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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/25 in all areas
1 point
Overhauled technically by me at HGE Contraptions. A MIJ 2004-2005 made Jackson, it has battle scars and chips/scratches/dents everywhere, but nothing to be concerned about. If this matters to you a lot, look elsewhere. No trades please. The guitar works and performs superbly now, from a technical standpoint and also soundwise. Sorry, I never had the trem backplate, but the original trussrod cover is included, and also one hex key for the trem arm lock. Improvements done: the frets were taken care of/crowns redone, and are awesome new Gotoh Japan trem and OFR Germany lock clamps on the old original nut new wiring with old real non-connector 90s active EMGs at 24V!(using two 23A batteries, these are easy to find), new pickup rings, Bourns pots, styroflex cap, Switchcraft jack, Korea quality 3 way switch added screw-in inserts for the control plate for easy access to the batteries Will provide that old nice Made in Korea case, and will be shipped in a box. Shipping in Romania and to the European Union only, insured and tracked with DPD. Shipping is paid by the buyer.1 point
Selling a 2003 model MIJ Ibanez RG570 in Purple Pearl, overhauled by me, at HGE Contraptions. No trades please. An absolutely great instrument! It has general dings/scratches/scrapes, nothing super major, but technically because of the modifications, it's awesome and super playable. The fretboard is a bit thinner now, and the whole neck has a very thin feel in both thickness and width, the strings are closer to the edges and the feel is rounded. Super sleek feeling, thinnest feel possible for an Ibanez on this particular guitar. This is not for everyone and it's an important mention to consider. Specs and modifications: refretted with Hosco Japan HV175 jumbo frets, very low action + neck sides rounded (done approx 1 year and some months ago) added DiMarzio Gravity Storms bridge and neck wiring redone with a 5 Way Superswitch + PushPull split, new jack in (multiple combinations possible) German Schaller Floyd Rose added + new Ibanez inside-locking screw studs (tuning holds perfectly) new OFR locking clamps (chrome, nut is the original grayish black) new Gotoh tuners custom wood covers for the control plate, jack in & trussrod cover Sorry, I don't have the trem cover. The old hardcase is included, will add additional padding inside for safe shipping as this is a bit bigger than the guitar. Shipping in Romania and to the European Union only, insured and tracked with DPD. Shipping is paid by the buyer.1 point
Nu imi e foarte clar cum sunt tastele, ochiul meu ar zice ca au suferit cam 2 nivelari sau una mai agresiva si sunt deja cam jos, realitatea ce spune?1 point
Pleaca din sanul familiei acest strat. De mentionat sunt urmatoarele modificari: chitara de la care s-a plecat este un strat HSS. Dozele au fost schimbate cu un set de Tex Mex intr-un pickguard custom made astfel incat doza din bridge sa fie slanted in directia opusa fata de un strat obisnuit. Te las pe tine sa ghicesti de la ce chitarist s-a furat aceasta idee. Potentiometrele initiale erau de culoare neagra, s-au pus altele albe ca sa dea mai frumos cu dozele. S-au pus cheite fender locking tuners si straplocks. Toate modificarile au fost facute de Mihnea Ferezan, de la el am si achizitionat chitara. Are cateva semne de buna purtare pe care le-am evidentiat si in poze. La cerere pot oferi mai multe detalii/fotografii. De sunat suna superb, vine si cu tocul tweed din poze care este nou nout. Se poate testa in Bucuresti, sectorul 2. Nu accept schimburi.1 point
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