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    Skervesen Raptor7, Grosman Guitars, Schecter Hellraiser C-1, EVH5150III, Atomic Amplifire 6, Two Notes Torpedo Live, Maxon OD808
    Taylor 114e

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  2. UP 1100 lei
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  8. 1300 lei
  9. asta este produsul: https://www.thomann.de/ro/evh_5150_iii_lunchbox_gig_bag.htm dimensiunile interioare trebuie sa fie dimensiunile headului: (H x W x D): 17.8 x 32.5 x 15.9 cm pret negociabil.
  10. up
  11. Carlos Juan Custom OEM VIP pickup for acoustic guitar with volume control. The Carlos OEM VIP pickup is an enhanced version of the well-known Custom VIP pickup. The best known international celebrities who use Carlos pickups: Eric Clapton, David Knopfler, Vincente Amigo, Gary Moore and many others. The sound of the Carlos VIP pickup is extremely natural, the range of dynamics is huge and it perfectly responds to every movement and plucking strength of the guitarist.
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