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Doctor X

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Everything posted by Doctor X

  1. Breaking Zalãu!
  2. Raspuns: nu! Bad luck...
  3. Daca ar fi avut mi-as fi luat si eu. Si ti-as fi spus si tie.
  4. Da. Dunlop Tortex Sharp, in Bucuresti la Muzica. http://www.jimdunlop.com/index.php?page=pr...=products/picks
  5. "G12" este denumirea generica a difuzoarelor de 12" din seriile actuale Heritage si Classic. http://professional.celestion.com/guitar/ Ar fi misto sa fie G12 EVH. Later: De FX lupu' ala pe care-l vreau eu nu se mai aude nimic? Latest: Valveking upgradat cu Celestion si lampi Tesla la 1100 ron suna chiar ieftin.
  6. http://forums.rgc.ro/index.php?showforum=34
  7. ... sau o manusa fara un deget. Bafta, Cyfer!
  8. Doctor X

    Eu Si Thomann

  9. Mda... Mai au mult de lucru baietii. In afara de tobar.
  10. Nou la Grosmann - seria Star - copie ESP KH-2, dar pe alb - copie ESP JH-200 (600) - copie LTD MH - copie Ibanez SZ520 Spor la copiat!
  11. Asteptam cu sufletul la gura o inregistrare. In rest, doar o parere: incurajarile de complezenta nu au intotdeauna efectul scontat.
  12. "A variety of different tunings are used. The most common by far, known as "Standard Tuning" (EAdgbe'), is as follows (Helmholtz pitch notation): sixth (lowest tone) string: low E (a minor thirteenth below middle C—82.4 Hz) fifth string: A (a minor tenth below middle C—110 Hz) fourth string: d (a minor seventh below middle C—146.8 Hz) third string: g (a perfect fourth below middle C—196.0 Hz) second string: b (a minor second below middle C—246.92 Hz) first (highest tone) string: e' (a major third above middle C—329.6 Hz)" http://www.expertvillage.com/interviews/twelve-string-guitar.htm http://www.guitarlessonworld.com/lessons/lesson2.htm http://www.folkofthewood.com/page4790.htm
  13. Totusi, ca sa-ti raspund la intrebare: *RRP = manufacturer's / distributor's recommended retail price in Germany Daca esti un pic atent si citesti toata pagina vei gasi singur raspunsurile.
  14. Nu era decat o curiozitate. Daca vroiam sa spun altceva, foloseam un emoticon. De exemplu: . Tot -ul pentru Vox. N-are rost daca il preiei cu un microfon nasol, daca folosesti cabluri naspa si preamp varza. Acasa, chiar daca ai termopane, poti avea surprize fonice si din interior. A se citi "nevasta", "vecini care bat in teava", etc.
  15. Merci, igorr. @Raynnbow: eu unul nu l-as recomanda nici pentru incepatori, dar... lipsa finantelor te impinge cateodata la compromisuri.
  16. Cat timp? Deja a plecat o comanda spre mine azi la pranz. Apropo de UPS: am intrebat prin telefon cam cat ar costa shipping-ul prin UPS la comanda respectiva (in valoare de vreo 150 de euro), ca sa evit implicarea postei romane. Raspuns: de la 105 euro in sus. Asa ca a ramas DHL Premium.
  17. ^^^ Later: @mega.deb: da' ce minunatie de amp ai de vrei sa-l preiei cu microfon? Gandeste-te ca o sa prinzi si altceva in afara de amp, daca nu ai conditii optime... Latest: http://www.randallamplifiers.com/products/...tion/index.asp#
  18. Iti trebuie preamp de mic.
  19. http://www.guitarshop.ro/produs.php?pid=348 http://www.guitarshop.ro/cum-cumpar.php Daca au pe stoc... http://www.mcmusic.ro/product_view.php?Bra...dProductID=1115 http://www.mcmusic.ro/product_view.php?Bra...dProductID=1289 MC au magazin in Timisoara. http://www.mcmusic.ro/contact.php
  20. @deadlock: cu banii pe care-i dai pe un atenuator mai bine iti iei un amp de 5W, tot all-tube.
  21. Mr. Raynnbow a intrebat in postul initial daca, in cazul in care vrea sa cumpere un guitar pack sub 100 de euro, garantia acopera si corzile. De-aici a si inceput distractia. Dupa care, vazand ca iese urat, si-a editat postul. In rest, guitarhead cred ca l-a lamurit.
  22. Raynnbow, daca pana acum nu stii o boaba de engleza, e timpul sa te-apuci. Fara gluma. http://www.thomann.de/gb/helpdesk_warranty.html " Perishable items such as strings, drumsticks, batteries (also rechargeable ones), tubes, bulbs and crossfaders are of course not returnable (go figure :-) ). Signs of wear are only covered, if they occurred despite appropriate care or because of demonstrably bad workmanship. In other words: even an expensive trumpet looks pretty bad after a while if you don't wipe off sweat and spit. We're very obliging, but neither we nor the manufacturer can be held responsible for inappropriate care :-) From now on, the respective instruments are delivered with basic care tips. For perishable items as well as products whose manufacturer offers a warranty period longer than 3 years, the manufacturer's warranty is valid, of course."
  23. He he, io n-am floyd, da' am neck-thru. Apropo de nato, cica nu-i asa de rau: Nato wood, also known as Eastern Mahogany, is a reliable, strong wood used on guitar necks. It is a value-priced wood used more for beginner instruments. However, it still embodies all of the properties of more commonly used mahogany. Iar dintre chitarele BCRich, ca sa fiu si ontopic, m-as combina la un Mockingbird NJ Classic sau la un Assasin. Later: Mah, nici Warbeastu' asta nu-i rau pentru 600 de iepuroi...
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