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Guest gnrmarius

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Guest gnrmarius

Am o intrebare(nelamurire): ce fel de efect se foloseste pentru a se ridica tonurile la chitara(vezi diferiti artisti:Brian May-Bijou,Pink Floyd - Marooned...)ca eu oricat de sus as canta,tot nu pot sa ating notele alea,nici macar printr-un bend periculos!

E vreun procesor special?Care-i faza?


Cu procesorul meu(Zoom 606) nu se poate face asa ceva,sau cel putin nu stiu eu.


Astept cu nerabdare lamuriri de la voi!!!

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Guest Sheriff

Pai din cate stiu majoritatea efectelor de genul asta au control pentru volumul pe fiecare "parte" (nota de baza si cea modificata). Joaca-te p-acolo, vezi ce se intampla :)

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O sa incerc,sa vad ce iese...

Sunetul de la Pink Floyd Marooned este obtinut cu Whammy de la Digitech,absolut sigur,Gilmour declara asta in mai multe interviuri,si i l-am vazut pe scena cu ochii mei,ca stateam aproape :) si era foarte rosu

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Whammy-u e folosit de foarte multi artisti mari. De la tom morello (rage against the machine) , dimebag darell (pantera) pana la robert fripp sau steve vai.


In esenta whammy-ul este un "pitch shifter". Tot pe aceeasi idee mai exista si harmonizerele si octaverele. Diverse firme produc astfel de scule.

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While fads and fashions may come and go, the true classics will always be in demand. It’s been nearly a decade since DigiTech® introduced the mind bending effects of the Whammy™ pedal to the world, and that original design has been in demand ever since. The same smooth pitch bends, rich detuning, accurate dive bombs, and fast tracking harmony shifts, which were responsible for the instant success of the original Whammy pedal have been resurrected in the new incarnation of the DigiTech® Whammy™ Pedal. Painstaking efforts were made to recreate the exact sounds that made the DigiTech® Whammy™ such a popular and indispensable effect.


Every feature of the original WH-1 has been included in the new Whammy™. From the rotary preset selection knob, to the Ferrari red color; From the mechanical momentary switch, to the exact same interval selections. However, the new Whammy™ has added the versatility of MIDI control making this timeless effect flexible enough for any situation. The new "Dive Bomb" Preset gives the effect of a whammy bar pushed all the way to the body of the guitar, and 16 LEDs provide a visual indication of your Preset selection even on dimly lit stages.

uhmm....dar care era originalul??

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