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Jimmy67 last won the day on March 10

Jimmy67 had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Location
    Sfantu Gheorghe

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  • Gear
    chitari: - Gibson Les Paul Custom, Ibanez S 670 fm ,,turbo", amp - Egnater Rebel 30 Combo, efecte - Tonelab SE, bass Warwick Cutom Shop Fortress One 5 strings, G&L 5 strings, Markbass Mini CMD 121 P

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  1. Hello! Igen, csak reg nem neztem be ide. A hardcase-t eladtam, csak az AX8 van.
  2. Mission SP 1 s- a vandut separat, raman valabile celelalte optiuni.
  3. Revine la vanzare, a stat in sertar de atunci, am facut curatenie generala si vand tot ce nu folosesc. Pret 800 RON (Sweet Tea v3 costa in prezent 1900 RON la Thomann: https://www.thomann.de/ro/jhs_pedals_sweet_tea_v3.htm
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