then a protein. So the tRNA brings one after the other the specific amino-acid to the ribosome like informed by the mRNA. A second tRNa brings an amino-acid to the ribosome that is linked to the first, and a third amino-acid would be linked to the second and so on forming an amino-acid chain.

What is particularly interesting is what happens when at the moment when the amino-acid brought by its tRNA is being hooked onto the ribosome. Something happens that Joel Sternheimer discovered, namely that the amino-acid at that moment emits a signal. This signal is a wave of quantum nature which is precisely called a scaling wave. This means that it connects different scales together and more particularly the scale of each amino-acid to the scale of the processing protein.

This signal has a certain frequency and a certain wavelength.


It's wavelengtht is given by a very classical formula known as the Louis de Broglie equation, ( ( h((m(). The equation of motion of this wave is a scale wave equation which includes a scale parameter, because the wave also propagates in scale and therefore connects different scales together. The general solution of this wave is a sum of waves analogous to light waves, but with speeds that are different. There is a fastest one and another one twice as slow, and still another one three times as slow, and so on. Schematically we can observe in protein synthesis the processing protein chain on one side and the amino-acids on the other side. At a given moment a wave is emitted from an amino-acid, then a slower one will arrive after a time twice as long, and a third one will arrive after a time three times as long, and so on. One will get periodic superpositions of the vibrations of the amino-acids.


If we look at the frequencies associated to each amino-acid and transpose them 76 octaves then we obtain audible frequencies. Those frequencies are musical, to each amino-acid corresponds a musical note. If we look at the succession of frequencies and musical notes corresponding to the succession of amino-acids in a protein and we enters it in a synthesiser then we obtain a melodie. Such a melodie is susceptible to stimulate the corresponding protein biosynthesis. Melodies in phase opposition will inhibit the protein biosynthesis. Proteins who share similar melodies will find themselves homologous, they will stimulate each other. It is also possible that proteins share melodies in phase and phase opposition so they tend to stimulate or inhibit each other. It is important to pay attention to those vibratory interactions between the synthesis of different proteins.

For example with these technique it is sometimes possible to predict the function of proteins comparing there vibratory sequence to each other. It would also be possible to predict some possible side-effects of medication or certain vibratory sequences more quickly. These techniques could permit a significant breakthrough in molecular biology and give new ways for studying and understanding the properties and the functions of the proteins.


The protein melodies or proteodies we can hear acoustically are transpositions 76 octaves down of the quantum melodies of proteins. When organisms, whatever plants or animals, listen to the melody of a protein transposed, a resonance phenomenon occurs, which is scale resonance and will stimulate or inhibit, in case of phase opposition, the corresponding protein synthesis.


By way of illustration of the scale resonance phenomenon I set up two experiences on tomato plants in the glasshouses of the University of Gent during the period of end January till end March. One experience consists of subjecting two groups of 20 tomato plants in tropical glasshouses to drought conditions during two months and follow there growth responses. One group of them was treated daily with sound sequences or more precisely proteodies of the following proteins decreasing order ; extensins, dehydrine, cytochrome, thaumatine. The objectif was to observe the phenotepic responses of the epigenetic regulation, in this case stimulation, of the proteins. Extensins are very important in the elongation processes of plant cells, more extensins result in bigger cells causing bigger plants in the same development stage. Dehydrine is important as a major drought tolerance proteine. Plants produce dehydrine to protect them behind drought conditions and economise water resource. Plants with increase dehydrine synthesis are more tolerant behind dry conditions. The treatment of the tomato plants was only a few minutes a day. The results were that the treated plants grow as good as the others with the half of water needed, also they were a lot more dry tolerant. With the same water quantities given to the two plots, the plants treated grow a lot quicker and show a significant increase in length but with the same number of leaves that meant that they were in the same development stage. The importance of this application seems evident as a cheap technique to increase the drought resistance of the crops growing in arid conditions for example in Africa.


Another experiment was set up at the same time in a no-heated glasshouse. There were set up to groups of tomato plants, one of thirty and the other of eighteen plants. Before the group of thirty a sound speaker was placed as to treat the tomato plants to the specific sound sequencies. In that experiment the treated group was the one with the sound speaker just before them and the control group the one at the other side of the glasshouse and that was by this way also submitted to the sounds but because of there position with an very decreased intensity. The sounds sequences were the same as in the precedent experience with a major part composed of proteodies of extensines. The results were that the treated plants grew much faster then the control. The treated plants measured 30 cm more then the untreated after only two months. It was a very significant difference of more then 20%. The number of internods and flowers was the same in the two groups and that mean there were in the same development stage. So the length of the plants were different but not the stage of development. That means that the difference of length between the two plots could be explained by the developpement bigger plant cells rather then a increase in growth speed. It is interesting to point out the fact, that the stimulation of the synthesis of certain proteins, here extensines, by the corresponding specific sound sequences have phenotypic consequences that can be simply observed. The observations of differences in plant length corresponds and is by this way a confirmation of the predicted growth response of the plants submitted to the specific sound sequences of the extensines. This technique is by this non-invasive in his way of application method and measurement.


Figure : Number of internods and the lenght (in cm) during the experiment in the unheated glasshouse.




This method of scale resonance by submitting organisms to specific sound sequences to stimulate or inhibit the corresponding proteins is very useful as a tool to study the functions of the proteins.


It is also a very interesting technique to develop new ecological applications for agriculture to treat crops against diseases, to stimulate their growth in difficult climate conditions like to stimulate there drought resistance or certain specific properties of the plants like increasing active molecules for medicine applications. Three years ago I saw a beautiful painting of Marc Chagall called "Le souvenir de la flute enchantée" and next to there was a little text of him with "The bible is a resonance of nature". It sounds like music in my ears.


Maybe life on earth began as a resonance of the whole universe surrounding us. Scale resonance seems a hopeful and endless field of research, opening our senses as a new way perceiving the interactions and the developement of the world wherein we live.

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Eu unu' nu cred ca metalu' poate influenta cresterea unei plante. De exemplu, la mine'n camera au mierlit'o mai toate plantele mai putin cactusii...sau o fi din cauza ca ascult/cant blackeraie? :) Death prea putin ascult...dar oricum nu cred ca ar avea vreun efect asupra unei plante :)


aia de la MB, pe langa metal, UDAU plantele.

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Sternheimer Joel. 1993. Lecture : Epigenetic regulation of protein biosynthesis by scale resonance. Kanagawa Science Academy and Teikyo Hospital (Tokyo). May 20.


Van Doorne Yannick. 2000. Thesis : Influence of variable sound frequencies on the growth and developpement of plants. Hogeschool Gent. Belgium. 22 June.


Coghlan A. 1994. Good vibrations give plants excitations; New Scientist. 28 May. p10.


Weinberger P. and Graefe U. 1973. The effect of variable sound-frequency sound on plant growth. Canadian Journal of Botany. Vol.51:1851-1856.



Information and applications (NL/FR/EN/Esp)

ECOSONIC, Yannick Van Doorne,

BP 27, 01400 Chatillon Sur Chalaronne, France

Tel +33 (0) 68 808 68 94

Email: yannick.vd@club-internet.fr



Yannick Van Doorne Partner of The Found Foundation

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