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  1. Salut, Vand AMT SS-11A, un preamplificator pe lampi, sub forma de pedala, extrem de versatil si compact. Are trei canale: clean, crunch si lead si foarte multe posibilitati de a modela tonul pentru fiecare in parte. Sunetul te duce in zona Marshall, iar dinamica este excelenta pentru o astfel de pedala. Are iesire pentru amplificator final de chitara si un emulator de difuzor care-ti permite sa-l folosesti direct printr-un mixer. Preamp-ul are inclusiv o bucla de efecte, foarte utila in cazul in care il folosesti fara amplificator final dedicat. Pedala este o unealta foarte versatila si utila, mai ales daca iti doresti sa iti transporti usor esenta tonului tau in husa chitarii, alaturi de efecte, independent de amplificatorul pe care il gasesti la sala de repetitii sau la cantare. Este o alternativa foarte buna la nenumaratele procesoare digitale existente in prezent, cu avantajul evident al unui sunet clasic de lampa. Pedala arata impecabil si e construita foarte robust, doar e facuta de niste rusi. Ea vine si cu un alimentator potrivit. Extras din specificatiile tehnice: – Tubes: 12AX7 x 2 (6Н2П-ЕВ x 2)– Input Impedance Rear Panel: 1MOhm– Input Sensitivity Rear Panel: -10dB– Output Impedance: 10kOhm– Power Voltage: 12vDC (-)center– Power Consumption: 600mA or .6A Un demo se poate asculta aici, dar sunt nenumarate altele pe net: Poti cumpara acum pedala noua de la Thomann cu 1650 lei, fara transport sau de la mine, aproape noua, cu 1100 lei. Recomand telefonul, in cazul in care te intereseaza. Ciprian 0722 340 721
    1 point
  2. La fel am simtit si eu cu sc customu meu, dupa ce am schimbat dozele si corzile si i-am facut un setup profi la guitar shop, inclusiv tipul de acolo a fost impresionat.
    1 point
  3. Nu-s ''fan'' , dar postez si eu aici doua, ce mi-au trecut prin mana pt setup and whatnot. As fi curios sa incerc si eu un model de gen https://www.thomann.de/ro/harley_benton_fusion_hsh_roasted_maple.htm Un LP style Classic, si un 8 string fanned fret:
    1 point
  4. * Did a setup on a Harley Benton 8 string fanned fret and also cleaned the neck/polished the fretwires. Had to work on some and sand them down. I took one out and reinserted it, as it had accumulation of wood beneath it, and it stuck out. The nut also needed some work, it was in a rough shape visually before, and I also made one slot a little higher using a technique that is very good, combining CA glue and dust from a composite nut (something I rarely do, and I usually change the nut and adjust accordingly, but for such a nut and such a small rise in the action, it was a quick fix, no need to change the entire nut, as this mixture is very tough and once polished it's slippery and shiny). Some before after pics posted below. Before: After: * A Polytune Mini came in for a problematic switch. I took out the switch, and gave it a very thorough clean. Works great now with no issues. * Ibanez WH10V2 Wah repairs and mods. An Ibanez WH10V2 came in, and unfortunately it had the specific stereo pot that comes with these pedals, broken. You can see the missing piece of track from the 50K side (it is a 50K +500K pot). Luckily I found this model in the US, and bought 2 (for the future, just to be safe). I also did some mods and removed some capacitors, slightly upped some resistors, so that it does not have that much tone suck anymore.It matches the IN and OUTs of the WH10V1 now. Quite a nice decent vocal pedal. The range of the pot however is quite difficult to get right as far as adjustments, but after you achieve that, it sounds perfect for the entire range. *Epiphone LP Custom pickup switch cleaned/resoldered You can see that before it was soldered badly and the ground was actually not soldered at all. Fixed. Before and after: ________________________________________________________________ *HGE Contraptions Stutter/Killswitch Pedal 122nd pedal built * General setup and cleaning on an Ibanez Artcore AG75 Hollow Body. Polished and made the frets smooth, also adjusted the nut height in the slots. The input jack