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Metal Head In

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Metal Head In last won the day on January 17 2022

Metal Head In had the most liked content!

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Metal Head In's Feedback

  1. radu.popescu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] DOD YJM 308 (modificat la specificaţiile DOD 250 grey , cu cipul original LM741CN - USA - NN din '77 - '78)
    Excelent, foarte mulțumit de tranzacție. Mulțumesc!

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  2. kopaczszilard left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Roland SDE 2500 rack delay (made in Japan)
    Multumiri! M-a servit cu un delay rack de inalta calitate! Om foarte serios, recomand! :)

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  3. bentatiberiu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Straps
    Tranzactie reusita ,vanzatorul corect si oportun in afaceri; POZITIV.

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  4. bentatiberiu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Vanzator foarte serios ,acord calificativ pozitiv 100% .

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  5. Szatmari left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Engl Thunder 50
    Era foarte de treaba si seriors, am cumparat de la el un ENGL Thunder 50 Reverb si ajuns la mine exact cum era descris! Multumesc!

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  6. kopaczszilard left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Fender Locking Tuners

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  7. radu.popescu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] DOD 250 first reissue (modificat to DOD 250 grey specs.)
    Perfect, as always! A+++

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  8. ittnokia left Positive feedback for a topic   

  9. terenteml left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] 2 buc. Celestion / Marshall V30 guitar speaker (made in UK) an 1994
    Tranzacție reușită, om serios, s-ar ocupat cu mare responsabilitate de livrare, iar difuzorul corespunde exact descrierii.

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  10. andypandagear left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Celestion V30 guitar speaker
    Top user, totul a decurs perfect, multumesc!

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  11. mnastase760 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedale Efecte ,preamplificatoare,surse,mixere..etc
    Recomand cu incredere.Cumparator serios.

    Metal Head In was The Buyer

  12. bra left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Totul a fost ok. Recomand.

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  13. crv left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Fender Stratocaster Standard (MIM)
    Totul in regula, tranzactie excelenta.

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  14. Mihai Dănciulescu left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Pedala Delay Boss DD3
    Totul a decurs ok! Recomand

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  15. ickxs left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Rocktron Cyborg Digital Delay
    Totul OK. User foarte serios

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  16. crashterrier left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Compresor Fmr Rnc, Roland Sdd2500, Dynacord Vrs23
    Tranzactie fara cusur. Cumparator serios si comunicativ. Recomand.

    Metal Head In was The Buyer

  17. mnastase760 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Colectie Chitari Electrice.
    Cumparator serios.Recomand cu caldura.

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  18. Airhead left Positive feedback for a topic   

    [EXPIRAT] Dunlop Wah Kh95
    Tranzactie ok, recomand

    Metal Head In was The Buyer

  19. winci left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Ibanez Tube Screamer Ts9 30Th Anniversary
    Serios, de incredere, recomand!

    Metal Head In was The Seller

  20. avatar2100 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Dod Overdrive Preamp 250 - 250 Lei
    Serios, civilizat.

    Metal Head In was Trading

  21. millu2m left Negative feedback for a topic   

    Dunlop Cry Baby Jc-95 Jerry Cantrell Wah
    domnul Calin nu onoreaza vanzarea confirmata de el...

    Metal Head In was The Seller

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