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Mr V.

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Mr V. last won the day on February 2

Mr V. had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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    My Couch
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    Too many to count

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Mr V.'s Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)

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Mr V.'s Feedback

  1. Sorin1501 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Mica Publicitate
    Om serios, civilizat. Puteti sa faceti afaceri cu dansul cu incredere!

    Mr V. was Trading

  2. miki left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Boss RC 30 Looper
    Cumparator serios,comunicare foarte buna,recomand

    Mr V. was The Seller

  3. TrifuS left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Vând chitară Ibanez S 5470
    Totul a decurs perfect. Chitara cumparata de mine s-a prezentat intr-o stare mult mai buna decat a fost prezentata in anunt. Membru al comunitatii RGC parolist. Recomand!

    Mr V. was The Seller

  4. Razvan S. left Positive feedback for a topic   

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