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rage_against_teddy last won the day on May 7 2021

rage_against_teddy had the most liked content!

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  • Gear
    ESP Horizon FR, Fender 212 R, Dunlop Crybaby ZW-45, MXR GT-OD, Digitech RP350, Laney LG20R

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rage_against_teddy's Feedback

  1. Christian Cort left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Boss NS-2 // Boss DD-6 // Digitech RP 350
    Coleg de treaba și serios! Recomand!

    rage_against_teddy was The Seller

  2. MarianFCD left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Isp Decimator - Noise Reduction
    Un om serios si foarte amabil, recomand!

    rage_against_teddy was The Buyer

  3. hourglass left Positive feedback for a topic   

    Tc Electronic Flashback X4 Delay
    O colaborare de exceptie. Recomand cu incredere :)

    rage_against_teddy was The Buyer

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