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Ai Probleme Cu Auzul? -test

Guest Al3x

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Guest Baumwolle

Prevad ca in maxim 100 de ani limba romana cu tot ce avea ea mai frumos nu va mai exista asa cum o stim.. vom vorbi o americanizata de toata frumusetea :) macar ultimul tau cuvant pare de provenienta autohtona.. te felicit!

edit:pe mine nu ma intimideaza nimic, trageam un mic semnal de alarma care este sortit esecului, desigur si datorita intepatilor cu mai mult de 12 clase care au citit muuuulte carti si au impresia ca ce este in dictionar este "irefutabil".



Geiger, hai sa-ti spun o chestie:nici unul dintre cuvintele mentionate de tine nu provine din limba engleza, primu l este din italiana, iar celelalte din franceza.Si sa stii ca astea se numesc neologisme, si nu barbarisme.Sunt total de acord cu Mickey la faza asta.Nu ti-ar strica sa te mai documentezi inainte sa deschizi gura sau sa-ti folosesti degetele. :)

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Guest Azraelle

Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.



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Guest antwan

Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.



Nu trebuia sa cunoastem melodiile...Cred ca era vorba, cel putin pentru cei care nu fac muzica, de acel "bun simt" al notelor si sunetelor.

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Guest Firebrand

Home › Test Your Sense of Pitch

Hearing Test Results


You correctly identified 24 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


mda....destul de bine...desi nu am respectat regulamentul...am 14 ani :)

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Guest Raul Gheba




Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


Eu nici nu pot sa acordez chitara cu urechea mea:))) :(B)

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m-am ametit oleaca :) (stelica unde esti mah sa ne intaratam la bautura, sa ne mai impacam si noi asha ca de 2006 :) ) si mi-am adus aminte, ca tot am vazut pe prima pagina threadu, sa refac testu ,so:


Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


Edited by pixy
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Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Cam asa m-am descurcat eu.. nu e cine stie ce testul dar e un pas spre perfectionarea urechii tale...INteresant ar fi un test care sa te puna sa recunosti notele din prima...adik intr-un anumit intervaklde timp fara aputea sa-ti iei repede chitara sau orice alt instrument s-o gasesti mai usor

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Guest marina

You correctly identified 22 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Eh,merge,nu e prea mare rusinea :)

Oricum unele mi se pareau aiurea si nici nu le stiam p toate

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Guest lp2005



un test foarte bun, pe care vi-l recomand este acesta: http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/tunetest/

Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 19 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


Hmm am scos 19 din 26, sunt sigur ca le-am indentificat pe cele care nu suna bine, iar unele care erau bune le-am scris ca fiind gresite... oricum fine sense of pitch ... :)


Sunt curios ce rezultate ati obtinut voi :)


Home › Test Your Sense of Pitch

Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.



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Guest Floyd Pink

You correctly identified 29 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.





CE MA!?!? Are cineva ceva de zis??!?!? IA sa aud :))))

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Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.



Tare testul.. Unele melodii nu le recunosteam 100% dar cele care erau gresite sunau clar rau, si invers... Nu ma asteptam sa fac 26/26 avand in vedere ca vreo 3-4 nu le-am recunoscut.

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Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


Destul de usor..

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Si io am facut 26... da e cam relativa toata treaba. Am impresia ca daca iei punctaj maxim nu demonstrezi decat ca deosebesti sunetele. Ceva de genu acesta. In nici un caz ca ai ureche muzicala sau ca ai stiu eu ce inclinatie. Fara suparare, dar chiar nu cred ca inseamna mare lucru daca scoti un scor bun la testu acesta.

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Hearing Test Results


You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.

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