was very loose and almost fell into the body, so fixed that as well (it was missing the nut also). Electro parts cleaned. Before and after pics below. Before: After: * A Harley Benton L-400 LP (lefty) came in for a setup and some maintenance. The owner wanted it tuned down low, so for the scale of 24.75" that this particular guitar has, I chose 13-62 for a general C tuning(works dropped to A# also, with a decent light feel to it when dropping the C so low). Had to adjust the nut slots for the thicker gauge(can be seen as a comparison with the old regulat strings haha). Also had to sand down some fretwire, also removing the typical grindy feeling to them, and giving them a shine again. Cleaned the electro parts as well. Before and after: ________________________________________________________________ * A Fender Classic Series 72 Telecaster Deluxe came in for a setup and some general maintenance. Swapped and adjusted the new nut to fit (the old one was too low, and worn out), had to reglue a part of the finish back on the heel as it wanted to peel off a bit, as it cracked. Did a fretwire polish although it is pretty worn, but still good for a few years. Cleaned the electro stuff and adjusted everything. Unfortunately I could not get a very low action like I usually strive for, but that is the actual condition of the fretwire now, and I worked with that I had: the action is now 1.2 mm at the 12th fret and 2.2mm at the last one on the high E, and 1.5mm at the 12th fret for the low E and also 2.2 mm at the last fret. Some actually do this as a regular setup, but I usually prefer lower. It should be re-fretted in the future. However the sound has a nice body to it due to the medium/high action. Some before and after: ____________________________________________________________________________
    1 point
  5. Privind cu 2 postari in urma, nu stiu de ce mama naibii am zis mai sus ca PRS-ul meu e quilted maple top, ca e doar flame... ma rog. De la prea mult entuziasm, sa-mi fie cu iertare . Ok, azi avem asa: una bucata cover la o "ruseasca", cu Ibanezul si cu PRS-ul in rolurile principale (fetele mele se canta singure, eu sunt acolo doar asa, de fun, prefacandu-ma ca dau in corzi ). Piesa originala nu are chitara clean pe ea, si nu e nimic nici dupa al doilea refren, insa mi-am permis eu sa ma mai joc oleaca pe-acolo cu doua-trei note, ca na... Enjoy (or not)! P.S.: saptamana viitoare apare episodul 2 din "SHIT HAPPENS", asa ca stay tuned!
    1 point
  6. Cea mai frumoasa melodie care io am asculta-to vreo data. M-i se pare ca na-m inteles din prima da dup-aia m-ia aparut in vis si ia-m dedus intelesul la toata muzica. Binom, policy of the dead, multi morti, the fire of the wall in PSD!!! Mult peste Banica jr sau Smiley care e pentru mine pilonii la toata muzica care este in Romania. Pis!
    1 point
  7. Chitara electrica realizata absolut Hand Made. Body: Selected Alder Maple neck 21 medium jumbo frets –hosco Double Action Truss rod Rosewood fretboard Radius 16’’ Scale: 648 mm Nut width: 42 mm 5-way switch CTS USA 1 volume and 2 tone controls CTS USA Nickel /chrome hardware Tuners machine Gotoh Bridge Hardtail Fender Ferrule Fender Ernie Ball Cobalt Super Slinky Set.009 - .042 3-ply pickguard Colour: Electric Blue Pickups: Tonerider -City Limits CITY LIMITS NECKModelTRS2NMagnetsAlnico 5 RodDCR6.0kInductance2.55HStaggerTR Modified VintageHookup WireVintage BraidWinding DirectionClockwiseCITY LIMITS MIDDLEModelTRS2MMagnetsAlnico 5 RodDCR6.1kInductance2.6HStaggerTR Modified VintageHookup WireVintage BraidWinding DirectionCounter-ClockwiseCITY LIMITS BRIDGEModelTRS2BMagnetsAlnico 5 (E-A-D) Alnico 2 (G-B-e)DCR8.9kInductance3.8HStaggerTR Modified VintageHookup WireVintage BraidWinding DirectionClockwise https://youtu.be/6I9alqE9aYY
    1 point
  8. Chitara este într-o stare foarte bună atât functional cât și estetic. Partea de electronică a fost refăcută în întregime după Charvel-ul lui Guthrie Govan cu ajutorul unui potențiometru push-pull care face coilsplit pe neck și bridge. Arcuri noi pe bridge, retastata pe 20.07.2018. Dau și un case.
