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Sor last won the day on April 7 2021

Sor had the most liked content!

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Sor's Feedback

  1. mu5ai left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss VE-20 Vocal Performer Nou Sigilat, Garantie
    Totul in regula, flawless transaction :) https://forums.rgc.ro/topic/129517-boss-ve-20-vocal-performer-nou-sigilat-garantie/ Ne-am intalnit personal, om punctual si de cuvant. A sunat cand a testat efectul acasa, sa-mi multumeasca si sa-mi spuna ca e totul in ordine :D <3

    Sor was The Seller

  2. paul655 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Roland - Edirol Pc50 Midi Keyboard Controller
    Vanzator de nota 10. Produsul este in stare impecabila. Recomand 100%

    Sor was The Seller

  3. catacryptal27 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Doze - Dimarzio, Ibanez, Jackson
    Foarte multumit de tranzactie!

    Sor was The Seller

  4. cs09 left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Tech 21 Sansamp Gt2 (Made In U.s.a.)
    Pedala conform descrierii, a ajuns in buna regula.

    Sor was The Seller

  5. whisky left Positive feedback for a topic   

    T-Rex Tonebug Overdrive

    Sor was The Seller

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