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Gretschcaster - double bound, bigsby, sherwood green tele project

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Posted (edited)

TV Jones - I tested them against the lollars and the gretsch one, at the time of construction. The TV ones won based on the balance between clarity and "chime" - gretsch was just less alive(?) than both lollar and TV - and the lollar were hard to pass but they had too much highs, comparatively - beautiful "chime" but a little too much for my taste.

Edited by Renan Santos

@Renan Santos Tv Jones are great, I've watched a lot of demos and comparisons between the TV Jones and Gretsch before buying them. Bottom line for me was that the TV's price wasn't worth it. They sound great but the 200 euros difference it's not justified soundwise for pe personally. 

These are the two videos that helped me the most to decide:



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1 minute ago, cotrusvlad said:

@Renan Santos Tv Jones are great, I've watched a lot of demos and comparisons between the TV Jones and Gretsch before buying them. Bottom line for me was that the TV's price wasn't worth it. They sound great but the 200 euros difference it's not justified soundwise for pe personally. 

These are the two videos that helped me the most to decide:



I`d have to agree, 200eur difference, not there (diminishing returns is massive when talking pick ups) - I just dont remember having had that issue with massive price differences at the time. it has been a while and I got everything from used market, so the discount was there to reduce the impact.

  • 1 year later...

Un mic update; pentru ca lucrarile au stagnat, chitara va pleca saptamana viitoare in Italia la un baiat care face niste chitare sau refinish de sta pisica-n coada 😼 O sa las pagina lui de instagram mai jos, chiar merita un ochi. 

Dupa ce am vorbit cu el, am stabilit ca ramane sa faca frezarile pentru filtertrons, montat bigsby, montat bridge, frezat pickguard, vopsit cu nitro. Din pacate a spus ca nu va folosi nitro-ul meu, dar e ok, stiu ei mai bine. 

Ieri a ajuns case-ul luat special pentru chitara, sa calatoreasca in siguranta pana la ei, am pregatit toate componentele. Ramane sa bag totul in cutie si sa vad cu ce firma de curierat trimit. Habar n-am, nici de preturi, nu am mai trimis niciodata nimic in afara tarii. 

Las niste poze, chitara in culcusul ei nou, si un telecaster facut de cel mentionat, tot sherwood green 😍

Luke's Guitars

Va dura ceva pana termina el ce are de facut, mi-a zis ca timpul de asteptare momentan e de 3 luni. Pe cand se intoarce, mai trebuie sa ii fac putin fretwork, electronica, si sa speram ca that's it!


Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 20.52.40.png

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Am primit update-uri. Nu cele pe care le doream din pacate. A intampinat ceva probleme cand a scrape-uit binding-ul. El zice ca e legat de ceva pasi din stadiul de prep work pe care nu l-a facut el de la 0. Eu tind sa cred ca e probabil un cumul de factori but whatever, n-o sa intru in detalii, e de domeniul trecutului deja. Ideea e ca nu e multumit, si s-a oferit sa imi refaca tot de la 0. Deci back to square one. Dat jos tot pana la lemn, si.... sa sper ca la primavara, cand se fac 3 ani de cand am inceput proiectul, sa fie gata. 

One last look la minunatia asta de culoare inainte sa fie data jos



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  • 1 month later...

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