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Everything posted by cristi1295

  1. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5 Head + Cabinet + Footswitch + o diferenta din partea ta?
  2. Pret: 450LEI Localitate: Tulcea Contact: cristianmocanu66@yahoo.com Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi OVERVIEW Vintage and modern tones with flexible control! With dual channels--each with its own gain and volume controls--and growling tube tone, the Vox Bulldog Distortion pedal adds extra bite to your fret-burning maneuvers. Gain 1 dishes out vintage distortion while Gain 2 packs a more modern, aggressive sound with slightly scooped mids. Both are adjustable from subtle to completely over the top. A Bass control adds extra low end thump at extreme settings and a warm, round mellowness at lower settings. And with the Gain 2 voice control you can independently tailor the second channel's hell-raising tone. A Treble control will take your sound from a biting attack at one extreme to smooth and liquid at the other. The Bulldog also is equipped with true bypass. FEATURES2 channels--each with its own gain and volume Voice control on channel 2 Gain one dishes up vintage Gain 2 has more aggressive sound with scooped mids Bass and treble controls True bypass
  3. Schimb cu cabinet Fender Mustang 4x12?
  4. Pret: 250 Localitate: Tulcea Contact: cristianmocanu66@yahoo.com Link producator: Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Salut Vand stompbox Chorus Small Clone Electro Harmonix in stare foarte buna, vine cu alimentator. Pret:250LEI Contact: cristianmocanu66@yahoo.com/ Tel. 0754780665
  5. Pret: 300 Localitate: Tulcea Contact: cristianmocanu66@yahoo.com Link producator: Stare: Foarte buna/Ca nou Accept schimburi: Accept schimburi Salut, Vand o pedaluta de reverb/pitchshifter/tremolo Holy Stain Electro Harmonix cumparata acum un an din pura curiozitate. Acum am trecut pe un procesor si nu o mai folosesc, sta degeaba. PRET: 300LEI Contact: cristianmocanu66@yahoo.com/ Tel. 0754780665
  7. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5 Head + diferenta?
  8. Iti dau un Marshall mg 15 dfx pe controller
  9. Ce zici de un schimb cu un Holly Stain Reverb+pitchshifter+tremolo si un Small Clone Chorus, ambele de la Electro Harmonix?
  10. Schimb cu HEAD Fender Mustang 5+ Footswitch? Amplicatorul este digital, se pot face sunete pe PC si programul are o diversitate de amplificatoare pe el.
  11. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5
  12. Te.ar interesa un schimb? Eu am un Fender Mustang 5 Head + Cabinet + Footswitch. Puterea amplificatorului este de 200w iar cabinetul este 4x12 + diferenta
  13. Salut, am vazut anuntul tau de pe OLX, Te.ar interesa un schimb? Ei am un Fender Mustang 5 Head + Cabinet + Footswitch. Puterea amplificatorului este de 200w iar cabinetul este 4x12.
  14. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5? HEAD + CABINET
  15. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5 head?
  16. Schimb cu Fender MUSTANG 5?
  17. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5?
  18. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5?
  19. Schimb cu Fender Mustang 5?
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