    1 point
  9. Dupa ce te obisnuiesti, da. Ai mai mult control. Dar nu prea mai poti sa faci double bends and shit. On the other hand, nu prea mai poti sa folosesti corzi sub 11. Si cele de 9 mi se par spaghete Related, ca tot vb de HB ca brand, am un prieten care foloseste un cabinet HB 2x12 cu V30 si de care e foarte multumit. Solid, lemn, nu foarte greu, transport, scene, etc. Nici o problema. Si a fost mai ieftin decat unul "de firma" din carton presat.
    1 point
  10. Nu e ciudat ca un domn ca Dvs., un om care sare in apararea tuturor, in continuare se adreseaza in acest mod si judeca un om fara sa aiba o vaga idee despre cine este acel om. Si eu, un nesimtit, un nenica fara sentimente si care este interesat doar de propria lui persoana ma adresez in continuare cu Dvs. si incerc cu calm sa explic o oferta. Poveste Dvs legata de perceptie este din punctul meu de vedere gresita. Avem un vanzator ca are un anumit produs spre vanzare si avem un cumparator. Vanzatorul cere un pret cumparatorul ofera unul. Daca exista o cerere serioasa pentru produsul vandut pretul va fi mare iar cumparatorul pentru a nu scapa acel produs va platii pretul. Daca cerere pentru produsul respectiv nu exista pretul scade sau vanzatorul ramane cu produsul. In cazul nostru anuntul este din luna mai, iar daca acesta inca este valabil inseamna ca nu exista cerere pentru o astfel de chitara. Acest lucru a fost observat si de vanzator care a scazut in repetate randuri pretul. Nu am facut altceva decat sa ofer un pret apropiat de cel propus de vanzator. Nu cred ca cineva interesat de un produs se va ghida dupa o anumita oferta. Cred ca o persoana interesata stie clar care este pretul corect si se va ghida dupa acel pret nu dupa o oarecare oferta. Ar fi absurd sa credem ca daca cineva ofera 500 lei pentru o chitara al carei pret real este sa zicem 4000 lei, nimeni, in nicio situatie nu va mai oferi o suma apropiata de cea reala. De aceea cred ca sustinerea Dvs este gresita. Legat de persoana mea, nenica cel nesimtit, cred ca daca nu v-ati fi aruncat intr-o batalie absurda si poate ati fi abordat altfel situatia ati fi avut ocazia sa ma cunoasteti si sa realizati ca ofertele facute nu au fost facute doar in bataie de joc. In acest moment incerc doar sa cumpar o chitara mai ieftina si nu pentru a o revinde ulterior la un pret mai mare. Repet, daca nu ati fi inceput aceasta discutie in modul in care ati facut-o poate ati fi observat ca sunt un om pasioant de chitara, care are o mica colectie interesanta(chiar daca nu se lauda cu ea). Si acum ca o gluma, chiar daca sa admitem ca mi-am facut nevoile in scara unui bloc, sa nu uitam ca nu e scara Dvs. E distractiv ca vanzatorul nu s-a simtit ofensat, nu a reactionat in niciun fel dar Dvs, care in realitate nu aveti legatura cu anuntul, sunteti atat de afectat.
    0 points
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