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Musicians Wanted For Glam-Metal, Hard-Rock And Arena Rock Band


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Hey everyone,


My name is Michael and I found this as an opportunity to set sails and help others rediscover 80s music.

I've searched for some time to see if there are any romanian bands that sing this genre and I saw nothin'.

So, I've decided to do something that would somehow revive those times. From the beginning I want to advise readers that it isn't necessary to USE OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE, HATE or DISCOURAGE this post because everybody has a voice, and we all want do something that we like (hopefully other will too).

This post is only related to those who like this type of music and want to make something in this direction.


Starting with this project's goal, it's supposed to be a well-grounded project with 3 simple steps to be followed:


1. Gather proper people.

2. Work out some songs.

3. Get out in the world and change it.


Though it may be simple it's quite hard to establish these steps so I'm gonna break it down and try to explain what I want from those "proper people".


First of all, those interested and who want to take part in this should take a visit to Wikipedia and search for Glam Metal, Hard-Rock and Arena Rock in order to understand the principles and elementary characteristics of these genres (from aesthetics and visual aspects to the Los Angeles Sunset Strip music scene and heavy blues rooted signature of songs). It may be seen like something weird but you really can't have that feeling without looking like you're supposed to be and more than that, how can you inspire people the 80s when you don't have that long back-combed hair, denim jacket and headband? It's like seeing a business man on a meeting dressed in some trousers, skates or converses and a backpack instead of a suit and case.






After we've cleared that, heading to the second part, the influence bands:

People should know some 80s bands like Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, Alice Cooper, Roxy Blue, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Kiss, Motley Crue, Warrant, Skid Row, Cinderella, Guns and Roses etc.

I'm not talking about knowing to sing their songs, but to simply love them to listen to.






The third and final part of this post is about the project's goals.


Personally I want to become a rock-star using the things I learned in music until now.

I wanna be in a bus 100 km/h heading to a city for a gig on tour. And 2 days after, take the plane to Japan and sing my songs on the arena. I want to change the world, to make them happy again and to deliver life changing messages to everyone by using music, as much as I can. I want to make songs that anybody can relate to.


As an addition, I envision the band as a second family, and so should do the other future members.


I can fulfil the lead singer role and guitarist.

Also, I can compose songs but if the others want to participate it will be great.


In addition, I will need :


1. Lead guitar

2. Bass player

3. Drummer

4. Keyboard player


So if anyone is interested and wants to take part in this, just leave me a message.






Edited by killer24
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hey dude, tbh i can't belive what i see here...this post brings me joy! Me and a friend, that's lead guitar, just wanted to put on a glam band. So if you are interested in a Bass Player and a Lead Guitar i think we are your guys! We both love glam metal, we both want to be rockstars so this sounds pretty cool! You can Pm me if you want! :D

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Hey man I have dedicated my life to rock'n roll since i was 4 year old, when i saw for first time a glam metal band.I love 80s rock music like Motley Crue,Billy Idol,Kiss...I always said that real art have been made in the 80s.I am looking for a long time to a rock band but know i think I find you my rock'n roll amigo.I am a lead guitarist and you can trust me because i learned from the best,from the 80s rockstars.Please give me a chance to show you what i can do.you can call me 0747826023

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Un lucru nu inteleg. Te cheama Mihai, daca imi aduc bine aminte am vazut si comentarii postate de tine in limba romana. Deci, de ce engleza?

pai asa e mai "glam", dude, adica, cum ar veni asa "glam" ca whitesnake care canta "glam" cum cant eu heavy metal la sitar, nu mai zic despre dream theater pe care si-i i-a pus la avatar... hai bre, ce dreacu, vba aia: rocku ne-a f..t noroku

Edited by Pava
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We need a drummer and a keyboard player !

Up until now we have a great guitarist, a bass player and lead vocals. We've managed to craft 4-5 songs in the last few days and hopefully record them somehow.

And regarding to the unpleasant comments, as you can see i'm not gonna take them on simply because these people probably don't know so much about music itself and would rather go on bringing rude and impolite words just to make themselves a name here. As long as the other bands can have a post/topic here and can have a personal space to post information, we have a place too.




Have a nice day !

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey , ADIDAS (well...that's your highest IQ...the name of a shoe used by soccer players to kick a ball...Wouldn't be a difference if that ball was your own head..It's lighter)


I really don't know you and certainly I don't owe you one dime for anything so what's this all about? Anger, hatred? My skills in using romanian language are far beyond your cave-man expectations and I can assure you that the above post is perfectly written. Maybe you should re-evaluate your proficiency in english language. It seems you have some flaws and jump right on to attacking some other people that simply want a band. 


Along the years I was quite curious to see what's inside this forum and I've seen on a rate of 80% nothing but older guys just like you, who want to be rock-stars: creating their own genres, and full of literal shit. So, mind your own business soccer boy and leave other people who strive for better alone. WE don't need your opinion.


By the way:

Nu te entuziasma prea tare, invata sa discerni, dar mai ales invata ca exista o conexiune statala intre creier si gura. Inainte de a-ti folosi gura (sau in cazul tau mainile), foloseste-ti creierul pentru a analiza situatia. Daca eu ti-as spune ca esti un agramat sau un analfabet nu cred ca ti-ar cadea bine la stomac.

Si ca sa inchei...Vezi ca exista forumuri de vanzari pentru componente IT cum ar fi placile video si unitatile de PC. 

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Rog sa imi fie dezactivat contul daca se poate...Se pare ca nu se poate face absolut nimic in tara asta de rahat. Cu tot respectul pe preferintele voastre si pe parerile voastre ostile. Sunteti niste mizerii de oameni cu atitudini de *****.  Intreaga postare scrisa de mine in engleza nu voia sa faca altceva decat sa atraga anumiti indivizi,muzicieni, carora sa le placa ideea de role-play. Nu doar niste instrumentisti notorii, ci niste oameni care sa-si asume un rol si sa actioneze ca atare cu pasiune, devotament, creativitate etc.


Daca absolut nimeni din tara asta imputita nu vrea sa foloseasca un limbaj adecvat si cauta peste tot numai sa bage bete in roate celor care vor sa faca ceva, nu-mi trebuie. Apelati la niste tertipuri de-a dreptul josnice, toti sunteti niste "invatacei" trecuti de un notoriu de facultate care au coaiele atat de sus in dreptul ochilor. Va credeti mari genii muzicale,literare,matematica, eventual puteti inventa si noi genuri muzicale, sau solutii de tratare pentru cancer dar toate NU ACUM ca N-AVETI TIMP :)


Tot incerc de vreo 2-3 ani sa fac ceva frumos pe-aici nu numai grohaituri infecte sau ritmuri "excentrice" propuse de niste retardati mintal care au avut o revelatie in timp ce-si mestecau gumita (nu nu nu fumam ca-i rau, face rau la plamani si fumatorii ar trebui arsi pe rug pentru ca ne obliga sa fumam pasiv) si isi numarau posesiile.


Dupa vorba unui mare roman sunteti doar niste "pisati in vant" , care vor sa se dea mari..Eventual voi sunteti tocilarii aia denaturati, striviti de mama natura spre a avea o fata cat mai pocita si aruncati la groapa de gunoi de catre societate deoarece nu se puteau maturiza si preferau sa-si tina amintirile in carti in loc de evenimente sau sentimente.


Chiar rog administratorul acestui forum sa-mi stearga contul definitiv si irevocabil, eventual sa-mi dea si ban pe IP (daca stie ce presupune tehnica). 

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