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Ai Probleme Cu Auzul? -test

Guest Al3x

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Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 22 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.

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Guest Angus Malmsteen

roccoguitar daca ai nimerit doar unu fara sa dai drumu la boxe lasa-te de ghicit... 1 din 26 sa fim seriosi macar 2 puteai si tu

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Mergand alternativ (da-nu, in aceasta ordine) rezulta:


You correctly identified 10 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. This score suggests you may have trouble distinguishing pitch.


Mergand la nimereala nimereala rezulta:


You correctly identified 12 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. This score suggests you may have trouble distinguishing pitch.


Mergand pe intuitie:


You correctly identified 17 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. This score suggests you may have trouble distinguishing pitch.


So, intuitia bate nimereala... (dar nu ma plaseaza dincolo de "ai probleme")

(toate au fost facute fara sunet si fara "gandire" :) )

(ultima cu intuitie rapida :) ) Sa stiti ca nu-i de ras, asta inseamna ca testul are ceva validitate interna

Edited by GB
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Guest W:W:JigSaw

Uite la primul test shi deshi am 15 ani...:))



You correctly identified 23 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.





Yeeeeee shtiam eu k am ureche muzikala !!:)

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Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.






Mare greutate , dar probabil ca unii au din nastere aceasta klitate. :) Am glumit ce dracu, oricum fff interesant testul

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Una peste alta, vad ca testul asta devine "sport national" pe forum :)

Nu sunt in masura a a-mi da profesionist cu parerea, dar nu cred ca rezultate mari sau mici la acesta au de-a face direct proportional cu atributele definite intreg drept "ureche muzicala". Ca dc scoti scor scazut te trimite la medic, nu la profu de muzica :) .

O fi el valid in categoria lui si interesant dar...

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Guest Insane

You correctly identified 22 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Cred ca se putea shi mai bine... :)

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Guest fluffyone

hihi, aia era :) Da, era singura plauzibila din top5. Oricum ciudat faptul ca nu s-a sesizat nimeni cu critici..

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Guest claxonn

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.

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Guest dadius



26 din 26. Am facut testul la 1 noaptea cand am ajuns acasa de la munca. Se pare ca inca ma mai tine "telefonul". Sa fiu sanatos.

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Guest beseech

Hearing Test Results


You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.



aaa..uau.. :))..prima oara..cant si de putin timp..oricum nu stiu notele..da am ureche..interesant :)

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You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.

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chiar imi doream sa fac si eu testul.Dar nu mi se aude nimic cand dau play :) nu stiu ce imi lipseste.Am si quick time, am si Media Player (doar am windows, nu?) sfatuiti-ma ce pot sa fac.Apropo...am dat la toate raspunsurile NO...asa..de suparare, si am dat submit.Am "ghicit" 17 din 26.Haios, nu? :)

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Guest Iu-Li-A

Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


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Guest Iu-Li-A

si a doua oara ...


Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.


... need me ? :):)



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Guest Iu-Li-A

Hearing Test Results

You correctly identified 25 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.

Cam asa m-am descurcat eu.. nu e cine stie ce testul dar e un pas spre perfectionarea urechii tale...INteresant ar fi un test care sa te puna sa recunosti notele din prima...adik intr-un anumit intervaklde timp fara aputea sa-ti iei repede chitara sau orice alt instrument s-o gasesti mai usor


ai un anumit interval de timp in care trebuie sa recunosti nota ...


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Guest danny_boy_weeeee

HomeHearing Test Results


Home › Test Your Sense of Pitch

Hearing Test Results


You correctly identified 24 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.





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Guest kois

merci de idee cu Quick time 7.1 ! Mi-a mers si mie...si evident, am facut testul cu brio. E un test ptr copii retarzi, cel putin asa imi pare mie...NU AI CUM sa nu iti dai seama ce e gresit... Ca sa il faca mai dificil, ar trebui sa fie mai putin sesizabili cu greselile intentionate pe care le baga acolo... sunt chiar fragrante, nu de alta :)




You correctly identified 26 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


Thank you for taking the Distorted Tunes Test. More information about the the NIDCD's research into tone deafness is available from Dr. Dennis T. Drayna's web page.



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Guest Blackout

You correctly identified 24 tunes (out of 26) on the Distorted Tunes Test. Congratulations! You have a fine sense of pitch.


hmmm...o fi scorul asa slab c-am venit de la piscina? sau dimpotriva? :)

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